
The personality of female characters changes: from "female competing evil women", to "indifferent women", and then to "no male" independence

March's most anticipated update story: Dark Glory 2. (Launched on March 10)

A few months ago, the first season of "Dark Glory" was a women's revenge story, and it also added content related to bullying and class disparity, which Korean films and television are best at. It is rare that I debuted from an idol drama and was also acting in a middle-aged idol drama a few years ago, and this performance has a different feeling.

How to describe it, since Song Huiqiao acted in "Dark Glory", she liked to mention a definition of beauty - the beauty of a dead husband.

Perhaps the plot character and life state of "Dark Glory" interacted to shape the current Song Huiqiao.

One thing that Song Hye Kyo plays well in "Dark Glory" is that she has a tired but big doing aura. "Exhaustion" is a state of experiencing too much and always disdaining to make too many expressions after using the brain, but obviously requires inner drama, not facial paralysis, this state is very testing for actors.

People who can't act may roar and roar with smokey eyes or try hard to find the feeling that "women are not ruthless and unstable", but Song Hye Kyo subtly performs the feeling of "sneer" and "real laughter".

This kind of acting control combined with a sense of revenge made the first season of "Dark Glory" popular.

Off topic, Song Huiqiao's own life outside the play has also gone from sweet pet to solitary beauty. Double Song CP (Song Hye Joo Song Joong Ki) was very sweet after the broadcast of "Descendants of the Sun", and even became the inspiration for the screenwriter of "Beautiful Sister Who Often Invites to Dinner". Sweet love is good, but it's good to break up when the relationship is gone. Song Huiqiao was constantly speculated to be the fault party when she divorced, and the public opinion had no evidence, and the biggest logic was that "she always shows her frivolity because of the drama" - it's strange Oh, because the drama is also one by one, how can it be inferred that she is the fault party of a marriage.

Originally, I had no special attitude towards the Shuangsong divorce case, because I saw the illogical leapfrog brain gossip from "love because of drama" to "marriage faulty party", and my favorability towards the woman was directly improved.

Gossip is secondary, career breakthroughs are primary. Song Huiqiao was originally a "beautiful on the line" type, but after the divorce storm and "Dark Glory", even she herself exudes an aura of "no need for anyone", and her mentality must have changed greatly.

Speaking of the hottest drama in the recent circle of friends, Sakura Ando's "Restart Life", friends who haven't watched it yet, please hurry up and watch it! Wait until the finale should still be written!

Since this play is really afraid of spoilers, today I will only say a particularly important point, "Restart Life" is a drama with "no male protagonist". Oh my God, this feels so wonderful!

The actor with the most scenes in this drama is Masuta Someya? But as the story progressed, he just played the kind of middle school male classmate who "was handsome when he was a child and grew up general" again and again.

Who understands this point, many boys who stand on campus are easy to do this, because adolescence is too easy to have an aura, handsome that swelling is even greater, but every opportunity is just repeating the same life, but everything that can be stable to his wife and children is considered to have grown.

No single male character can determine the life of the heroine and girlfriend. The line "Is it just not married" appeared in the first episode, and every life of the heroine after that is not determined by love or men. She was so busy with so much to do. ——Although we mortals can't restart our lives, this feeling of being busy and fulfilling again and again should also resonate with many female friends.

It can be said that "Restart Life" is a story genre that I have been waiting for for a long time: fatherless, husbandless.

It's not literal, it's not that the heroine has no feelings with her father and no feelings with her boyfriend. Rather, no one can intervene in her life with the role of "father" or "husband."

She can buy gifts for her father to make him happy, or she can fall in love or be sad, but these factors cannot guide her in any direction in life. Such a heroine does not even need to rebel against anything, because her father is not dictatorial to her, the opposite sex does not oppress and occupy her, she just needs to live her own life. (But she always wants to complain about some annoying middle-aged masculinity hahaha.) )

In each reboot, there is only one life theme, the heroine's own wishes.

From the first "reboot" of the first episode, I once again felt the difference between men and women.

Male crossing story, or "Charlotte Troubles": how can you use the poor information to copy, make money, change your wife... Wait a minute. Or "Riding the Wind and Waves": Although I know that my mother is unfortunate to marry my father, my father is not a good husband, my mother will commit suicide after giving birth, but I don't want to save her, my biggest worry is that my father and my mother will not be in love if they don't fall in love.

And the female crossing story, "Hello, Li Huanying", which set a box office record a few years ago, crossed out the question: How can I make my mother happier, I can't do it without me.

