
These "kidney tonic fierce generals" are recommended for middle-aged and elderly people: eat 3 times a week, black hair, good complexion

author:Easy to cook

In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the kidney is one of the fundamental of human life activities, with the increase of age, the kidney qi in the human body gradually declines, kidney function gradually weakens, resulting in a series of health problems related to the elderly, therefore, traditional Chinese medicine believes that the elderly need to supplement the kidney to enhance kidney function, delay the aging process, improve the body's resistance, and prevent related diseases.

There are many ways to tonify the kidney in traditional Chinese medicine, however, tonifying the kidney is not a panacea, and the elderly should also pay attention to maintaining good living habits, such as a balanced diet, moderate exercise, maintaining adequate sleep, avoiding excessive fatigue, etc., to maintain physical health and delay aging.

"Black into the kidney" is a TCM concept in which some black food or medicine can enter the kidneys and have a nourishing effect on the kidneys.

These "kidney tonic fierce generals" are recommended for middle-aged and elderly people: eat 3 times a week, black hair, good complexion

1. Black beans

Black beans are a common kidney tonic food, and Chinese medicine believes that it has the effect of nourishing kidney yang, nourishing blood and qi.

Recommended recipe: Black bean steamed buns

1. Clean 200 grams of black beans with water, soak the black beans for about half an hour, put the black beans in the pot, first turn on high heat, fry the water dry, and then turn to medium-low heat to continue to fry, the black beans are completely fried, so that they are fragrant, the beans bloom like this state is almost the same, put into a bowl.

These "kidney tonic fierce generals" are recommended for middle-aged and elderly people: eat 3 times a week, black hair, good complexion

2. We beat two eggs into the machine to stir and scatter, and then pour into the machine to break, if the machine is not easy to turn, add milk, you can turn This is beaten and scraped out with a spatula, add three grams of yeast, add ordinary flour less often, stir while adding, grab it well, and finally get a non-sticky dough. Move to the board and knead evenly, rub the strips, cut the evenly sized agent, fold the fingers in, round the agent and rub the strips well.

These "kidney tonic fierce generals" are recommended for middle-aged and elderly people: eat 3 times a week, black hair, good complexion

3. Spread the cage cloth and place the raw embryo, this fermented black bean strips are better to digest

These "kidney tonic fierce generals" are recommended for middle-aged and elderly people: eat 3 times a week, black hair, good complexion

4. About 40 minutes, see how chubby it gets, and slowly rebound with finger presses. Turn on the heat and steam for 15 minutes, and then simmer for 5 minutes to open the lid, this one by one the music blooms, and the tissue inside is delicate and fluffy, and it is very chewy to eat

2. Black sesame seeds

Black sesame seeds are also a common kidney tonic food, which is believed to nourish the liver and kidneys, moisturize the intestines, and brighten the eyes and mind.

Third, black fungus

Black fungus is rich in iron, calcium and other nutrients, which are believed by traditional Chinese medicine to nourish yin and dryness, invigorate qi and blood, and nourish the liver and eyes.

Recommended method: Roasted fungus with green onions

1. Soak the fungus in cold water in advance, wash it thoroughly, clean the green onions, then cut into small circles, cut a little ginger slice, and then cut a little carrot.

2: Heat the pan, add the oil, add the ginger slices and carrots. After the green onions are fragrant, we add 8 jiao, add a little green onion and coriander, fry it together, fry the aroma, fry the small ingredients until golden brown, fish out the small ingredients, drain the oil pan and add a little water, put the soaked fungus into the pot and cook the fungus first, add a little pepper, a spoonful of sugar, and stir it with a spoon Then add the light soy sauce of Huajao wine, stir it with a spoon, and add a little freshly boiled onion oil

These "kidney tonic fierce generals" are recommended for middle-aged and elderly people: eat 3 times a week, black hair, good complexion

3. Add a little oyster sauce, then add a little onion oil, stir with a spoon Almost the fungus is also cooked, we take the fungus out first, pour out this soup separately for later, heat the pot, add green onion oil, put the green onions into the pot, fry the green onions first, fry until slightly yellow, almost OK, we pour the fungus just now, stir-fry together, add a little flower carving wine, and then add the salt soup that just cooked the fungus, add a little old soy sauce, not too much, stir-fry together, adjust a little water starch, thicken, out of the pot and put on the plate

These "kidney tonic fierce generals" are recommended for middle-aged and elderly people: eat 3 times a week, black hair, good complexion

Third, black chicken

Black chicken is black, and Chinese medicine believes that it has the effect of nourishing kidney yin, nourishing blood essence, clearing heat and detoxification.

Recommended recipe: Black chicken soup

1. Prepare fresh black chicken, clean it, chop it into large pieces and set aside. Prepare a yam cut into pieces, ginger slices, green onions and set aside. Soak a little more goji berries and set aside a few dates.

2. Blanch the black chicken in a pot under cold water, take it out and rinse it again with warm water.

3. Add water to a hot pot, add black chicken, green onion and ginger, seasoning salt, a little sugar, a little pepper, chicken essence monosodium glutamate, boil over high heat and simmer in a casserole for 20 minutes. Add the yam and red dates and simmer together for 10 minutes. Out of the pan is complete. Scatter chopped green onions.