
Tyrannosaurus rex: One of the largest predators in biological history

author:LOW to see the world

Arguably one of the most famous and attractive dinosaurs that have ever existed on Earth, Tyrannosaurus rex is a member of the theropod family, as well as other famous dinosaurs such as Velociraptor and Allosaurus. Tyrannosaurus rex lived in the late Cretaceous period about 66 million to 68 million years ago, its distribution area is probably in what is now North America, this huge carnivore is one of the largest land carnivores that have ever existed in history, and its English name translates to "tyrant lizard king", which is really a very suitable name for such a terrible creature.

Tyrannosaurus rex: One of the largest predators in biological history

Tyrannosaurus rex is a huge dinosaur, the average body length can reach 12 meters, according to fossil estimates of its weight should be 5 to 7 tons, some large individual specimens may weigh up to 9 tons, its huge skull is 1.5 meters long, the upper and lower jaws are equipped with a row of sharp serrated teeth, the length of the teeth can reach 30 cm, the jaw of the Tyrannosaurus rex can produce up to 5800 kg of bite force, which makes it one of the most powerful bite force owners ever built.

Tyrannosaurus rex: One of the largest predators in biological history

Tyrannosaurus rex has a thick body and strong hind legs that can push it to run at a speed of 32 kilometers per hour, compared to its two arms in front of it, the two forearms are short and small, and each hand has only two fingers, such a strong contrast makes people have a lot of speculation about the function of the arms of Tyrannosaurus rex, some scientists believe that they may be used to catch struggling prey, while others believe that they are residual structures. Over time, it has lost its original usefulness.

Tyrannosaurus rex: One of the largest predators in biological history

According to the study of Tyrannosaurus rex fossils, scientists generally believe that Tyrannosaurus rex is a solitary predator, usually hunts alone, its excellent sense of smell and vision allows it to find prey at great distances, its powerful thighs and jaws make it a fearsome hunter, but some scientists believe that Tyrannosaurus rex may have been an opportunistic predator, feeding on a variety of animals available, including other dinosaurs, small mammals, and even fish.

Tyrannosaurus rex: One of the largest predators in biological history

Although Tyrannosaurus rex has been known since its discovery, it may not have been as aggressive as portrayed in literary culture, and recent research suggests that it may have been more like a scavenger than a predator, feeding on the remains of other animals rather than actively hunting them, and some researchers even believe that Tyrannosaurus rex may have socially behaved and lived in a family group similar to modern birds.

Tyrannosaurus rex: One of the largest predators in biological history

Tyrannosaurus rex belongs to the tyrannosauridae family, It evolved from an unknown small predator in the late Jurassic period about 160 million years ago, but over time, their super evolutionary adaptability made them grow in size and strength, and by the late Cretaceous, Tyrannosaurus rex had become the top predator in the ecosystem at that time, and the closest relatives of other tyrannosaurs closest to Tyrannosaurus rex, such as Tabosaurus and Albertosaurus, although these dinosaurs had many of the physical characteristics of Tyrannosaurus rex, including powerful jaws and sharp teeth, but their physique was significantly smaller than Tyrannosaurus rex, and the largest specimen could only reach half the size of Tyrannosaurus rex.

Tyrannosaurus rex: One of the largest predators in biological history

Tyrannosaurus rex is completely unmatched by other dinosaurs, its terrifying appearance makes it a popular protagonist in movies, books and TV shows, and also makes it a symbol of the power and majesty of prehistoric creatures, however, it should be noted that the description of Tyrannosaurus rex in the media is often exaggerated or based on outdated scientific information, recent studies have shown that Tyrannosaurus rex is likely to have feathers, can you imagine the image of a feathered Tyrannosaurus rex, which is also too ruinous of childhood.

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