
A brief discussion on the origin of foreign words during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties periods, and their influence on the development of Chinese

author:Literature and history, ancient and modern

#历史开讲 #

The Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties period was an important period of cultural transformation in Chinese history, and the penetration of foreign cultures and languages reached its peak during this period. This paper mainly discusses the origin, influence and influence of loanwords during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, and their impact on the development of Chinese language.

The Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties period was an important period of cultural transformation in Chinese history, during which many cultural celebrities, thinkers and writers emerged, forming their own unique cultural characteristics.

A brief discussion on the origin of foreign words during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties periods, and their influence on the development of Chinese

At the same time, the penetration of foreign culture and language also reached a peak during this period, which had a profound impact on China's language and culture.

The Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties period was an important period of cultural transformation in Chinese history, during which many cultural celebrities, thinkers and writers emerged, forming their own unique cultural characteristics. At the same time, the development of Chinese vocabulary has also reached a peak.

A brief discussion on the origin of foreign words during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties periods, and their influence on the development of Chinese

First, the characteristics of the vocabulary of the Wei and Jin dynasties and the Northern and Southern Dynasties

Mysticism: The Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties periods were the peak of mystical cultures such as Buddhism and Taoism in Chinese history, and the influence of this mystic culture was also reflected in Chinese vocabulary. For example, words such as "Zen" and "meditation" appeared during this period.

Deep thinking: Most of the cultural celebrities of the Wei and Jin dynasties and the Northern and Southern Dynasties thought deeply about life, society, and other issues, and this way of thinking was also reflected in the vocabulary. For example, words such as "consciousness" and "truth" became widely used during this period.

A brief discussion on the origin of foreign words during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties periods, and their influence on the development of Chinese

Guwen Movement: The Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties periods were an important stage in Chinese history, and the influence of this movement was also reflected in Chinese vocabulary. For example, words such as "quasi-antiquity" and "archaic" appeared during this period.

Corpus analysis: Corpus is one of the important tools for vocabulary research. Through the collection, collation and analysis of a large number of documents, we can understand the use of vocabulary during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties.

A brief discussion on the origin of foreign words during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties periods, and their influence on the development of Chinese

For example, the translation and dissemination of a large number of Buddhist scriptures provides an important resource for the development of Chinese vocabulary.

Original text research: Original text research is another important method of lexical research. Through the study of the works and historical documents of cultural celebrities of the time, you can learn about the use of words at that time, the meaning of words and the scope of use.

A brief discussion on the origin of foreign words during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties periods, and their influence on the development of Chinese

Comparative research: Comparative research is an important lexical research method. By comparing the use of vocabulary in different periods and regions, we can understand the characteristics and evolution of vocabulary use at that time.

Second, the study of loanwords during the Wei and Jin dynasties

A brief discussion on the origin of foreign words during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties periods, and their influence on the development of Chinese

The Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties period was an important period of cultural transformation in Chinese history, not only reaching a peak in the development of Chinese vocabulary, but also being influenced by foreign words.

Indian culture: Buddhism was introduced to China during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, and a large number of Buddhist scriptures were translated and disseminated, so that a large number of words in Indian culture entered Chinese, such as "Bodhi", "Zen" and so on.

A brief discussion on the origin of foreign words during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties periods, and their influence on the development of Chinese

Xiongnu culture: The Xiongnu frequently invaded northern China during this period, which led to an increase in cultural exchanges between the Han and Xiongnu ethnic groups, and some words in Xiongnu culture also entered Chinese, such as "Turkic" and "Tatar".

Iranian culture: With the spread of Western Regions culture and the smooth flow of trade routes, some words in Iranian culture have also entered Chinese, such as "Hufu Riding Shooting", "Persia" and so on.

Central Asian culture: The exchange between Central Asian culture and China has gradually increased, and some words in Central Asian culture have also entered Chinese, such as "Turkic" and "Rouran".

A brief discussion on the origin of foreign words during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties periods, and their influence on the development of Chinese

Diversity of meanings: Most of the loanwords in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties periods come from different cultural backgrounds and have rich cultural connotations, so their meanings are also very diverse. For example, "Bodhi" can refer both to enlightenment in Buddhism and to a certain variety of tea.

Phonological similarity: Many foreign words, when entering Chinese, tend to change according to the phonological characteristics of Chinese. Although this change makes these words more in line with the phonetic laws of Chinese, it also leads to the phonological similarity of some words. For example, "Tatar" is very similar to the pronunciation of "dignitary" in Chinese.

