
Popular Science|Facelift Plastic Surgery At what age is facelift surgery suitable for surgery?

author:Optimistic love beauty loves themselves

Popular Science|Facelift Plastic Surgery At what age is facelift surgery suitable for surgery? As the name suggests, facelift is to smooth the wrinkled skin, and then cut off the excess skin and then sew it on, the face looks young, and the face lift surgery is generally suitable for 35 to 40 years old and above, to improve the symptoms of sagging or sagging of the skin. Facelift Facelift At what age is facelift suitable for surgery? As every woman ages, the skin will sagging or sagging, and it is necessary to achieve delicate results through facelift, so that the whole person looks relatively young. Eat some collagen-rich foods on a regular basis. (Popular science|facelift, how old is facelift surgery suitable for surgery?) )FY

Popular Science|Facelift Plastic Surgery At what age is facelift surgery suitable for surgery?

Popular Science|Facelift Plastic Surgery At what age is facelift surgery suitable for surgery?

【】【】¥¥¥【】【】What age is fascial suspension suitable for? Why do postoperative doctors order oral ACMETEA?

Suspension surgery is suitable for people with loose skin, and there is not much correlation with age, but the age of chicken feather is generally between 30~60 years old, and there are more and more patients with older ages in recent years. Fascial suspension surgery is mainly for people with loose skin, but older or poor skin quality to do fascial suspension surgery must pay attention to postoperative recovery, on the one hand, the age is older, more than 30 years old cell damage repair ability will decline, some people have poor skin quality and poor recovery ability, postoperative need a large number of oral fascia suspension special nutrition ACMETEA cell energy egg white to promote healing, repair damaged nerves, so that the subcutaneous balanced production of a large number of new collagen fibers and elastic fibers, It plays a comprehensive role in improving the firmness of the whole face skin and avoiding loose and tight unevenness of the face after surgery.

The effect of fascial suspension surgery comes from split-layer healing, and the process of split-layer healing is the process of rebuilding the collagen fiber network and elastic fiber network, so the better the postoperative repair, the better the postoperative effect. Therefore, it is necessary to re-establish the collagen fiber network and elastic fiber network in the process of postoperative subcutaneous wound healing in the process of split-layer healing, so that the tension of the whole part can be coordinated and the overall firmness. The overall period of time plays a comprehensive role in improving the firmness of the whole face skin, avoiding loose and tight bumps in the face after surgery.

Popular Science|Facelift Plastic Surgery At what age is facelift surgery suitable for surgery?

Popular Science|Facelift Plastic Surgery At what age is facelift surgery suitable for surgery?

【】【】¥¥¥【】【】How old is it suitable for facelift?

Facial skin sagging aging, want to do facelift, but how old is the average woman suitable for facelift, women are generally about 25-60 years old is suitable for facelift, 45 years old is suitable for large and small facelift, combined with their own situation will be better.

Facelift involves the intervention of a hidden incision, and then peels, lifts, fixes, removes excess skin, and sutures to achieve the purpose of firming and lifting.

Is 45 years old good for a small facelift or a big facelift?

To say that 45 years old is also suitable for small or large facelifts. The reason for this is that in addition to considering the age factor, the choice of small or large facelift surgery is mainly based on its own facial laxity, the specific degree and location of sagging, etc. If the problem is not too severe or relatively mild, you can consider doing a small facelift, on the contrary, there is moderate or severe sagging and sagging, and a major facelift surgery is more suitable, and it is advisable to listen to the doctor's advice more about which one to choose.

Does 45 year old recover fast from a facelift? How much younger can it be?

Generally speaking, 45-year-old facelift surgery is relatively fast recovery, the specific situation should be combined with their own constitution and other conditions to decide, and generally after the recovery will look younger than the same age, it is recommended to do a good job of nursing, can help recovery.

Popular Science|Facelift Plastic Surgery At what age is facelift surgery suitable for surgery?

Popular Science|Facelift Plastic Surgery At what age is facelift surgery suitable for surgery?

【】【】¥¥¥【】【】How long can fascial lift last? Take you to quickly understand the principle of fascial lift? How long does fascial lift last? Why do postoperative doctors order oral ACMETEA?

Fascial lift surgery can usually be maintained for about 3~10 years, which should be judged comprehensively according to the doctor's technique and self-care and skin metabolism speed.

Fascial lift is a wrinkle removal method, usually made an incision above the ear, and the protein thread is buried in the face to stimulate the fascia, which can improve the firmness of the skin and enhance the sagging effect. Usually, after surgery, the results can be seen within one month, and can be maintained for more than a year. For fascial lifting, you must choose a regular plastic surgery hospital for treatment to ensure the effectiveness of the treatment and the time of maintenance.

