
The parent group became "catching the gang", did not see the child, the melon was full, burp ~

author:Baby pie

When I first joined the parent group, I thought that listening to the teacher's request to supervise the child's homework every day was the biggest trouble, but over time I found that this was not the case.

The strange parents in those parent groups are the most abrasive!

What sycophants, "received" monsters, flaunting wealth maniacs ... I have endured all this, what is the best thing that provokes parents, flirts with female teachers, and even sends all kinds of yellow messages?

The parent group became "catching the gang", did not see the child, the melon was full, burp ~

(Image source: Internet)

As a middle-aged person, busy with work and children every day, but also to face the mess of the parent group, I am really exhausted.

At one point, I also wanted to "just once", so I just retreated! But after withdrawing from the parent group, I don't know what notice the child has in school, and I don't know what homework the teacher has assigned...

It's a lot of delays, and it's a lot of delays.

"Want to retreat but dare not retreat" is the voice of many people, because there are too many chaos in the parent group, and there are too many "tricks"!


Parent group portrait

"Century Jiayuan" dating and cheating group

Parent groups become dating groups, parents of the opposite sex "get together" in the group, and educating children has become a pretense!

There are flirtatious teachers;

A parent in Changchun cheated on a female teacher, was discovered and reported by his biological daughter, and was arrested on the spot when the hotel opened a room.

The parent group became "catching the gang", did not see the child, the melon was full, burp ~

(Image source: Internet)

There are also parents who hit it off and both cheated.

A male parent of a kindergarten was cuckolded by his wife, and the target of the cheating was a male parent in the kindergarten parent group, and in a fit of anger, he sent indecent photos of his wife and adulterer to the group.

The parent group became "catching the gang", did not see the child, the melon was full, burp ~

(Image source: Internet)

A full-time mother said that her husband was lonely working in the field for many years, and added parents of the same class through class group chats, and the two sides went to mental derailment under the pretext of asking about the children's learning.

The parent group became "catching the gang", did not see the child, the melon was full, burp ~

(Image source: Internet)

Grunning groups

A netizen shared a whining teacher.

She often vents her emotions in the parent group, sometimes at 8 or 9 p.m.: Busy until now, I haven't eaten food.

Then the parents in the group will reply: The teacher is really hard!

Sometimes during the daytime working hours, suddenly in the group: today there are many students angry with her, disrespecting her in class, etc., she is very sad, very hard, such words.

The parent group became "catching the gang", did not see the child, the melon was full, burp ~

(Image source: zhihu)

Parents can only humbly apologize for their children: I'm so sorry for the teacher! You defuse... ☕☕☕

Multiple doppelganger groups

One group has suffered, and the amazing thing is that some schools like to arrange several groups.

They are named "Primary 2 Dad Group", "Primary 2 Mom Group", "Primary 2 Information Group", "Primary 2 Homework Notification Group", "Primary 2 Parent Committee Special Group" and so on.

What's even more infuriating is that some people have built WeChat groups, some have built QQ groups, and some people have built DingTalk groups, which are annoying.

Princes and Princesses

A teacher posted that a parent cared too much about his children and often made unreasonable demands in the group.

The parent group became "catching the gang", did not see the child, the melon was full, burp ~

(Image source: zhihu)

He made a lot of unreasonable demands on the teacher, and also assumed a position, treating the teacher as if he were an old witch who poisoned the child, and wanted to find the teacher's responsibility when he had time.

Parents are worried that their children can, but there is no need to be so overly concerned.

Voluntary labor groups

After an epidemic, because of home learning, some parent groups have been reduced to "parents' homework groups".

Supervise children to do homework, film children's reading and memorization, "clock in" feedback every day during holidays, and even be asked to do some proctoring, cleaning...

The parent group became "catching the gang", did not see the child, the melon was full, burp ~

(Image source: see watermark)

Holy Decree Group

As soon as the teacher sends a message, even if he specifically instructs that he does not need to reply "received", there is still a group of parents who pass on "received" like eunuchs.

The parent group became "catching the gang", did not see the child, the melon was full, burp ~

(Image source: Internet)

Sometimes teachers send parents the children's performance in school, and several "sneak horses" follow.

When I was young, I would have looked down on such parents, but now that I have children, I feel a little sad in addition to helplessness.

In fact, these parents may not know that their behavior is somewhat flattering, and they may not know that they are easily disgusted by others, and even jokes.

But in order for the teacher to be impressed and pay more attention to his child, he has to "lick" the teacher without face.


What happened if I quit the parent group?

A parent in Jiangsu shouted in a short video he posted:

"What's wrong with me quitting the parent group!"

The parent group became "catching the gang", did not see the child, the melon was full, burp ~

(Image source: Internet)

This video resonated with thousands of parents and made everyone call it "Internet mouth".

Although the parent group is set up for home-school cooperation and taking care of children, most of the groups have long changed their taste, bringing unlimited pressure to parents and a large amount of redundant information.

There is less and less time to actually participate in parenting.

Why is such a group still left, it is better to retreat easily!

The parent group became "catching the gang", did not see the child, the melon was full, burp ~

(Image source: Ercon Original)

But after careful consideration, Wen Liu still solemnly suggested to everyone:

Parent group, really don't quit easily!

I remember when I was a student, one of my classmates suddenly fainted, and at that time I was not allowed to bring a mobile phone, let alone a phone watch, and contacted 120, but I couldn't contact my parents for half a day.

Because the teacher at that time was a physical education teacher, the class teacher could not be contacted, and no one had a parent's phone, and the teacher could only go to the class group @ parents to be considered communication.

(Image source: Internet)

The child is at school, I don't know what emergencies will be, parents are not around, one more contact information, more peace of mind.

For those who are still in kindergarten and primary school, they cannot leave the group rashly.

Children's learning and growth in school can only be known from parents.

Quitting the parent group is equivalent to quitting part of the child's school life.


Establish effective group rules

The existence of the parent group itself is a good thing, what annoys parents and headaches teachers is the chaotic and disorderly group environment.

How to pay back the phone? In fact, many schools have given satisfactory answers.

Teacher Huang Yi of a middle school in Guangzhou, together with other homeroom teachers in the grade, negotiated a group rule that clearly requires:

The group is not allowed to post any information that is not related to the class and children, such as advertisements, voting, red envelopes, etc.

After the class teacher sends the message, if there is no special indication that the reply has been received, it is not necessary to reply.

A kindergarten in Dalian, Liaoning Province, has set up 9 rules specifically for WeChat parent groups:

The parent group became "catching the gang", did not see the child, the melon was full, burp ~

(Image source: Internet)

In particular, it is explained that the behavior of flattering and patting horses in WeChat groups should not only cause discomfort to others, but also make teachers feel more embarrassed.

The parent group became "catching the gang", did not see the child, the melon was full, burp ~


Although there is a basket of shortcomings in the parent group, it is undeniable that it is still an excellent platform for home-school interaction.

Teachers can quickly notify parents of something, and parents can see their children's campus life even if they are far away from school, and good suggestions can be published in time.

To save a parent group, all you need is a good management practice.

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Production team

Copywriting | Smell Willow

Illustration | Withered face