
Babies within six months, parents should pay attention, this trace element is very important for children

author:The utopia of Sun City

This trace element is responsible for the oxygenation of each cell in the organism and is a component of hemoglobin, which is involved in the respiratory process. Therefore, iron deficiency is a serious problem and dangerous for children's health

Why is iron so important?

Babies within six months, parents should pay attention, this trace element is very important for children

The importance of trace elements like iron to the child's body cannot be overestimated. It is necessary for good blood formation and directly affects the functioning of the immune system and its growth. Most of the iron supplies oxygen from the lungs to the blood and all other organs, especially the brain. Without this trace element, cellular respiration is impossible. In addition, this trace element is the building block of enzymes and proteins needed to break down and eliminate toxins, convert calories into energy, and help the immune system fight infections

During pregnancy, the mother provides iron for the first 4-6 months of the baby's life so that the newborn's body can independently absorb iron in the future. Iron deficiency can have serious consequences, with symptoms including fatigue, headache, insomnia, and nausea. In extreme cases, it can lead to anemia.

Breastfed babies get iron from breast milk, while bottle-fed babies need formula with at least twice the iron concentration. The daily intake of children over one year of age is 10 mg; 4-6 months of age 4-7 mg; From birth to 3 months it is 4.0 mg / day. Formula should contain at least 8-10 mg of this mineral per liter, as the need for iron increases dramatically during the baby's active growth

If infants are fed iron-fortified formula, only 4% of the iron is absorbed. However, there is no need to worry because iron-fortified formulas contain enough nutrients to meet special developments and needs, so no additional supplements are necessary. For infants older than 4 months of age, 1 mg/kg per day is recommended. Premature infants require an intake of 2 mg/kg per day for 12 months

Hazards of iron deficiency

Babies within six months, parents should pay attention, this trace element is very important for children

The lack of this trace element in the first years of life can lead to problems with the formation of the nervous system. Due to the lack of this trace element, myelin synthesis, dopamine metabolism, and motor skills are disturbed. In addition, psychomotor and physical development is delayed, immunity is also affected. The most dangerous problem is anemia. Anemia is a decrease in hemoglobin levels, resulting in a decrease in the number of red blood cells

Hemoglobin is an extremely important iron-containing protein whose task is to transport oxygen to the organs and tissues of an organism. Due to the lack of hemoglobin, the child will experience hypoxia. With a long-term decrease in hemoglobin, children develop hypoxia (oxygen deficiency), as a result of which all organs are damaged. Anemia can leave children physically and mentally behind.

Causes of iron deficiency

Babies within six months, parents should pay attention, this trace element is very important for children

Prenatal and postnatal risk factors may contribute to this deficiency. As already mentioned, during pregnancy, the mother will give the child iron supplements, however, there may also be cases where the child does not get enough iron. This is known as the prenatal factor. The early development of iron deficiency can be caused by poisoning, infectious diseases, threats of termination of pregnancy, etc. Those most at risk of iron deficiency are premature babies or babies born with a stunted lymphatic system. The cause of iron deficiency after birth is insufficient iron intake from food. Babies who receive complementary foods too late are also at risk.

Sometimes it occurs that iron enters the child's organism in sufficient amounts, however, the infant faces its deficiency. This may be due to impaired absorption of nutrients from the gastrointestinal tract, lack of vitamin C, or invasion of helminth parasites.

Possible abnormal symptoms include: lethargy, increased irritability, lack of appetite, pale skin, frequent colds, temper, fuss, etc., these are common symptoms, if found, go to the hospital as soon as possible to check the cause.

What to do if the iron content exceeds the need

Babies within six months, parents should pay attention, this trace element is very important for children

However, when iron levels increase, it affects the function of the heart, liver, pancreas, leading to cirrhosis, diabetes, hepatitis, arthritis, and other pathologies. When a child stores too much iron in his body, the excess iron is usually due to an inherited or acquired disorder called hemochromatosis.

Most often, it occurs because of uncontrolled intake of pills or excessive use of products containing this microelement in the treatment of anemia. Then symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, etc. appear.

Proper nutrition is key

Babies within six months, parents should pay attention, this trace element is very important for children

If hereditary diseases are excluded, proper nutrition is a method that helps to maintain the necessary balance of trace elements in the child's organism. It is recommended to check the contents of the feeding correctly, so that it is easy to create a reasonable menu. You should also keep in mind that a child's energy needs increase with age. To avoid nutrient deficiencies, it is important to feed your baby foods rich in trace elements such as iron. In order for nutrition to be beneficial, you need to pay attention to the following:

1, the baby does not need to consume the so-called empty calories,

2. Pay attention to children's health foods containing iron, such as spinach, beef, cauliflower, lentils, buckwheat, beans, animal liver

3. Vitamin C is also important because the dose of iron absorbed along with it is much higher

One thing to say is that milk has a lot of iron that is essential for children, however, it is not a very good source of iron because the organism of an immature baby does not absorb it well. What's more, drinking milk as a child can lead to iron deficiency

Finally, I wish our dads, moms and babies good health and growth!!

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