
The end of the traffic is AIGC? Let's draw "IP digitalization" to reshape the future of the brand

author:to draw

The advent of the digital era is driving brands to upgrade to digital. In the face of more diversified media platforms, more decentralized traffic, and younger 90 and 00 new consumer groups, IP marketing with its own traffic has become an important means to leverage brand growth.

IP refers to the ability to attract itself, break free from the shackles of a single platform, and distribute content that gets traffic on multiple platforms. It can be a character, a symbol, or even a novel or a show.

By creating a highly recognizable IP + continuous content output, the brand creates a brand image with personality and value connotation, attracts consumers to interact and establishes a deep emotional connection, so as to gain brand trust and accurate traffic.

In recent years, with the maturity of AI, blockchain, cloud computing and other technologies, the combination of IP marketing and digital technology has given birth to many new digital IP games that subvert the imagination.

The end of the traffic is AIGC? Let's draw "IP digitalization" to reshape the future of the brand

Like the digital people who have recently become popular on the whole network, they are not only high-looking and talented, but also can be transformed into virtual spokespersons, virtual anchors, virtual customer services... It has become a walking traffic artifact and set off a boom in all walks of life, which also allows brands to see a new way out for IP marketing.

01 Every brand needs a digital IP

Why is digital IP a favorite of brands? In addition to the pressure from the downward cycle and competition in the stock market, the uncertain environment has led to more rational consumer decision-making, and "branding" is becoming a consensus among the industry.

The blessing of digitalization also makes brand building no longer the patent of large companies and large budgets. Brand elements in the digital era have changed from traditional products, images, and marketing to IP, high recognition, and scenes, emphasizing the effective interaction between brands and users, and using brand personalization and content to build a fan economy.

The end of the traffic is AIGC? Let's draw "IP digitalization" to reshape the future of the brand

The intangible assets generated by this IP gameplay are what every brand needs. Whoever can take the lead in investing in brands and cultivating users' minds will be able to reap more stable "inevitable" growth in the future.

  • Brands are easier to remember

By creating a digital IP with good looks and personalities, brands can have a younger and more differentiated brand image, which can not only quickly attract consumers, but also strengthen users' memories and associations, and gain more traffic and loyal users.

The end of the traffic is AIGC? Let's draw "IP digitalization" to reshape the future of the brand
  • Lower operating costs and risks

Using digital IP instead of real people, the production cost is greatly reduced, and it can serve users in an all-round way 24/7; There will be no risk of collapse and negative news, which is more controllable for brands, has absolute loyalty, and is a permanent digital asset in brand precipitation.

As Wu Xiaobo, a famous financial tycoon, mentioned in last year's year-end show, in 2023, every company may need a digital person; With the deepening of the digital economy, every brand may need a digital IP in the future.

02 AIGC productivity, truly activating digital IP

In addition to irreplaceable future potential, the market economic value of digital IP is also expected, and the market size of China's IP licensing will reach 168.6 billion yuan in 2024, but there are still many difficulties in the creation of digital IP.

  • Follow the trend seriously

Most digital IPs do not think about character and image design from the perspective of long-term operation, resulting in problems in subsequent operations.

  • Single usage scenario

At present, digital IP can only be used as a mascot, and cannot participate in more scenarios, and IP operations are difficult to promote.

  • Insufficient IP operation capabilities

The promotional content of many digital IPs is particularly rough, which cannot bring enough appeal to the brand, and the value of IP cannot be stimulated.

The reason is still limited by productivity, the speed of converting IP ideas into content is not up, the cost is high, the efficiency is low, and the brand operation is difficult. However, the arrival of the AIGC wave will change this status quo.

AIGC (AI-Generated Content) or generative AI, because of its amazing performance in speed, creativity, communication and other content creation, is recognized as a new generation of content creation after PGC and UGC. From the digital human who was the first to brush the screen, to the popular AI painting, to the shocking ChatGPT, AIGC's powerful content generation capabilities continue to refresh people's cognition.

The recent ChatGPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) has made the world crazy. It can write stories, plans, poems, and even code; His amazing understanding and generative ability can give professional answers in most areas of knowledge; And support continuous dialogue, with memory ability, greatly improve the user interaction experience.

The end of the traffic is AIGC? Let's draw "IP digitalization" to reshape the future of the brand

Write code in ChatGPT

And with the iterative upgrade of ChatGPT's version, the recently launched GPT4 has achieved a leap forward: the ability to read images is more powerful; The text input limit has been increased to 25,000 words, the accuracy of answers has been significantly improved, and lyrics, creative text, and style changes can be generated.

It is conceivable that its more powerful general-purpose capabilities will bring more breakthroughs in the application prospects: conversational digital humans, robots; Conversational AI tools based on GPT models; Content creation assistant serving different industries and scenarios; The combination of ChatGPT and other AI tools...

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Sequoia Capital said generative AI tools like ChatGPT will work billions of people and are expected to generate trillions of dollars in economic value in the future. Now it has penetrated into text, code, images, video, 3D and other fields, which will bring us a new revolution and reshape the way we produce content.

With the help of AIGC, digital IP will become more intelligent and humane; Digital IP content such as video production, poster design and other content production combined with AI will also be simpler; When brands operate digital IP, their publicity efficiency and business monetization speed are greatly improved.

03 Draw IP digitization system, one-stop AIGC solution

As the layout of the new infrastructure and digital creative industry of the metaverse, Laihua has been deeply engaged in the field of AI content creation for 8 years, and has built a perfect AIGC ecological layout, which will deeply empower the digitalization of brand IP and play new value.

