
Super rare giant jellyfish shaped like a "dementor"

author:The growth diary of the old cow

Recently, giant jellyfish swimming in the deep sea of Antarctica were captured by diving robots, experts say that this giant jellyfish, scientifically called Styx jellyfish, is usually hidden somewhere, and it is not easy for robots to capture the picture.

Super rare giant jellyfish shaped like a "dementor"

Styx jellyfish

Styx jellyfish : The Styx jellyfish, also known as the giant Styx jellyfish, is a genus of giant deep jellyfish in the family Giant Deep Jellyfish. It is a single species of a single type. This rare jellyfish has only been seen 115 times in the past 110 years, but it is believed to be widespread all over the world. It is considered one of the largest invertebrate carnivores in deep-sea ecosystems

Super rare giant jellyfish shaped like a "dementor"

Styx jellyfish

From its Latin name translation can be translated as Styx jellyfish. Its genus name is composed of two words, the former stygio in ancient Greek means "underground world surrounded by water", its etymogenesis styx translates as stix, is one of the nine rivers leading to the underworld in Greek mythology, and is also the name of the goddess who rules Styx, and in English stygian literally translates as the river Styx. The second half of the genus name medusa refers to the famous snake-haired banshee Medusa in Greek mythology, although in English the word can also refer to jellyfish. Gigantea is a species name, which means "huge" in Latin. Therefore, it is most appropriate to translate the name of this jellyfish as the Styx jellyfish.

Super rare giant jellyfish shaped like a "dementor"

Styx, the goddess of the river Styx in ancient Greek mythology, is also the goddess of vows and hatred


It is black-red in shape and has an umbrella-shaped bell-like structure that can reach 1 meter in diameter. It also has 4 "paddle-shaped" arms up to 10 meters long, which can be used to catch prey because it does not have thorny tentacles.

Super rare giant jellyfish shaped like a "dementor"

Styx jellyfish


The Styx jellyfish was first discovered in Antarctic waters in 1901. Over the past hundred years, this jellyfish has appeared many times in Antarctic waters, but it has also been found as far away as the waters of Japan, inferring that this jellyfish should be widely distributed

The Styx jellyfish is a large deep-sea living jellyfish with the largest known individual umbrella diameter of about 1.4 meters and a body length (including tentacles) of up to 11 meters. This jellyfish has no tentacles on the margin, but has four well-developed wrists around the mouth. There are many folds on the edge of the umbrella, and the longitudinal muscles under the umbrella are well developed. This jellyfish is also very rare, and humans have only found it in the ocean 115 times since it was discovered more than a hundred years ago. Most recently, in November 2021, U.S. scientists photographed a rare Styx jellyfish in the deep sea of Monterey Bay, California. The research on the living habits of this jellyfish is very lacking, only known that this jellyfish mainly lives in the deep sea of about 500 to 2000 meters, and its distribution is wide, including the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, and the Arctic Ocean. And interestingly, a deep-sea fish (Thalassobathia) often lives with this jellyfish, which is also the only species known to humans to live in symbiosis with jellyfish.

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