
Female college student "Qi You" was raped and imprisoned with her tongue cut, and the trip became a lifelong nightmare!

author:I de cool world
Female college student "Qi You" was raped and imprisoned with her tongue cut, and the trip became a lifelong nightmare!

I don't know when "a trip to go" has become the vision of young people, which sounds very dashing, a feeling of advocating freedom. However, tourism costs money, and without financial support, many people are discouraged, so "poor travel" has gradually become a fashion, constantly tempting young people who have time but no money. However, poor travel also has to be divided into ways, otherwise it is very dangerous for a person, especially a girl, to be out alone.

The girl to be said is named Li Xiaomeng (pseudonym), a college student about to graduate, who had a great future, but was ruined by a trip that said and left.

Female college student "Qi You" was raped and imprisoned with her tongue cut, and the trip became a lifelong nightmare!

Li Xiaomeng has always had a Tibetan dream, so she chose to "travel poorly" and stepped on the train to Tibet with 3,000 yuan, but she did not know that a nightmarish experience awaited her ahead.

Everyone who has been to Tibet knows that 3,000 yuan to travel to Tibet is really too shabby, not enough at all, after buying a ticket only 2,000 yuan left, Li Xiaomeng went to the first stop near the scenic spot to inquire, the cheapest hostel is more than 100 a night, she is reluctant to stay, so she squatted on the side of the road. At this moment, a Tibetan named Ayunga was herding sheep and saw a beautiful young girl squatting on the side of the road, so he went up to talk to him, and after understanding the situation, said that his family could spend the night, Li Xiaomeng was almost unguarded, so he followed Ayunga to his house.

She thinks that "poor travel" should be like this, helping others to do some work can save some accommodation costs, too much believe in the content bragged on the Internet, but she does not know that what awaits her is a cruel scene.

Ayunga is a 58-year-old bachelor who has never married his wife, and when he saw such a young and beautiful girl as Li Xiaomeng, he felt that it was a "gift" from heaven to him, and he was willing to let it go. So, he brewed a cup of butter tea with a drug, stunned Li Xiaomeng and raped her, and afterwards, he chained Li Xiaomeng and locked her hands and feet in a sheepfold in the yard.

Female college student "Qi You" was raped and imprisoned with her tongue cut, and the trip became a lifelong nightmare!

When Li Xiaomeng woke up and found herself imprisoned, frantically shouting for help, Ayunga was afraid that the matter would be revealed and attract others, and brutally cut off her tongue with a knife, Li Xiaomeng died of pain, but could not move, could only be at her mercy...

In the end, it was Li Xiaomeng's girlfriend who found her abnormality, because she had been interacting with friends on social software before departure, and because her girlfriend had not contacted her, she chose to call the police, and the police found the village where she came to according to the location and locked the suspected target Ayunga...

When Li Xiaomeng was rescued, she was covered in blood and confused, and she could only babble and shout words that people couldn't understand...

Although Ayunga was sentenced to 8 years in prison for rape and injury, Li Xiaomeng was left with eternal scars and lingering nightmares.

Female college student "Qi You" was raped and imprisoned with her tongue cut, and the trip became a lifelong nightmare!

Nowadays, in order to seek "excitement", many girls learn from others to "travel poorly" and "hitchhike", but they do not know that dangerous "traps" are around them. Especially when going out alone, you must be wary of strangers, go to unfamiliar places that are rarely visited, and don't go to a ride and stay overnight because you save money, after all, life is only once.