
Mi Yue: China's earliest dan player, the man blushed when he heard it

author:Yu Zhenbao

During the Warring States period, Yongshi City belonged to Korea, northeast of present-day Yuzhou City, Henan Province.

According to the Warring States Policy Han Ce II, in the twelfth year of King Zhou Zhao (nǎn) (303 BC), the army of the State of Chu attacked the city of Yongshi and had been besieged for five months. King Xiang of Han sent several groups of emissaries to the State of Qin for help, and the reigning Empress Dowager Qin Xuan (the original form of Mi Yue in the TV series Mi Yue Biography) was a Chu national, so she delayed sending troops.

King Xiang of Han also sent Shang Jin as an envoy to the State of Qin. Shang Jin said to King Qin Zhao: "For the Qin state, Korea is a barrier in peacetime and a vanguard in wartime. Now South Korea is already very dangerous, and the Qin state still does not send troops. I've heard that when you curl your lips, your teeth will be cold. I hope the king thinks about it. ”

Empress Qin Xuan said: "There are so many emissaries sent by South Korea, only Mr. Shang is right. So he summoned Shang Jin into the inner palace and said to him, "When I used to serve King Xian (King Huiwen of Qin), he pressed one of his thighs against me, and I would be too tired to support it." But when he pressed his whole body on me, not only did I feel heavy, but I felt very light, why? Because it's good for me. Now tell us to go and help South Korea, if there are not many soldiers and there is not much food, we will not be able to save South Korea. To solve the crisis in Korea, it will take thousands of dollars a day, and this pressure can be greater than the body of the previous king. You Korea don't give me some benefits, let me be happy and harmonious, can I do it? ”

Shang Jin cried out darkly, "This is a difficult thing to do." Our South Korea's plastic surgery technology is the first in the world, ugly can be made beautiful, old can be made tender, so that when filming and television, it is difficult to find an ugly woman to play a negative role. There is a saying that 'once the sea was shipwrecked as water, except for Wushan is not a cloud', we Korean men are all stuck in the nest of beauty all day long, whoever sees you this half-old Xu Niang will be scared and half dead, even if there is the ability to teach you Lehe! ”

King Xiang of Han then sent emissaries to the State of Qin and said: If we do not send any more troops to save each other, we will surrender to the State of Chu. The Qin state minister Gan Mao attacked King Qin Zhao, and the State of Qin finally sent troops to relieve the siege of the Yong clan (suì).

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