
Bandit Documentary Story: Episode 30, Retreat to Aoshan Temple (Series 4)

author:A lot of small strength
Bandit Documentary Story: Episode 30, Retreat to Aoshan Temple (Series 4)

【Sunset oblique】

(Based on historical adaptation, welcome to correct!) )

Author: Shu Qing

Introduction to the work

In early 1950, the People's Liberation Army advanced into the southwest, and the strength of Huang County in Hunan was empty. Wang Changren of Conscience (now Liangumbrella Town) took the opportunity to gather a gang of hooligans, became bandits, forced Yang Dezhuang, then the head of Liangzhi Township, to defect to Yang Biao in Guizhou or Yao Dabang in Hunan Province, Wang Changren and Yang Dezhuang had a disagreement, Yang Dezhuang secretly defected to Yao Dabang, and Yao Dabang and Yang Yongqing, the bandit leader of Zhijiang, sneaked into Conscience and established the anti-communist guerrilla command headquarters in the Xiangqian Border Region." The suppression of bandits in the southwest ended, Guizhou and Hunan jointly suppressed bandits, completely annihilated Wang Changren and other bandit leaders, and conscience was liberated for the second time.

About the author:

Shu Qing, male, Dong nationality, from Xinhuang County, graduated from Guizhou University for Nationalities in 1987 with a Chinese bachelor of arts degree, and published the novel "Rooster Chong Love Affair" in "Legends of Ancient Times" and the novel "Sour Love" in Chinese Literature.

Episode 30: Retreat to Aoshan Temple


At nightfall, Yao Dabang and Yang Yongqing took the bandits to the small village across the river from Aoshan Mountain, and for a while there were no boats crossing the river, and they did not understand the situation in the village. Yang Dianjun said that if he spent the night here, there would be no chasers.

Yang Yongqing nodded, and Liao Fei hurriedly went to the village to make arrangements, strictly control the village residents, and were not allowed to enter and exit. The village is not large, more than two dozen families, because they rely on the Longao River for business and have land, the people are very wealthy.

Yang Yongqing felt that this was the only way for Ao Mountain to lead to Huang County, Yuping and Wanshan, and there was a river as a barrier, which could be attacked and retreated, and he planned to use this place as a stronghold. He asked Baochang to understand the situation, Baochang is more than 60 years old, and seeing so many people coming, and Yao Dabang, who defeated the bandits in Aoshan a few days ago, he was very happy, found a few big fishing households, got more than 200 pounds of fish, and held a banquet in the ancestral hall to eat.

The bandits, who had not eaten for a day, gobbled up, drunk and swear a lot, and the bandits' habits were gradually revealed. The more the villagers look at it, the more they are not interested, just like a gang of bandits, discussing their origins in private.

The chief also thought that Yao Dabang could get rid of the bandits that even the five counties could not deal with, and such a small village was their opponent, and warned the villagers not to provoke them, and closed their doors to rest in order to seek peace.

Yang Yongqing and Yao Dabang lived in a landlord's house, and Yang Dianjun and Fulin Mazi led a bandit to protect them. Yasheng Dwarf and Zhang Chengxin led a bandit to defend the junction of the village, Liao Fei went door to door to search for boats, and Yao Yingyin led a bandit to guard the pier and boats, preparing to cross the river early the next morning.

In the guest room of the landlord's house, Yang Yongqing asked about the situation of the upper and lower reaches of the river, and the landlord calmly introduced: The river water originates in the northwest of Chaoyang Slope at the junction of Shiyan, Jiangkou and Cengong counties, and is called the Longao River because it flows southeast around Longao Mountain. The three townships of Kaiben, Yangqiao, and Shuiwei, which flow through Cen Gong, pass through Wushui and inject into Yuanshui, with a total length of 39.7 kilometers, belonging to the Yuanjiang River system, is an ancient commercial road, and bandits often rob passing ship merchants...

"Bang, bang, bang!" There was a burst of gunfire by the river, and Yang Yongqing hurriedly asked the guards to call Yang Chongzhen and Yang Dianjun to inquire about the situation, and Yang Dianjun said that several boats coming from the river and shooting at us.

Just as Yang Yongqing was standing on the river bank looking at Ao Mountain, the bandits who were sentry on Ao Mountain were also observing the river bank and found that a large group of people and horses came to the village to settle down, and the sentry immediately reported to Yao Yingjin and Cai Hegen.