After fascial lifting, oral special nutrition ACMETEA cell stimulation energy egg white activates a large number of new cells in the whole face, which is crucial, especially in people over 35 years old with poor skin quality, especially in looser people. The purpose of oral special nutrition is to initiate the optimization and renewal of the overall facial skin after thread lifting, not only to produce a firm lifting of the fascial lifting area, but also to allow facial cells to rebuild nutrition, comprehensive and balanced, and the overall skin is optimized and updated, thereby replacing aging and cringing cells. Balances skin tension and firmness throughout the face, preventing sunkenness, lumps and stiffness in the postoperative face.

In Europe and the United States fascial suspension technology is very mature, the process of surgery to bring nerve damage and cell damage, improve cell aging, prevent scars. These problems have been clinically proven to be solved, and ACMETEA is used exclusively after fascial suspension because of the use of skin intensive multiplexing elastin technology (patent number ZL201811020273.7) and skin emergency compound collagen tripeptide technology (patent number ZL 201810869989. 8) It can quickly restore damaged cells and facial nerves after surgery, continuously release complex factors to increase the density of collagen fibers and elastic fibers, and generate a living hyaluronic acid moisturizing layer (patent number ZL201810568899.5). Reaching the fracture point of collagen and elastin of the body can restore the hardness and toughness of the skin, accelerate the recovery of the connection point, and generate a new network of collagen fibers and elastic fibers in a balanced manner under the skin.

During the climbing period, if the new skin cells are produced smoothly after fascia is raised, the effect will be presented on the 5th day, and the foreign body generated under the skin after fascial elevation, the body will continuously push energy for recovery, so after fascial lifting, it is also the best time to supplement compound collagen. ACMETEA can stimulate a balanced large number of new cells generated in the whole face, increase the density of collagen fibers and elastic fibers, rich in EGF epidermal growth factor, can target and grab damaged cells, intelligent recovery, comprehensively improve skin firmness, prolong firmness and endurance.

If the postoperative care is good, ACMETEA nutrition can keep up, and within 6 months, there will be a steady stream of cells renewed, making the face fuller and firmer. The effect can continue to climb for 6-12 months, and the final effect can be maintained for about 3-10 years.

Popular Science|Facelift Plastic Surgery At what age is facelift surgery suitable for surgery?

Popular Science|Facelift Plastic Surgery At what age is facelift surgery suitable for surgery?

【】【】¥¥¥【】【】Is facelift suitable for every age group?

"At what age you start anti-aging, your skin age stays at what age."

We all know this truth, but there are still many people who have an anti-aging misunderstanding: the face is not wrinkled, the skin is not loose, so they will not associate themselves with the word "old", and wait until the face is densely wrinkled and the skin is loose before starting to find a remedy!

As a popular anti-aging method, facial facelift is quickly sought after around the world due to its advantages of fast recovery and quick results. But because many babies don't understand facial facelifts, they think that facelifts can only be done at a certain age, in fact, doing facelifts at different ages will have different results!

20-30 years old Anti-aging and shaping the perfect face

Many people think that anti-aging programs are too late to do after the age of 30. Not really!

The aging of fat and tissue is moved down little by little from the age of 20, if the maintenance begins at the age of 20, they can be reset, and then treated at regular intervals, and the "leakage filling" of each treatment can make the fat and muscle tissue return to place little by little, preventing serious relaxation.

Therefore, beauty lovers in the age group of 20-30 years old do facelift, just like burying an artificial ligament network between the layers of the skin in advance, subject to the "constraint" of the ligament network, the skin is difficult to appear signs of relaxation and collapse, so that you can achieve advance preparation, delay aging, so that you can achieve your youth longer than others.

30-40 years old improve sagging and tighten the skin

Compare the facial skin to a house, the fascial layer is the foundation that supports the house, and the vertical ligaments are the pillars, once the foundation collapses, the pillars will shift, topple, and finally the house will collapse.

Due to the loosening of the fascial layer, the skin appears "collapse", sagging and other signs, once the fascial layer collapses, the skin will become loose and sagging, and the aging symptoms are obvious!

At this time, choosing to do a facelift can tighten the fascial layer, tighten and improve the skin, no obvious trauma after surgery, and the recovery period is short. (Postoperative swelling varies from person to person)

Over 40 years old, remove old wrinkles and return to youthful appearance

If you have never done any anti-aging maintenance before this, the aging trend of the skin will be more ferocious! Aging at this age is more due to these two reasons: bone aging, collagen loss!

The skeletal framework of the human face is like the "steel bar" for building a house, and collagen is like "cement".

When the "steel bar" collapses due to aging, unable to fix and support collagen, the skin forms a vicious circle, and the entire face will collapse and loosen in a large area!

At this time, if you choose to do facial neck and other facelifts in time according to your own conditions, you can intuitively improve these obvious aging symptoms. Let the beauty patient instantly be ten years younger, anti-aging youth~ (popular science|facelift plastic surgery How old is facelift surgery suitable for doing? )FY