
The person who broke Ye Ke'er on the Internet at the beginning is the person who now puts her on the "list of 29 girls"


On the afternoon of July 20, Ye Ke'er posted a long article denying that she was a victim of the "Wu Yifan incident", saying that she was not one of the "29 girls who broke the news of Wu Yifan" list.

The person who broke Ye Ke'er on the Internet at the beginning is the person who now puts her on the "list of 29 girls"

From her long text, we can see her anger and helplessness.

In the crew of "Qingqiu Xing", Ye Ke'er is only a supporting role, and the protagonists are Wu Yifan and Yang Zi. But because she played basketball on the same court as Wu Yifan, she was on the hot search and was hit by the Internet for several months.

The person who broke Ye Ke'er on the Internet at the beginning is the person who now puts her on the "list of 29 girls"

Ye Ke'er

Who's blowing her up? Even if she doesn't say that we know, she is a fan of Wu Yifan and a marketer of all walks of life. The reason is very simple, Ye Ke'er coffee is very small, if and Wu Yifan on the hot search, she can get a lot of attention. Wu Yifan's fans believe that this eighteen-line small actor is rubbing the heat of her idol, and she is not worthy of being with Wu Yifan.

The person who broke Ye Ke'er on the Internet at the beginning is the person who now puts her on the "list of 29 girls"

Similar net explosions are common in rice circles. Because fans are constantly looking for new enemies under the guidance of fans. Only by sharing the same hatred can the rice circle be united. "The whole world is against my brother, he's only us", which is the most common term in the rice circle.

Now, Wu Yifan had an accident, who turned Ye Ke'er out? Or the same gang. Is the purpose of this to help Ye Ke'er complain? Not. The superficial purpose is to kill Wu Yifan, and the deep purpose is to find a topic to gain attention.

The person who broke Ye Ke'er on the Internet at the beginning is the person who now puts her on the "list of 29 girls"

As for whether Ye Ke'er had anything to do with Wu Yifan? Was she involved in the Wu Yifan incident? It doesn't matter, no one cares about the truth.

It's magical.

If you think about it, why did Wu Yifan come to this day? It has a lot to do with the stench of the rice circle. Remember when Wu Yifan first debuted? A lot of people don't like him, especially the male group, and almost no one likes this more feminine type of entertainer.

The person who broke Ye Ke'er on the Internet at the beginning is the person who now puts her on the "list of 29 girls"

Wu Yifan

At that time, a group of girls, led by fans and various water troops, issued deafening slogans: "Sit on the ground and ovulate", "Brother I will give birth to monkeys for you" and so on. No one thinks it's a "slut" manifesto, as if it were a kind of carnival. Some people also said that the "national man" was not worthy of being compared with such a handsome Canadian friend as Wu Yifan.

However, when Xiao Gna and others broke the news, or artists like Ye Ke'er and Wu Yifan were related, a bunch of people attacked them as "sluts" and wanted to be popular.

The most magical thing is that when Wu Yifan has an accident, stepping on Wu Yifan is the most ruthless, hoping that he will be finished quickly, or the same gang. When these people turned Ye Ke'er out, did they ever think about how they attacked her in the first place?

The person who broke Ye Ke'er on the Internet at the beginning is the person who now puts her on the "list of 29 girls"

Stills of Ye Ke'er

No wonder Ye Ke'er said that he was not respected and was a tool man. Moreover, the main force that disrespects her and uses her as a tool is not men, but a group of women who shout "girls help girls". I don't believe you can go to various platforms to see, especially Weibo, which is the home of women.

From Ye Ke'er's encounter, we can see a strange phenomenon: those who chase small fresh meat like Wu Yifan are mainly women, and they like to shout "feminist" slogans the most, and they are dismissive of the so-called "national men". Now, the main force in the Wu Yifan incident is also them, and no matter when, most of the targets of their net explosions are women.