
The Fire Eagle fighter-bomber in the Command & Conquer series

author:Tank with a spear inserted

Fire Eagle in Command & Conquer 3

The Firehawk is a vertical take-off and landing fighter-bomber developed by GDI. It has a statically unstable duck layout, requires computer and AI assistance to fly, and is extremely maneuverable, making it one of the best air-to-air units in the game. AI and pilots are connected through a neural network that can aim at targets, track targets, threat assessment, weapon control, and navigation. The Firehawk can switch air-to-air-to-ground equipment at the airport, equip 4 Sidewinder air-to-air missiles or 2 bombs, and need to return to the airfield to resupply when it runs out.

The Fire Eagle fighter-bomber in the Command & Conquer series
The Fire Eagle fighter-bomber in the Command & Conquer series
The Fire Eagle fighter-bomber in the Command & Conquer series

The outer section of the main wing in the concept map is collapsible

After upgrading the rocket booster, the Firehawk can rush to the stratosphere, fly in low-Earth orbit, dodge enemy anti-aircraft fire, and dive down at its destination. But when the booster is activated and after returning to the atmosphere, there is a threat of anti-aircraft fire.

Compared to the Oka attack aircraft, the Firehawk is expensive, survivable, and good at dealing with infantry and buildings; Because it is a range damage, it is very fatal to small groups of infantry; It can also deal considerable damage to epic units. 2 Fire Eagles can destroy air defense towers. While Oka is good at dealing with heavily armored vehicles and can control the launch speed of rockets and hit multiple targets, the Fire Eagle throws bombs at once.

The Fire Eagle fighter-bomber in the Command & Conquer series

The Firehawk has average protection against anti-aircraft weapons, the accuracy of the bomb against moving targets is not good, and if the bomb does not hit directly, it does not explode afterwards. The Firehawk can destroy most aircraft at once, and 4 Firehawks can destroy any Sky Battleship at once. The aircraft is a medium armor with a durability of 2625 points, and the damage percentage of the ZOCOM Faction Fire Eagle: 50% artillery, 50% rockets, 50% grenades, 50% firearms, 1% sniper rifles; Other factions of the Fire Eagle damage percentage: 100% artillery, 100% rockets, 100% grenades, 100% firearms, and 1% sniper rifles. The cost is 1500 points, the production time is 0:15, the ground damage is 1500 per bomb, and the air damage is 1000 per missile. Cooldown 0.4, flight speed 190, booster 210 when activated, air range 450, ground 200.

The Fire Eagle fighter-bomber in the Command & Conquer series


1> Switch to air mounting when at the airport;

2> Switch to ground mount when at the airport;

3> Stratospheric Fighter Booster: Activate the booster while flying, fly into the stratosphere, and dive down anywhere on the map, dodging anti-aircraft fire during the process; Cooldown 20 seconds;

4> Return immediately

The Fire Eagle fighter-bomber in the Command & Conquer series


1> The use of stratospheric fighter boosters is allowed;


3> Hardpoint (Steel Claw Faction only): Increases ammo by 50%.

The Fire Eagle fighter-bomber in the Command & Conquer series
The Fire Eagle fighter-bomber in the Command & Conquer series

Upgrade ceramic armor

The Fire Eagle fighter-bomber in the Command & Conquer series

Upgrade the hook

The Fire Eagle fighter-bomber in the Command & Conquer series

Kane version skin

Fire Eagle in Command & Conquer 4

Compared to the Fire Eagle fighter-bomber in Command & Conquer 3, Command & Conquest 4 has a sharper nose and faster maximum speed. The Fire Eagle has a medium range, one of the fastest and vulnerable units in the game, and its medium armor is vulnerable to the NOD Brotherhood's attack motorcycles and Ascended's rockets. The Firehawk is as versatile as its predecessor, and can be equipped with 2 air-to-air missiles and 1 incendiary bomb at the same time, unlike the previous game, which required switching ammunition at the airport, and can be both air-to-air and ground-to-ground.

The Fire Eagle fighter-bomber in the Command & Conquer series
The Fire Eagle fighter-bomber in the Command & Conquer series

Concept map

The Fire Eagle fighter-bomber in the Command & Conquer series

The modeling looks like there is a stowable gun under the fuselage

The elite Fire Eagle has skeleton and sword emblems on its wings to distinguish it from the Common Fire Eagle, a squadron of fire eagles that can be summoned to air strikes with the highest level of support skills, inflicting heavy damage on ground targets in an area. The corresponding unit in NOD is a stun bomber, but has no air capability. Firehawk's Tier 2, durability is 1000 points, costs 6 CP, has a production time of 0:12, is produced by the GDI Support Base, and has a flight speed of 10.

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