The Japanese drama "Restart Life" is also a certain kind of crossing, although the heroine carries the idea of "Jiyin De", but obviously she didn't think about it at all when she could use the experience to benefit herself or take advantage, and she didn't even have the emotion of "anyway, I don't know what is not as good as my indulgence in this life" (Happy Twist definitely has to shoot like this with this book), especially the more she sees the back, the less important "Jiyin De" is. This is a story that only the heroine can complete.

I can't spoil it, but I have to vent my emotions first, and after 9 episodes, I just want to shout: girls are the best! Sakura Ando my sister! Asami Mizukawa my sister!

Speaking of which, I can talk about the theme of this article, "the female character characters I have liked over the years".

In the past, I summarized the female characters I wanted to see, and when I didn't know how to say it, I could only summarize it as "evil woman".

When I was particularly young, when I probably couldn't read, I liked to watch "Fire Rose" and "Court of the Third Kind". I like the heroines who have brains to constantly plan their own appearance, even if they are crazy, it doesn't matter, her own intentions are so clear, her mind is so wild, and the means she can play are so many and too charming.

Although my childhood was inevitably soaked in various romance stories, I was lucky that I was fascinated by the vengeful "belly black girl" when I was a child. This somewhat dilutes the brainwashing effect of silly white sweet stories.

Later, there were very few stories of directly taking the "belly black girl" and "nemesis" as the heroine. So I became obsessed with another kind of "evil supporting actress".

"Falling in Love with a Female Anchor" is the first idol drama in my memory that "distributes kindness by the rich and poor class". In the past, I was accustomed to the poor in bitter dramas and were always suppressed by the rich who were not benevolent, and in the end, kindness let the poor win, and the first time I saw the rich Zhen Shanmei because she was not hurt, the poor Xu Yingmei was barren in her heart, and I felt that this kind of thinking was quite fresh at that time. But I don't hate Xu Yingmei at all, and I love her miserably. Kim So-yeon is so beautiful, and there is so much desire in her eyes, which is really much more charming than the silly white sweet and rich heroine.

Xu Yingmei's whole life is very infectious. She never confessed her fate, she exerted all her efforts from humble beginnings, and her "evil" became a part of flesh and blood.

Her self-confidence forms part of "Wicked Woman Aggressiveness," but it would be nice if every girl from a bad background could work so hard and be confident.

In the silly white sweet idol drama world view, it is the evil woman who says the concept of love that is the true meaning.

In order to complete the evil woman setting of the idol drama, she had to carry out the destruction of "female competition", but today everyone recalls that they only remember Xu Yingmei's flamboyance and ambition.

The personality of female characters changes: from "female competing evil women", to "indifferent women", and then to "no male" independence

Similarly, there is Station B's favorite killing drama Jiang Yuyan. She is a wicked woman, but she is also a woman who has been bullied to the extreme to take revenge, with the sadness of "being insulted and damaged".

"Evil Girl" does not have to keep the way of women, her role is to use beauty to seduce people, but inadvertently create another image of desire.

The personality of female characters changes: from "female competing evil women", to "indifferent women", and then to "no male" independence

Since the evil woman in the idol drama wants to do evil, she does not need to carry moral holiness like the female number one. To perform evil, you have to find logic. Looking for it from life experience, I find that bad women always do evil because she first bears a more tragic fate.

From the black heroine to the vicious female partner, this kind of story also has its limitations.

The most important man in Ouyang Haichao's life in "Fire Rose" is "Uncle Rain", which replicates the plot of the long-legged uncle "male patron and little girl develop a relationship", and the kind and gentle man finances her life, it is her white moonlight, and it is her worry after the end of a thousand sails. In the end, the "right to judge" passed into the hands of "Uncle Rain", and she waited for his return and his understanding. - Actually, why bother? Are "good men" qualified to judge vengeful women? Her life had been plundered and trampled on like that.

After Wei Haiyi gradually went crazy in "The Third Kind of Court", there was still one inner demon left who hoped that "good men would return to me". The logic of the plot is that the male and female protagonists have different moral values, and the heroine alienates and destroys everything she has in revenge, which is a tragedy. But I will think now, are all "crazy women", and want a good husband and good children? However, the heroine directly evil women to jail is also a breakthrough.

Look at the shaping ideas of the "evil women" around those silly Baitian.

Xu Yingmei has endured hardships and is capable, and having such a female anchor in life will only rush to the peak of her career, and there is no need for female competition, let alone lazy to fish for golden turtles.

