
There is such a bird, yesterday began to visit, this morning stood outside the window calling, the call is very good, I look at it, it looks at me, he! [The yellow-billed and black-bodied bird is a black thrush, which is the country of Sweden


There is such a bird, which started visiting yesterday, and this morning it stood outside the window and called, and the call was very good, and I looked at it, and it looked at me, he!

[The yellow-billed black-bodied bird is the black thrush, the national bird of Sweden, and the whole body is dark, but the male thrush is smaller than the crow, and the mouth and eye circles are yellow.

Although black thrushes are very similar to crows, they are basically not related to each other, blackbirds are collectively known as the nine species of birds of the sparrow family, in China, blackbirds are also known as Chinese blackbirds, black thrushes, tonguebirds, anti-tongue birds, etc., their body length is about 25 cm, they have a long tail, and their beaks turn black in winter. Blackbirds are found in Asia, Europe and Africa.

The most distinctive feature of male thrushes is that they are black from head to toe, but the body color of males and females and young birds varies greatly. The females are dark brown , with a white throat and usually dark black spots and stripes on the chest. However, juveniles are very similar to dark brown females, but they have pale rust spots on their backs and dark brown beaks that do not turn yellow until they are 1 year old.

The call of the black thrush is crisp and pleasant, and from early spring it is most active at dawn and dusk, and among many birds, there are many that can imitate other sounds such as parrots, pianobirds and starlings, etc., while blackbirds seem to be superior. It can mimic the sounds of any birds around, even mechanical sounds in the city. 】

There is such a bird, yesterday began to visit, this morning stood outside the window calling, the call is very good, I look at it, it looks at me, he! [The yellow-billed and black-bodied bird is a black thrush, which is the country of Sweden
There is such a bird, yesterday began to visit, this morning stood outside the window calling, the call is very good, I look at it, it looks at me, he! [The yellow-billed and black-bodied bird is a black thrush, which is the country of Sweden
There is such a bird, yesterday began to visit, this morning stood outside the window calling, the call is very good, I look at it, it looks at me, he! [The yellow-billed and black-bodied bird is a black thrush, which is the country of Sweden

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