
In 1958, Chairman Mao studied the metallurgical industry on the car, Zhang Zhizhong: The national leader still does this? In 1958, Chairman Mao studied the metallurgical industry on the car, Zhang Zhizhong: The national leader still does this?

author:Jinggangshan red memory

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" >1958, Chairman Mao studied the metallurgical industry on the car, Zhang Zhizhong: The national leader still does this? </h1>

We know that Mao Zedong loved to read, and the books of philosophy and logic were all books that Mao Zedong loved to read. Mao Zedong, a master of Marxist philosophy, said: "There is nothing in all great political errors that are not divorced from dialectical materialism." "Therefore, Mao Zedong attached great importance to the study of philosophy throughout his life." Mao Zedong was a man who studied philosophy seriously. This is the account of american journalist Edgar Snow when he arrived at the security guard in 1936.

After arriving in Yan'an, in order to sum up the experience of the Chinese revolution, Mao Zedong worked hard day and night to study a large number of Marxist philosophical books, and at the same time, the scope of his reading became different, no longer limited to reading some marxist philosophers, because in the later time, Mao Zedong began to read the works of the ancient Greek philosophers Spinoza, Kant and others.

In 1958, Chairman Mao studied the metallurgical industry on the car, Zhang Zhizhong: The national leader still does this? In 1958, Chairman Mao studied the metallurgical industry on the car, Zhang Zhizhong: The national leader still does this?

The "Dialectical Materialism Course" and "Dialectical Materialism and Historical Materialism" that Mao Zedong read during the Yan'an period that have been preserved now bear witness to the degree of diligence and seriousness of Mao Zedong's reading of philosophy, and the side criticism of the "Dialectical Materialism Course" alone has reached more than 12,000 words. After the founding of New China, Mao Zedong has always led the Chinese who have stood up to study Marxist philosophy, and his philosophical works "On Practice", "Theory of Contradictions", "Where Do People's Correct Thought Come From", etc., have also become the must-read books for Chinese people. Marxist philosophy, especially Mao Zedong's philosophy, has become a sharp weapon for Chinese to understand and transform the world, and has also been integrated into national culture and has become a nectar that nourishes future generations.

Mao Zedong also read works on logic. Mao Zedong had read Spencer's Logic as early as 1912. Since then, he has maintained a keen interest in logic. After the founding of New China, Mao Zedong carefully read a variety of logical works published successively. And in his later years, Mao Zedong still maintained an interest in the study of logic works, reading not only collections of papers on various ideas, but also various logical works in recent decades. Xu Zhongyuan, a staff member of Mao Zedong's reading service, said that Mao Zedong's study and study of logic treatises really achieved the degree of "studying hard, studying earnestly, and not studying well and not relaxing."

In 1958, Chairman Mao studied the metallurgical industry on the car, Zhang Zhizhong: The national leader still does this? In 1958, Chairman Mao studied the metallurgical industry on the car, Zhang Zhizhong: The national leader still does this?

"Mao Zedong studied and studied logic as much as he studied and studied other studies, always assiduously, persevering, recruiting and eclecticism." According to the data, from the mid-1950s to the mid-1960s, a climax of learning and researching logic was set off in China, and some famous artists participated in it, publishing a large number of academic papers, and promoting the development of domestic logic. This activity was fueled by Mao Zedong's interest in studying. Mao Zedong repeatedly invited famous logic scholars to discuss and instructed relevant personnel to print and publish relevant works to provide support for study and discussion. And he himself immersed himself in research, which can be described as very serious, very devoted, very in-depth. In 1961, Wang Renzhi's dissertation "On the Object and Function of Formal Logic" in the 7th issue of "Red Flag" magazine was more than 16,000 words in full, and Mao Zedong made a circle sketch throughout the article. And such as Zhou Gucheng and Zhang Shizhao, everyone's works of logic were repeatedly studied by Mao Zedong.

