
Which fruits are easy to grow spots on the face after eating and how to avoid them?

author:Little Hao Yay

Fruit is an integral part of our lives, and eating fruit is not only delicious but also has many nutrients. However, many people do not know that some fruits will try to grow spots on the face if they eat too much, today we will share which fruits can cause this and how to avoid it.

First, which fruits are prone to spots

1. Mango

Which fruits are easy to grow spots on the face after eating and how to avoid them?

Mango is a nutritious fruit that contains a lot of nutrients such as vitamins A, C, E, etc. But if we eat excessive amounts of mango, it releases a substance called mango peel compounds, which easily irritates the skin and causes spots to appear.

2. Kiwi

Which fruits are easy to grow spots on the face after eating and how to avoid them?

Kiwi fruit is a fruit with a very high content of vitamin C, eating it helps to strengthen immunity and protect the body's health. However, kiwi is also a fruit that makes the face spotted. Because kiwis contain tannic acid, if you eat too much, it will produce antioxidants, resulting in increased spots on the face.

3. Kiwifruit

Which fruits are easy to grow spots on the face after eating and how to avoid them?

Kiwifruit is a popular fruit rich in vitamin C, minerals, etc., which can help lose weight and maintain good health. However, kiwifruit is relatively warm and rich in fructose, if you eat too much, it will lead to an increase in blood sugar and increase the formation of spots.

4. Peaches

Which fruits are easy to grow spots on the face after eating and how to avoid them?

Peaches are a fruit with a lot of water, which is sweeter, delicious, and rich in vitamin C, which can improve human immunity. However, peaches also produce spots, mainly because peaches contain a phenolic compound that interacts with ultraviolet rays to cause melanin deposits in the skin.

5. Strawberries

Which fruits are easy to grow spots on the face after eating and how to avoid them?

Strawberries are a nutritious, delicious and affordable fruit. However, strawberries are also a food that tends to make the skin blemishes because it contains an enzyme that accelerates the formation of skin spots.

Second, how to avoid fruit causing spots

1. Choice of fruit

When buying fruit, pay attention to choosing fresh, clean and complete fruits, and eliminate filtered fruits to avoid spots.

2. Appropriate consumption

When eating fruit, it is necessary to master the moderate amount of consumption and do not overdo it. For fruits that are prone to spots, eating them once or twice a day is fine.

3. Timely processing

If the fruits are not eaten immediately after they are ripe, process them in due course. Do not let the fruit leave it at room temperature for too long, it is easy to deteriorate, which may not only cause spots, but also may be bad for the body.

4. Complete storage

When storing fruit, pay attention to maintaining the integrity of the fruit. Do not place the fruit in the sun or in a damp place to avoid spots.

In short, when eating fruits, we should pay attention to nutritional matching, moderate intake, and also pay attention to the use of scientific methods for storage and processing. Only in this way can we enjoy the rich nutrition that fruits bring us, and at the same time we can avoid the problem of skin spots.