
Divergent wind fever medicine: mulberry leaves

author:Xie's Pharmaceutical

《咏牡丹》 宋朝‬ 王溥

Jujube flowers can become solid until small, and mulberry leaves are soft and spit silk.

The laughing peony is like a big fight, and it is empty branches if it is not a thing.

This song "Yong Peony" first takes jujube mulberry as an example: although the jujube flowers are small, there are dates that are sweet and crunchy after autumn; Mulberry leaves are very weak and can raise silkworm knots, and the beautiful ayara is produced from mulberry leaves. Compared to mulberry leaves, peonies are illusory external beauty with no practical value. It shows that from ancient times to the present, mulberry leaves have also been recognized and loved by people.

Mulberry leaves are named iron fans because of their "blue-black color, and the sound of iron tools blown by the wind". Clinical prescription is mostly winter mulberry leaves or cream mulberry leaves. The mainland is based on agricultural mulberry and is the birthplace of the world's sericulture industry. The "Shennong Materia Medica" attaches mulberry leaves under the white skin of mulberry root, saying that it can "mainly remove cold and heat and sweat", which more accurately records the important application of this product. Let's talk about mulberry leaves today.

Divergent wind fever medicine: mulberry leaves

Chinese medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine mulberry leaves are dried leaves of the mulberry plant Mulberry in the family Mulberry. It is produced in most parts of the country. Harvested after the first frost, impurities are removed and dried in the sun. This product has a slight breath, light taste and slightly bitterness. Yellow and green colors are preferred. For raw or honey burning.

This product is sweet, bitter and cold. Attributed to the lungs and liver meridians. It has the effect of evacuating wind and heat, clearing the lungs and moisturizing, calming the liver yang, and clearing the liver and brightening the purpose.

Divergent wind fever medicine: mulberry leaves
Mulberry leaves are named iron fans because of their "blue-black color, and the sound of iron tools blown by the wind". Clinical prescription is mostly winter mulberry leaves or cream mulberry leaves. The mainland is based on agricultural mulberry and is the birthplace of the world's sericulture industry.


Mulberry leaves are poisonous and non-toxic, and ancient herbs coexist. For example, "Xinxiu Materia Medica" believes that mulberry leaves "taste bitter, sweet, cold, and have a small poison". This theory is followed by a small number of Materia Medica. For example, the "Compendium of Materia Medica" said that it "has a small poison".

Those who think that it is non-toxic, such as "Rihuazi Materia Medica", said: "Mulberry leaves, warm and non-toxic." The "non-toxic" theory is accepted by most medical scientists. Not only that, but the "Tujing Materia Medica" says that "mulberry leaves can be often served". It also contains "Immortal Serving Formula: Pick the leaves when the mulberry is in full bloom in April, and after the October frost, when the third and two points have fallen, one point is in the place, the name of the fairy leaves, that is, take, dry with the front leaves, pound the pill and take it loosely, or fry it to replace the tea drink." "Mulberry leaves have become commonly used in ancient health and longevity recipes.

In modern clinical practice, mulberry leaves are also commonly used. However, so far, there have been no reports of poisoning caused by mulberry leaves, and toxicology-related studies have not seen its toxic reactions. Therefore, from the above facts, we can conclude that mulberry leaves are safe and non-toxic when applied in common amounts. Relative to other Chinese medicines of the same kind, it should be non-toxic.

Essential Notes on the Materia Medica:

Cold, bitter and sweet, with small poison. The Lord removes cold and heat, sweating.

Mulberry leaves are cold, and the water vapor of winter cold, into the cold water of the sun; The taste is bitter and sweet, and it has the taste of fire and soil in the south of the earth, and it has the nature of dryness and dampness, starting with the less Yin Heart Sutra and the Foot Taiyin Spleen Sutra. The smell drops more than rises, and the yin also. The sun is the watch, and for those who are outside, the sun is cold and hot, so the sun disease is cold and hot. Mulberry leaves into the sun, bitterness can be clear, sweet can be peaceful, so remove cold and heat. The fluid of the sweater's heart, the bladder vaporizes and comes out, mulberry leaves into the bladder, and has the nature of dryness, so sweat also.


Mulberry leaves with astragalus, return to the body, cure blood deficiency and body heat without sweat.

With aconite and astragalus, the qi is weak and cold, and the evil is exhausted.

Same as sesame, pills, named mulberry pills, cure blood paralysis.

Divergent wind fever medicine: mulberry leaves

Modern pharmacology

Traditional Chinese medicine mulberry leaves mainly contain flavonoids: rutin, quercetin, isoquercetin, sang, etc.; Steroidal components: ox kneesterone, hydroxy-peel-promoting sterone, rapesterone, stigmasterone, etc.; Coumarin ingredients: umbelliferine, scopolamine, scopolaside, etc. It also contains volatile oils, alkaloids, terpenes, etc.

In vitro test of fresh mulberry leaf decoction has inhibitory effect on various pathogenic bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus and beta-hemolytic streptococcus, and decoction has the effect of inhibiting leptospira. For animal hyperglycemia caused by a variety of causes have hypoglycemic effect, the peeling sterone contained can promote the conversion of glucose into glycogen, but does not affect the blood sugar level of normal animals, and peeling hormone can also reduce blood lipid levels. It can promote protein synthesis, eliminate cholesterol in the body, and reduce blood lipids.

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