Mao Zedong said that formal logic is a specialized science, it talks about the form of thinking, and it does not contradict itself before and after. Mao Zedong was a master of language, is this related to his assiduous study of logic?

In 1958, Chairman Mao studied the metallurgical industry on the car, Zhang Zhizhong: The national leader still does this? In 1958, Chairman Mao studied the metallurgical industry on the car, Zhang Zhizhong: The national leader still does this?

Mao Zedong also paid attention to reading various works of natural science. As early as his youth, Mao Zedong carefully read Darwin's "On the Origin of Species" and Huxley's "Heavenly Speech". During the revolutionary war years, although he did not have the conditions to study and study natural sciences and technical sciences, he always maintained a strong interest in learning. After the founding of New China, in order to lead the economic and scientific and technological construction and development of New China, Mao Zedong often spent all night studying and reading books on agriculture, soil, machinery, physics, chemistry, hydrology, meteorology and other natural sciences. In his later years, Mao Zedong's eyesight was already very poor, especially in the years before his death, he was bedridden, but he also read some large-character natural science treatises very carefully every day.

Mao Zedong's study and study of natural sciences was mainly to promote the construction and development of science and technology in New China. Therefore, his study and research are synchronized with the construction and development of national science and technology. In 1958, Mao Zedong demanded that the focus of the work of the whole party shift to technological revolution and economic construction. He said: "To propose a technological revolution is to ask everyone to learn technology and science. In July 1958, after Mao Zedong visited the machine tool exhibition, he asked his secretary to find scientific and technological brochures such as "How Radio Stations Work" and "1616 High-speed Ordinary Lathes".

In 1958, Chairman Mao studied the metallurgical industry on the car, Zhang Zhizhong: The national leader still does this? In 1958, Chairman Mao studied the metallurgical industry on the car, Zhang Zhizhong: The national leader still does this?

In January 1959, the Soviet Union launched a space rocket. The next day, Mao Zedong asked relevant personnel for a number of popular books on rockets, artificial satellites, spaceships, and so on. In November 1960, Mao Zedong read the guangming daily article on technological innovation, asked the red flag magazine to reprint it, and wrote a letter to the author on behalf of the editorial board of the red flag magazine.

Mao Zedong's study of natural science was a real effort. Yang Shangkun recalled: Mao Zedong advocated learning, not just talking, he bought many books to read, and also bought equipment for physics and chemistry experiments in middle school to study. Mao Zedong remembered many chemical formulas. Mao Zedong always tracked the frontiers of the development of natural sciences, and constantly studied and discussed with well-known Chinese and foreign scientists, such as Qian Sanqiang, Li Zhanchen, Zhou Peiyuan, Yu Guangyuan, Yang Zhenning, Li Zhengdao, and Bantian Changyi. Mao Zedong not only studied natural science assiduously for the development of Science and Technology in China, but also, with the wisdom of his philosopher and the quality of a theoretician, put forward unique insights into certain problems of natural science. For example, with regard to the infinite separability of matter, there is a deeper unity in nature, and so on.

In 1958, Chairman Mao studied the metallurgical industry on the car, Zhang Zhizhong: The national leader still does this? In 1958, Chairman Mao studied the metallurgical industry on the car, Zhang Zhizhong: The national leader still does this?

The development of new China's scientific and technological undertakings poured into Mao Zedong's painstaking efforts. In September 1958, Mao Zedong went out to inspect, and on the moving train, Zhang Zhizhong, a former senior official of the Nationalist government, found that Mao Zedong was concentrating on the metallurgical industry. He was amazed that the supreme leader of a country was still doing this! Yes, only the great leader of the people can take care of the country.

Why did Mao Zedong become a generation of leaders? Just by reading books, we can see that he is different from ordinary people, Mao Zedong knows that knowledge can change destiny, knowledge can change the country, so he has always advocated that we study seriously and be a person who is beneficial to the country and the people!

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