
One sings red face and one sings white face?

author:Fried children are not alarmed
When you drink with friends, you should find that someone is flushed or pale after drinking, why is that?
One sings red face and one sings white face?

It turns out that people who drink blushing are generally deficient in acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, which will lead to excessive storage of acetaldehyde, acetaldehyde has the effect of expanding peripheral capillaries, and these people will have facial flushing and vasodilation.

People who lack acetaldehyde dehydrogenase in the body, excessive drinking will cause excess alcohol in the body to be not easily metabolized, and long-term excessive drinking will increase the load on the liver, thereby affecting liver function.

One sings red face and one sings white face?

The causes of whiteness are generally:

Decreased blood in other areas. Drinking a large amount of alcohol requires the liver to break it down, so that the blood gathers in the liver and looks white.

Hypoglycemia. If the patient is hypoglycemic, the face will turn pale after drinking, and it will be accompanied by dizziness.

Alcoholism. If it is alcoholism, it will cause pale and life-threatening.

One sings red face and one sings white face?

People who drink alcohol and blush can drink in moderation, but excessive drinking is not recommended.

People who drink alcohol with a white face are not recommended to drink alcohol because it is easy to cause damage to the liver.