
Wang Wubin, secretary of the party committee and chairman of the board of directors of Three Gorges New Energy, and his party inspected Zhengtai

author:Chint New Energy

On May 8th, Wang Wubin, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Three Gorges New Energy, inspected the Zhengtai Hangzhou Park and conducted in-depth discussions with Nan Cunhui, Chairman of Chint Group, Lu Chuan, Chairman and President of Chint New Energy, and other enterprise leaders around the themes of helping the two sides achieve the "30·60" double carbon target and conspiring for the development of the new energy industry. Liu Zi, deputy general manager of Three Gorges New Energy, Xu Hui, director of the Planning and Development Department, and Nanlan, general manager of Zhejiang Branch, attended the inspection.

Wang Wubin, secretary of the party committee and chairman of the board of directors of Three Gorges New Energy, and his party inspected Zhengtai

During the visit of Chint Hangzhou Photovoltaic Module Intelligent Factory and Chint Innovation Experience Center, Lu Chuan introduced in detail the innovative exploration and practical advantages of Chint New Energy in the research and development and production of high-efficiency crystalline silicon solar modules. He said that China has promised the world the "30·60" dual carbon target, and many other countries around the world have also made or are successively introducing zero carbon targets, which provides long-term stable and sustainable development support for the new energy industry. At present, photovoltaics have strong competitiveness in the market and economy, and there will be a broader stage on the road of zero carbon in the future economic and social development. Astronergy has also continuously increased the innovation of new energy business models, strengthened technology research and development, accelerated the pace of development, provided more advanced and efficient products and technical services for the clean energy market, and continued to explore the development path of clean energy to better integrate into the global energy supply system.

Wang Wubin, secretary of the party committee and chairman of the board of directors of Three Gorges New Energy, and his party inspected Zhengtai

Through the establishment of partnerships, chint group and Three Gorges New Energy have given full play to the market competitiveness and technical resource advantages of Chint Group and China Three Gorges New Energy in the field of new energy, which has effectively promoted the all-round cooperation between the two sides in terms of parity, bidding and global new energy market development, power operation and maintenance, power market construction and products.

Wang Wubin, secretary of the party committee and chairman of the board of directors of Three Gorges New Energy, and his party inspected Zhengtai

In the subsequent discussion and exchange, Wang Wubin said that Zhengtai is a vivid microcosm of the development of the private economy in the past 40 years of reform and opening up. At present, Chint not only inherits and carries forward the characteristics of private enterprises daring to be the first and the mechanism is flexible, but also has bright spots in enhancing the development of new kinetic energy, exploring new formats, new models, new technologies, etc., especially in the fields of integrated energy services, smart city construction and other related fields, there are already quite mature products and solutions; at the same time, Zhengtai has provided clean energy power for the rural energy revolution based on local resource endowments, serving the market practice of nearly 400,000 household photovoltaic users, and found a new energy industry to actively respond to the national energy transformation 3. It is an important foothold in the strategy of serving rural revitalization, and the achievements achieved are remarkable.

In the future, Three Gorges New Energy hopes to work with Chint to carry out in-depth cooperation in the fields of new energy development and construction, integration of source network, load and storage, and multi-energy complementary development, and jointly promote China's energy transformation and the green, low-carbon and high-quality development of the power system. It is hoped that Astronergy will continue to support the development of the Three Gorges new energy business and continue to accelerate the implementation of project cooperation in many fields between the two sides.

Wang Wubin, secretary of the party committee and chairman of the board of directors of Three Gorges New Energy, and his party inspected Zhengtai

Nan Cunhui said that the future of energy substitution has come. Both Chint and Three Gorges New Energy see the huge development opportunities that clean energy will usher in. At the same time, the rapid changes in energy structure and demand, and energy use methods have also made the two sides see more opportunities for cooperation. At present, Chint actively responds to the national "14th Five-Year Plan", based on the enterprise development policy of "high-tech, asset-light, platform-based and service-oriented", and is committed to creating an overall industrial chain advantage from energy production to application to consumption.

It is expected that in the future cooperation between the two sides, we will give full play to the resource advantages of the Three Gorges New Energy state-owned enterprises and the advantages of the Zhengtai private enterprise mechanism, and jointly explore the core key technologies and business model topics in the process of achieving the carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals, which will be of great help to the development of China's and even the global green economy. It is hoped that the two sides will strengthen communication and exchanges, further fully integrate superior resources, jointly optimize the industrial layout, deepen cooperation in the energy field, shape new advantages in industrial competition, and achieve common development.

Wang Wubin, secretary of the party committee and chairman of the board of directors of Three Gorges New Energy, and his party inspected Zhengtai

On the same day, Li Chao, deputy director of the Three Gorges New Energy Engineering Management Department, Wang Jianfei, deputy director of the Investment and Mergers and Acquisitions Center, Wang Mengxi, manager of the investment and mergers and acquisitions department, Jin Jianbo, executive vice president of Chint New Energy, Huang Qiyin, general manager of Western Photovoltaic Regional Company, Wang Quan, deputy general manager of the marketing department, Yu Ming, deputy general manager of sales of crystalline silicon manufacturing division, Yang Yi, director of investment and mergers and acquisitions department, and Xu Jianmei, deputy director of operation and maintenance business department, participated in the discussion.