Cai Hegen believes that Yang Chongzhen brought Yao Dabang and Yang Yongqing to join them, the situation in Huang County is not very stable, last time so many people hit the county town The People's Liberation Army was undamaged, Yao Dabang was also picked up in the stone village, Zhijiang has been liberated, Yang Yongqing, who is known as the king of Xiangxi, also fled to the stone village, they often play pranks in Longxikou and the county seat of Huang County, the PLA will not let them go, what is the situation now?

Yao Yingjin said that Yang Yongqing and his wife have always plucked the feathers of geese wherever they went, and did not commit any offense against the troops of the river, the chickens in the village did not bark or bark, the common people lived and worked in peace, and at night the village was calm, not like robbers, but like the armed workers and militia who came to surround and suppress the bandits in Aoshan Mountain. Yao Yingjin set up sentries at the foot of Mount Ao and at various intersections of Ao Mountain on the Longao River, dispatched more manpower, and other bandits entered a state of combat readiness.

In the early morning, seeing that the village was still peaceful, Cai Hegen was even more suspicious, and decided to strike first, and Yao Yingjin led a bandit detachment to attack.

The sound of gunfire woke up Yao Dabang in his dream, he hurriedly got up and took out his gun and came to the riverbank, seeing several fishing boats coming, he immediately asked Yang Chongzhen to report Yang Yongqing, and Yang Yongqing immediately came to the riverbank. He had always preferred that he bear the burden of the world than the people of the world, and immediately ordered Yang Dianjun, Company Commander Scar and Fulin Mazi each led a team of bandits to intercept, and the boats on both sides met in the center of the river, and Yang Dianjun, Company Commander Scar and Fulin Mazi hurriedly shot back.

The two sides fought, bullets hit the boat in the water, the river stirred up waves, many people on board were killed and fell into the river, and the wounded bandits took the opportunity to lie in the cabin. Cai Hegen saw that Yao Yingjin could not resist, and sent five boats of reinforcements, separated Yang Dianjun, Scar Company Commander, and Fulin Mazi, and besieged them on all sides. Yao Dabang shouted that the people on the ship should not panic, and I would immediately send reinforcements. Seeing that there were two boats of bandits reinforced, Cai and Gen divided two boats of people to return fire.

The sky was gradually dawning, Yao Yingjin saw Yang Yongqing and Yao Dabang on the shore from the morning light, knew that it was his own people fighting, and immediately told everyone to stop and go ashore to greet them. Looking at the corpses in the river and the wounded soldiers on the boat and on the shore, everyone was speechless, so they had to find the soil in the village to heal the wounds.

Yang Yongqing knew that the gunfire must have alarmed the surrounding armed forces and militia, and they must have reinforced them soon. Immediately transfer the bandits across the river. The two district governments of Shuiwei and Yangqiao heard the gunshots and thought that bandits were robbing the village, and they all sent armed workers and militia reinforcements. When they came to the riverbank, the bandits had already crossed the river, and seeing that there were no casualties in the village, and no loss of property, they went back.

Yang Yongqing and Yao Dabang took the bandits to the foot of Mount Ao, Yang Yongqing looked up at Ao Shan and lived in Jiao'an with the wounded, Yao Dabang and Yao Yingjin, Cai Hegen came to the peak of Ao Mountain, Ao Shan Temple. Located in the territory of Layan and Changping Villages, northeast of Longaoli (now Shuiwei Town), Cengong County, Ao Mountain is named for the lifelike shape of the two squat boulders.

Buddhism was introduced to China in the first year of the Western Han Dynasty (2 BC), and to Guizhou during the Tang Dynasty. In the middle of the Tang Dynasty, because the Central Dynasty resisted Nanzhao, the imperial court recruited a group of northern surnames to settle in Qian, most of these foreign immigrants came from places where Buddhism flourished, and built temples after settling in Qian.

Located on the main peak of Ao Mountain, with an altitude of more than 920 meters, Aoshan Temple was founded during the Tianbao period of the Tang Dynasty (742--756) and is one of the four famous temples (Aoshan Temple, Tianshi, Asan Temple, and Huilong Temple) in Sizhou Prefecture (now Cengong County) in the Qing Dynasty.