A brief discussion on the origin of foreign words during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties periods, and their influence on the development of Chinese

Third, the source and selection of corpus

Historical documents: Historical documents are an important source for the study of language in historical periods, including historical books, notes, poems and other documents. During the Wei and Jin dynasties, many important historical documents were created, such as the Records of the Three Kingdoms, the Book of Jin, and the Southern History, and the language materials in these documents were very valuable for studying the vocabulary and grammatical structure of Chinese at that time.

A brief discussion on the origin of foreign words during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties periods, and their influence on the development of Chinese

Ancient classics: Ancient classics refer to classic works in traditional culture, such as the Zhou Yi and the Analects. During the Wei and Jin dynasties, these classic works had a profound impact on culture and language, and the language materials in them were also an important source for studying the evolution of Chinese language.

Medical Literature: The Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties period was an important period in the history of Chinese medicine, and many medical literature was created. These medical texts contain a large number of medical terms and biological terms, which are very helpful for studying the professional language of Chinese at that time.

A brief discussion on the origin of foreign words during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties periods, and their influence on the development of Chinese

For the corpus selection of the Wei and Jin dynasties, the purpose and problems of the study need to be combined, which is a common corpus selection method:

Random selection: Random selection of corpus can ensure representativeness and objectivity of the corpus, but it may not be effective enough when studying some specific problems.

Topic selection: Topic selection is to select representative corpus for analysis for specific research questions. For example, when studying loanwords during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, you can select corpus related to Indian culture, Xiongnu culture, etc. for analysis.

A brief discussion on the origin of foreign words during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties periods, and their influence on the development of Chinese

Sample selection: Sample selection is to select a certain proportion of samples from the population for research, which can save research time and cost, but need to ensure the representativeness and validity of samples.

Scoped selection: When studying a language, you can select a specific type or period of corpus for analysis. For example, when studying Chinese vocabulary during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, the scope can be limited to ancient books, medical documents, etc. of that time.

4. Use of the term "loanword"

"Loanwords" is an important term in linguistics used to describe words in one language that are imported from other languages. Here's a closer look at the loanword terminology.

A brief discussion on the origin of foreign words during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties periods, and their influence on the development of Chinese

Definition of a foreign word

A loanword is a word borrowed from another language in one language that differs from the original language in terms of phonetics, morphology, meaning, etc. Loanwords are usually introduced for reasons such as cultural exchanges, scientific and technological progress, and economic exchanges, and are an important part of the development of a language.

Classification of foreign words

Etymology: Loanwords can be classified by the language of origin, such as Latin, Greek, English, etc.

Classification by parts of speech: Foreign words can be classified according to parts of speech, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.

A brief discussion on the origin of foreign words during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties periods, and their influence on the development of Chinese

Classification by phonetic form: Foreign words can be classified according to phonetic morphology, such as direct borrowing, transliteration, paraphrasing, etc.

The role of foreign words

Rich vocabulary: The introduction of foreign words can enrich the vocabulary of a language and provide people with more accurate and richer expressions.

Reflect cultural exchange: The introduction of loanwords reflects the communication and influence between different languages and cultures.

A brief discussion on the origin of foreign words during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties periods, and their influence on the development of Chinese

Promote language development: The introduction of foreign words can promote the development of a language and promote the evolution and change of language.

Facilitate cross-cultural communication: The introduction of loanwords can facilitate communication and communication between different languages and cultures, and promote international exchange.

A study of loanwords during the Wei and Jin dynasties

During the Wei and Jin dynasties, a large number of foreign words in Chinese were introduced due to political and cultural pluralism. These loanwords are usually derived from the languages and cultures of the Xiongnu, India, Persia, etc.

A brief discussion on the origin of foreign words during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties periods, and their influence on the development of Chinese

The study of loanwords during the Wei and Jin dynasties can understand the exchanges and influences between Chinese culture and surrounding cultures at that time, and can also provide important historical corpus for studying the linguistic evolution of Chinese.

5. The attribution of paraphrased words

Paraphrased words refer to the corresponding words used by the translator in order to better convey the meaning of the original text during the translation process, and these words are different from the original text in form and meaning. Due to the special nature of paraphrased words, the issue of their attribution has always been a concern of linguistics and translation circles.

A brief discussion on the origin of foreign words during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties periods, and their influence on the development of Chinese

Classification of paraphrases

Transliteration: Directly translates the sound of the source language, such as "coffee".

Word translation: Translate words directly into the source language, such as "automobile".

Paraphrasing: Translations based on the meaning of the source language, such as "deadline".

Word making: Creating new words based on the meaning of the source language, such as "smartphone".

