
Can liquor really fight cancer? Can white wine be soaked with goji berries? The doctor gives a clear answer

author:Daily health conditioning

Uncle Wang and his wife drank some alcohol one night and couldn't help but sleep together, because the war lasted for a long time and did not have time to get dressed, and in the middle of the night, Uncle Wang had a liver cancer attack and pulled a bed of.

The wife felt that she was sleeping on a pool of sticky top, felt so cold and woke up cold, and then lifted the quilt to see the feces of a bed, saw that Uncle Wang did not move, immediately dialed 120, and the examination learned that Uncle Wang had always had liver cancer, and I had heard Uncle Wang nagging that liquor could fight cancer before, so I drank some alcohol last night and did not expect that the condition was more serious.

Can liquor really fight cancer? Can white wine be soaked with goji berries? The doctor gives a clear answer

The relationship between liquor and cancer

Baijiu is a type of alcohol that contains a high concentration of alcohol, and long-term excessive consumption of baijiu may increase the risk of many types of cancer. Here are some specific aspects of the relationship between liquor and cancer:

Oral and laryngeal cancers

Studies have shown that long-term excessive alcohol consumption increases the incidence of oral and laryngeal cancer. This is because acetaldehyde and alcohol in liquor can cause damage to the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat, and long-term damage can easily lead to cancer.

esophageal cancer

Alcohol consumption is positively associated with the risk of esophageal cancer, especially in people who have been drinking for more than 20 years. This is because drinking alcohol irritates the mucosa of the esophagus, increasing the likelihood of damage and cancer.


Long-term heavy drinking can cause damage to the liver, leading to cirrhosis and liver cancer. In fact, liver cancer is one of the cancers most closely associated with alcohol consumption.

breast cancer

Studies have shown that drinking alcohol increases the risk of breast cancer. This may be because alcohol can affect female hormone levels, which can contribute to the development of breast cancer.

Colon cancer

Alcohol consumption is positively correlated with the risk of colon cancer, especially in the case of excessive alcohol consumption and smoking. This may be because drinking alcohol can affect the balance of the intestinal flora, leading to inflammation and tumorigenesis.

The alcohol content of liquor and other harmful substances can cause damage to the human body and increase the risk of cancer. People are advised to drink or abstain from alcohol in moderation and adopt a healthy lifestyle to reduce the risk of cancer.

Can liquor really fight cancer? Can white wine be soaked with goji berries? The doctor gives a clear answer

Is the claim that baijiu fights cancer true?

The claim that baijiu fights cancer is a controversial topic, and some studies have shown that a small amount of baijiu may have a preventive and therapeutic effect on certain cancers, but this claim needs further research to confirm it.

A variety of nutrients in liquor:

Baijiu contains a variety of amino acids, a variety of trace elements, and other nutrients that are thought to have possible anti-cancer effects. For example, glutamic acid and alanine in liquor can stimulate the body's immune system and enhance the body's immunity, thereby helping the body resist the occurrence of cancer.

Antioxidant effects of liquor:

A variety of nutrients in liquor, such as polyphenols, flavonoids and vitamin C, have antioxidant effects. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals and reduce their damage to cells, thereby reducing the risk of cancer.

Research results:

Some studies have shown that moderate amounts of liquor can have preventive and therapeutic effects on some cancers. For example, some studies have found that moderate consumption of liquor can reduce the risk of stomach, prostate, and colorectal cancer. However, there is still a lot of uncertainty in these studies, and more research is needed to confirm these results.

It is important to note that excessive alcohol consumption still increases the risk of many types of cancer, such as oral, laryngeal, esophageal and liver cancers. People are advised to drink or abstain from alcohol in moderation and adopt a healthy lifestyle to reduce the risk of cancer.

Whether white wine soaked with goji berries has health benefits

Baijiu soaked with goji berries is considered a health drink in traditional Chinese medicine. Here are some possible health benefits:

Boost immunity: Goji berries contain a variety of nutrients, such as vitamin C, β-carotene, etc., which are believed to strengthen the body's immunity and prevent the occurrence of colds and other diseases.

Improve vision: The carotene and vitamin A in goji berries can help improve vision and prevent eye diseases.

Antioxidant: A variety of nutrients in goji berries, such as polyphenols, flavonoids and vitamin C, have antioxidant effects, which can reduce the damage of free radicals to cells and protect health.

Can liquor really fight cancer? Can white wine be soaked with goji berries? The doctor gives a clear answer

Improve nutrient absorption: The alcohol in liquor and the various nutrients in goji berries can promote the absorption of each other and improve the body's ability to absorb nutrients.

It should be noted that drinking liquor soaked with goji berries in moderation may be beneficial to the body, but excessive drinking will be counterproductive and may even cause harm to the body. It is recommended that people pay attention to the amount and quality of drinking while drinking in moderation, and do not rely too much on drinking to maintain health. Goji berry liquor is not suitable for everyone, such as pregnant women, lactating women, people with liver disease or other diseases should avoid drinking. #头条创作挑战赛 #

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