Legend has it that Wu Zetian's grandson Li Longji was seriously ill with malaria, and no one in the Manchu imperial court could cure it, so the imperial court had to tell the world: there are people who can cure the emperor's serious illness, reward 10,000 taels of gold, thousands of acres of good land, and a black hat, and the abbot of Sizhou Aoshan Temple thousands of miles away from Chang'an, when he heard about this, he came to Sizhou City and unveiled the imperial list, that is, escorted by officials to Chang'an, the capital Chang'an. When the imperial court saw that the visitor was a monk from a barbaric land, he could not believe it, but in order to prevent accidents, even the iron armor holding the weapon, the samurai escorted to Emperor Xuanzong's bedside, giving Tonghui two choices: cure the emperor's illness, that is, glory and wealth; If you can't cure the emperor's disease, you can only get into the oil pot!

Tonghui's face did not change color, slowly walked to Emperor Zong's bedside, reached out and took the emperor's pulse, and said softly: "The emperor's illness is not a big deal. Then, the herbs picked on Mount Ao were mashed, applied to the emperor's veins, and then fried into soup for the emperor to take, and in less than three hours, the emperor woke up from his coma.

Soon, the dragon body was healed, and Emperor Xuanzong of Tang was happy and prepared to add the official Jin Jue to Tonghui, but Tonghui Zen Master politely declined, wanting nothing, only asking the emperor's permission to return to Sizhou Aoshan Temple as soon as possible. The emperor was very moved, and immediately ordered the dragon and phoenix palanquin to sound the gong to escort Tonghui to the Ao Temple, and issued an edict to allocate funds to expand and transform the Aoshan Temple and build a magnificent main temple, and build 48 foot temples around the Ao Shan Temple, stipulating that all future uses of the Ao Shan Temple will be enshrined by the foot temple, and since then, the Ao Shan Temple and Tonghui Zen Master have spread to Kyushu and become famous in the world.

During the Republican period, the bandit leader Bi Yuqing occupied Aoshan Temple as a bandit's den, and when Zhang Zhiyi was the magistrate of Cengong County, between the 30th and 34th years of the Republic of China, Zhang Zhiyi carried out an operation to suppress bandits in order to ensure the safety of the party, and the bandit leader Bi Yuqing was killed. However, before being killed, Bi Yuqing burned down the Aoshan Temple, leaving a deep regret for the world, and some people say that it was destroyed by Yang Fengchi, the captain of the third district of the county, on December 21, the 26th year of the Republic of China (1937), and the relics are still faintly visible.

Aoshan Temple covers a total area of 693 square meters, and the east and west walls are 30 meters long; The north wall is 25.2 meters long, five meters high and 0.4 meters thick; The south wall is 21 meters long and is built along the hill. From the Nandeng Stacks into the temple, the Nanshi Gate couplet reads: "The Buddhist scriptures empty the Dharma refuge and take refuge, and the peak is tall and beautiful. Siyang Huang Erting Book". -The base of the ground house has two stone doors leading to the east and west outside the wall. East Gate couplet: "When the mind is moved, the mind is in Haiyan Heqing"; Ximen couplet: "Yes, the true Buddha only says that it is homely, and it is not a famous mountain that does not live in immortals." From one place to two places is the main hall, with two stacks, and there is a deep underground well spring in the east corner of the main hall for monks and tourists to drink.

There is a trapezoidal six-step stacks in the middle of the main hall entering the main hall, and the stone door couplet: "Huayi robbery dust edge Yan Zhi step Bodhi Road, refers to the three living stones have long lived in peace like a gate", the horizontal stone plaque on the door is inscribed with the four characters and patterns "Fish and Dragon Ascension", there is a large lying stone on each side of the door, resembling an anchovy, and another stone stands in the northeast corner wall, shaped like a mackerel leaping.

The stone gate on the east wall of the main hall is built according to the slope, and the door is linked: "The treasure raft of He Shaoji people in Jiuzhou, the four lives and ten categories, many famous mountains." The stone plaque on the door inscribed "Wei Ling Xianying", and the pioneer road chief Huang Heqing, Wen Deyi, Yang Deyu, Jiang Dexian. Guangxu Nian five years Jili. "It was rebuilt in the fifth year of Qing Guangxu, that is, the fifteenth year of Qing Guangxu's ugliness (1889). The underdoor stack extends to the southeast; The couplet of stone pillars at the west gate of the main hall: "Mana power and Western Heavenly Brahma are clear and at ease, and the Chaozong treats great compassion according to Nanhai Putuo." At the corner of the northwest wall from the west gate, there are layers of half-suspended stone peak observation decks, overlooking Fanjing in the distance, and the sea of clouds is surrounded by ten thousand heavy mountains, unpredictable; Looking southeast across the Longao River, it is an idyllic scenery.

The next issue will be more exciting.......