
Daily news

author:Drift 2773

When you eat pineapple, pineapple eats you

Daily news

After eating pineapple, have you ever felt like you pricked your mouth? In fact, this is because bromelain is messing around inside the mouth. Bromelain breaks down proteins that damage the mucosa of the digestive tract, hydrolyzing them into small peptides or amino acids. When we eat pineapple, protease destroys structures such as gums and oral mucosa, and it can also be said that it is "digesting and degrading" everything in the mouth. Kiwifruit, papaya and other fruits contain protease, in general, the higher the ripeness of the fruit, the worse the protease activity, so try to choose fruits with high ripeness. How to relieve eating pineapple prickly mouth? It is recommended that it is best to soak pineapple in salt water for half an hour before eating; You can also take a bite of yogurt immediately, and bromelain will shift the target to attack the protein in the yogurt; It can also be cooked before eating, such as pineapple goo meat.

Daily news

Are the small white dots on the roots of hair loss hair follicles falling out?

Daily news

Pick up a fallen hair, there will be small white spots at the roots, is this proof that the hair follicles are falling off? Many hair loss stars think that this is the manifestation of the "extinction" of hair follicles, in fact, the small white spots on the roots of the fallen hair are called the inner hair root sheath, which is a normal phenomenon of hair "ripe and ripe", which does not affect the reproduction of hair.

After eating whole grains, drink plenty of water to prevent constipation

Daily news

Whole grains contain a lot of dietary fiber and are one of the best foods to prevent constipation. But after many people practice, they find that the effect is not very good. In fact, this may be due to insufficient water intake. Feces should form volume in the large intestine, in addition to dietary fiber, but also water to help it expand, so as to stimulate the intestine. If the coarse grains you eat contain less water, such as mixed bean rice, corn nests, etc., you should drink more water.

Your small tummy may be due to a forward tilt in the pelvis

Daily news

Obviously not fat, why is the small belly very prominent? In fact, forward pelvic tilt can also make you "grow a belly". When standing against the wall, reach out and insert your hand into the waist space, which is normally the thickness of one palm; If you can insert a fist, be careful to lean your pelvis forward. If there is a problem of pelvic tilt, it can be improved by some exercises: 1. Strengthen the back muscles: practice push-ups, Xiaoyanfei and other movements, 3~5 times a week, about 15 minutes each time, do what you can. 2. Relax the lateral lumbar muscles: Roll back and forth on the side of pelvic height with a foam roller to relax the tense muscles on that side. 3. Angle binding exercise: maintain a sitting posture, the center of the feet are facing each other, and the hands are interlocked to hold the feet. Stretch your spine as you inhale and lean forward as you exhale.

It turned out that eating spicy runny nose was also a disease, and I was diagnosed again

Daily news

Hot and sour powder, spicy hot, hot pot... Many delicious foods in life are inseparable from spicy, and the spicy taste may also make many people snot at the same time... Did you know that eating spicy runny nose is a symptom of rhinitis - taste rhinitis. Taste rhinitis is a non-allergic rhinitis, which usually causes symptoms of sneezing and runny nose when eating spicy, cold, and hot food. After stopping eating for a while, the symptoms of taste rhinitis will be relieved.

Iron deficiency may lower immunity

Daily news

Iron helps the body synthesize hemoglobin, which transports oxygen. Once hemoglobin is insufficient, muscles and tissues cannot function properly due to lack of oxygen, resulting in iron deficiency anemia. Research by the German Cancer Research Center found that iron deficiency can also affect the immune system. Since white blood cells are an important part of the immune system, iron deficiency can cause a significant decrease in the number of white blood cells, which may affect the body's immunity. In the diet, the largest contributor to iron nutrition is red meat, such as animal liver, kidney, heart, spleen, animal blood, red beef and mutton and lean pork; Poultry and fish and shrimp.