  • One-stop AI-generated content

The first popular version of animation and digital human intelligent generation platform, which integrates a variety of AIGC capabilities to achieve one-stop AI generation of digital IP, animation video, picture materials and other content, continuously reducing the threshold and cost of content creation, and innovating productivity.

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Users can generate digital IP by uploading a photo on the LaiDraw platform; Combined with the platform's massive broadcast, animation, and design templates, one-click generation of promotional content; Through AI voice, AI painting, AI subtitles and other capabilities, you can quickly create broadcast and animated videos; Using AI cutout, AI painting and other functions to solve the problem of picture materials; In this way, the entire creative process is opened, and all materials can be moved freely within the platform.

At present, the digital IP that has been put on the shelves is mainly digital people, including 2D hyper-realism, 2D animation style, 3D American Q, 3D Chinese Q, 3D trendy brand Q, 3D realistic style and other 6 mainstream styles, becoming the most complete digital human creation platform.

The end of the traffic is AIGC? Let's draw "IP digitalization" to reshape the future of the brand

In the future, more IP types will be added, such as animals, cartoon characters, etc., and users can choose to create by themselves or draw customized, so as to meet the diversification of needs, so that different IPs can be activated in Laijiao.

In addition, the recently launched AIGC new product "AI Painting" can create high-quality paintings in 1 minute by simply entering some text, reducing the difficulty of creating image materials and solving the problem of difficult materials when users create videos.

  • The whole process is open and the IP is activated with one click

The IP digital system from creativity, design, activation, and monetization to the whole process can quickly empower the digital IP creation capabilities of the whole industry, including normalized publicity, diversified content creation, and continuously reduce IP activation and operating costs, whether it is new IP, old IP, founder IP, product IP... Can be activated in Lai Painting and become a new way of brand promotion.

● Digital IP+ animation

The digital IP can be called with one click in the animation editor, relying on tens of millions of copyright material libraries, quickly produce various animated videos, which are widely used in various scenarios such as education and training, media publicity, policy interpretation, company introduction, weather broadcast, self-media series content creation and so on.

The end of the traffic is AIGC? Let's draw "IP digitalization" to reshape the future of the brand

● Digital IP+ broadcasting

Text-driven, AI dubbing generation, a digital IP broadcast video can be generated in a few minutes, replacing real person explanation, greatly improving the efficiency of content production and creation, and easily reducing costs and increasing efficiency. It can be widely used in diversified application scenarios such as news broadcasting, policy publicity, product introduction, public welfare science popularization, and online micro-courses.

The end of the traffic is AIGC? Let's draw "IP digitalization" to reshape the future of the brand

● Digital IP + graphic design

Relying on the design editor, digital IP can be integrated into various graphic designs, such as business cards, creative posters, marketing long pictures, public account header pictures, event invitations, etc.

The end of the traffic is AIGC? Let's draw "IP digitalization" to reshape the future of the brand

● Digital IP+ emoji

On the Laihua platform, digital IP can also generate cool memes, avatars, etc., through these social resources, interesting interaction with users and establish a deeper connection.

The end of the traffic is AIGC? Let's draw "IP digitalization" to reshape the future of the brand

● Digital IP+ live broadcast

Live streaming is an incremental field, brand self-broadcasting has become the mainstream, and more and more brands are building their own live broadcast rooms.

Laihua will support digital IP to transform into virtual anchors, creating a 7*24-hour "sun never sets" live broadcast room, which can not only help brands solve problems such as high cost of live broadcast team and large turnover of personnel, but also allow audiences to experience different forms of experience such as explaining goods and barrage interaction through AI technology access, bringing excellent live broadcast effects to brands.

The end of the traffic is AIGC? Let's draw "IP digitalization" to reshape the future of the brand

● Digital IP+ intelligent assistant

Based on the digital IP created by Laijiao, combined with technical capabilities such as STA, TTS, NLP, etc., it can help customers quickly create a more warm and humanized digital IP intelligent assistant, which can be transformed into a financial customer service, in-vehicle assistant, smart tour guide, virtual teacher...

The end of the traffic is AIGC? Let's draw "IP digitalization" to reshape the future of the brand

It can interact in real time, answer questions at any time, and provide 24-hour online services, which are suitable for government affairs, finance, education, scenic spots, medical and other scenarios to open up a smart life experience.

In order to promote the upgrading and iteration of the IP industry, Laihua also launched the first digital human mall, which realizes one-stop creation services for online production, purchase transactions, copyright protection, and sharing and drainage.

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It has successively built the first digital IP creation system in different fields for Rizhao City, Yongding Tulou, China Post, etc., originally designed digital IP with unique connotation, and combined with the six capabilities of Laihua, the digital IP runs through the whole process of brand promotion, activates the IP value, and strengthens the deep connection between the brand and users.

The end of the traffic is AIGC? Let's draw "IP digitalization" to reshape the future of the brand

In addition, Laihua will also build an "IP zone", invite well-known IPs to settle in and carry out in-depth cooperation, attract more traffic on the basis of enriching users' IP creation experience, better activate the value of traditional IP, and bring more commercial monetization.

With the continuous upgrading of AI technology, digital people will become warmer and more personal; Bring more diversified content, so that more brands can afford digital IP, realize cross-circle and cross-channel communication, "virtual integration, with virtual strength", empower brands to truly achieve integrated communication of product effectiveness and marketing.