Bad Jiang Yuyan is still worried about "love me or not", what is the picture, directly ascended the throne.

Therefore, in 2004, Ryoko Yonekura starred in "Black Leather Manual", which was a stone break for many female audiences. It turns out that there is a heroine who just doesn't believe in everything and only thinks about the most egoistic things.

After that, in the Japanese drama "Daylight" and "Naomi and Kanako" were all to loosen women's morality. But in fact, this relaxation is, in the final analysis, the same: social norms are too strict for women. Only when there is no sex life or an unhappy wife does he cheat, and only when the husband beats a woman does he kill his husband.

In the past ten years, domestic dramas have become increasingly conservative, and the evil women are also even more unreasonable, poor, outstanding, lowly status, and dare to like the male protagonist, want to like the heroine's boyfriend, want to cross the class, want to have the life of the female protagonist, trespassing, unruly, uneasy about their own fate, this is their original sin, deserve to be miserable to hell. Even flesh-and-blood evil is rare, and in the direction of "bad" supporting actresses, female virtue and dislike of poverty and love for the rich both work.

At the same time, another kind of supporting actress has also emerged, that is, the "indifferent middle woman" who is not an evil woman in addition to the heroine but can not be a silly white sweet heroine. For example, Yu Feihong, who is in love with his brother and sister in "Big Husband", and Tang Jing, who changed with the heroine in "My First Half of Life".

A big factor in this is that the supporting actress does not have to carry a weird love story because she is not a heroine.

The first heroine of "Big Husband" fell in love with an old man, and the heroine of "My First Half of Life" changed to falling in love with her girlfriend's boyfriend. I also don't know why domestic dramas can create such a plot that obviously makes female audiences uncomfortable and praises their great love when the sense of morality is very strong. It seems that it is a conflict that needs to be dramatized and the heroine is silly and sweet, so it is strange. The heroine is either sent to an old man to play true love, or she has to fall in love with her girlfriend's boyfriend and tear the female friendship to the audience. There can be a story of betrayal of virtue, but betrayal also has the logic of betrayal of morality, can you not blindly make up the bloody plot, the audience can not substitute its betrayal at all, and can not find any rebellion, only angry.

In the case that this kind of screenwriter can no longer write the heroine, the relaxed female partner wins, because the screenwriter's attention is not on the female partner, and the female partner is not popular enough to find a person who is as pale as a daisy actress to complete, which accidentally shapes the "middle female era" of internal entertainment. ——Unfortunately, when these actresses became popular to play the heroine, they became screwed heroines again, because once our domestic dramas worked the heroine, it would be finished. "War of the Roses" will not be mentioned.

And this kind of "domestic drama women", even if the voice as a female supporting is very high, is still the logic of "excellent beauty is the charming woman", they do not have such a big aura as a supporting role, and they will hit a wall and be frustrated, so they are not annoying. This kind of personality will become more and more suspended when it gets to the heroine, and the "big heroine" gradually moves towards "Mu Qiang". There are more ordinary women in life, and there are frustrated but stubborn women, do they have no self?

(△ "Lichun")

Due to the increasing voice of the audience, domestic dramas have gradually introduced new perspectives, but most of them are still very restrained. On the one hand, the heroine cannot really rebel against morality; On the other hand, the "good" of the male protagonist is also indispensable, at most shaping the male protagonist into a more unlikely appearance, respecting women, gender equality, and equal strength, may be better than the male protagonist who opens the harem, but that is, according to the imagination, is it similar to doing physics problems assuming that there is no friction.

Or, why does it have to be such a person, since it is unlikely that such a person exists, can it be gone, or let him be secondary.

At the same time, the heroines of Japan and South Korea gradually became the appearance of the two dramas at the beginning of this article.

"Dark Glory" is revenge first, male and love, if you can understand me, you can join, when I am the "executioner who dances together". And judging from the plot of the first season, what really resonates with the heroine's soul should be her revenge female teammates, especially the aunt who was subjected to domestic violence, although there is no sensational paragraph when the two meet, it is very moving.

"Restart Life" has no male protagonist at all. In addition, I would like to say that the actress choice and dress of "Restart Life" also made me breathe a sigh of relief, that is, the kind of woman who does not have the intervention of the male gaze, does not need beautiful "standards", and is very comfortable with herself.

Hopefully, we can have richer heroines. Every new way of talking about women also makes us rethink "who I am" and "what I want".

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