A brief discussion on the origin of foreign words during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties periods, and their influence on the development of Chinese

The question of attribution of paraphrased words

Since the form and meaning of paraphrased words are different from the original text, the question of their attribution has been the focus of controversy in linguistic and translation circles. In general, the attribution of paraphrased words can be considered from the following aspects:

Formal attribution: The form of paraphrased words belongs to the target language because they are translated according to the phonetics, morphology, etc. characteristics of the target language.

Meaning attribution: The meaning of paraphrases belongs to the source language because they are translated based on the meaning of the source language.

Double attribution: Paraphrased words have the characteristics of both formal attribution to the target language and meaning attribution to the source language, so they can be considered to have a double attribution attribute.

A brief discussion on the origin of foreign words during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties periods, and their influence on the development of Chinese

Application of paraphrases

In the actual translation process, the application of paraphrases has a certain degree of flexibility. In general, for certain cultural and professional fields, the use of paraphrases can better convey the meaning of the original text.

However, in the general translation process, excessive use of paraphrases may affect the quality of the translation, making it difficult for the translated text to be understood and accepted by the reader. When using paraphrases, it is necessary to grasp and handle them reasonably according to the specific situation. at

A brief discussion on the origin of foreign words during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties periods, and their influence on the development of Chinese

6. The basic appearance of foreign words during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties

During the Wei and Jin dynasties, Chinese society experienced a series of political upheavals, wars and cultural integration, all of which had a profound impact on the formation and evolution of loanwords. In general, the loanwords of the Wei and Jin dynasties show the following basic aspects:

Multiple sources: The sources of foreign words during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties periods were very extensive, mainly including the vocabulary brought by northern nomads such as Xiongnu, Xianbei, Karma, and Turkic, as well as Buddhist, Taoist and medical terms brought by India, Central Asia and other places, and even some trade terms and diplomatic terms in the Western Regions, Rome and other places.

A brief discussion on the origin of foreign words during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties periods, and their influence on the development of Chinese

Diverse meanings: Due to the diversity of sources and the integration of cultures, the meanings of foreign words in the Wei and Jin dynasties were also very rich and diverse. Some foreign words are quoted directly, with the same meaning as the original words, such as "Han", "melon", "Fan", etc.

Some foreign words were translated into Chinese, forming new meanings, such as "tianzhu", "precepts", "zending", etc.; Other loanwords influence Chinese and loanwords to form new meanings, such as "ni", "hu", "xi" and so on.

A brief discussion on the origin of foreign words during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties periods, and their influence on the development of Chinese

Wide range of use: Loanwords from the Wei and Jin dynasties were widely used not only in the fields of culture, religion, medicine, etc., but also in politics, military, trade, etc. The wide range of use of loanwords facilitated social and cultural exchanges at that time.

Regional characteristics are obvious: Due to the diversity of foreign words, each loanword also has different regional characteristics. For example, the foreign words brought by the northern nomads are mostly related to horses, riding and shooting, etc., and the foreign words brought by India are mostly related to Buddhism, Ashoka, etc. These characteristics reflect the regional characteristics and cultural background of the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties.

The rich and diverse foreign words of the Wei and Jin dynasties reflected the pluralism and openness of the society and culture at that time, and also laid an important foundation for the later development of Chinese vocabulary.

A brief discussion on the origin of foreign words during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties periods, and their influence on the development of Chinese

7. The author believes

During the Wei and Jin dynasties, with political upheaval and cultural integration, the use of loanwords was widely used in Chinese. These foreign words have diverse origins, rich and diverse meanings, a wide range of use, and obvious regional characteristics.

In the study of foreign words, it is necessary to pay attention to the attribution of paraphrased words, and at the same time, it is necessary to select appropriate corpus sources for research to gain an in-depth understanding of the social, cultural and linguistic development at that time.

The study of loanwords during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties periods is of great value and significance for understanding the cultural and linguistic phenomena of the time, as well as the evolution and development of Chinese vocabulary later.

A brief discussion on the origin of foreign words during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties periods, and their influence on the development of Chinese


[1] Li Shutong, Chinese Loanword Research, Commercial Press, 2002

[2] Yang Liren, A Study of Loanwords in the Wei-Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties, Wenhui Publishing House, 2013

[3] Zhu Ziqing, A Study of Chinese Loanwords, Commercial Press, 2006

[4] Ma Liang, New Exploration of Foreign Word Research, Zhonghua Bookstore, 2008

[5] Wang Li, Ancient Chinese Culture and Foreign Words, Commercial Press, 2008

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