
Gray whales: the most "weird" animals! Not fish, it takes two men and one woman to mate!

author:Your old iron is coming

There are many animals that live in the ocean, some are fish, some are mammals, and the most interesting of them is the gray whale. Although the name carries "fish", gray whales are actually mammals, just like people. They have a wide range of distribution and can freely shuttle through temperate seas such as the North Pacific, North Atlantic, continental coast, and North American coast. But the most attractive thing is the way they reproduce, which requires "two men and one woman" to be carried out together, which sounds very incredible.

Gray whales: the most "weird" animals! Not fish, it takes two men and one woman to mate!

Gray whales have a large body, about 10-15 meters in length and weigh about 30 tons. Such a body size makes it very inconvenient for them to reproduce their offspring. Imagine if there was only one male and one female whale mating, and everyone can guess that this is quite a difficult thing. So, there is a unique change in the way gray whales mate.

During mating, the gray whale will call its "good brother" and ask it to help lift the mother whale at the bottom. In this way, the mating parties can better fit together and complete the glorious task of reproduction. This "good brother" is not chosen arbitrarily, and only male whales with a special relationship with female whales are qualified to take on this heavy responsibility.

Gray whales: the most "weird" animals! Not fish, it takes two men and one woman to mate!

Seeing this, you may think, wouldn't that be embarrassing? And who are the children? In fact, the breeding method of gray whales is also very regular. During mating, the female whale does not have sex with two male whales at the same time, but alternately. Moreover, each male whale mates at the same time and number of times, and the child will be evenly distributed between the two male whales.

In addition to this bizarre way of breeding, what other interesting behaviors do gray whales have? It is understood that gray whales also have a very unique way of foraging. They usually look for small invertebrates for food in shallow water, but their mouth filters filter out only very small food particles, so they usually swallow the sediment and use their tongue to sift the food out. This method of sifting is not only very efficient, but also reduces the risk of injury from swallowing sand and gravel during the foraging process.

Gray whales: the most "weird" animals! Not fish, it takes two men and one woman to mate!

In addition, gray whales are also very social. They often form small communities to help each other and cooperate in foraging for food, protecting future generations, and so on. Studies have shown that gray whales may be more socially competent than gorillas. They also emit a variety of sounds, including singing, shouting, communicating, and more, that not only convey information, but also connect and resonate with communities.

Although gray whales have many interesting behaviors and characteristics, we cannot ignore the threats they face. At present, climate change, human activities, overfishing and other factors have brought great threats to the survival of gray whales. Therefore, the protection of gray whales has become an important task on a global scale.

Gray whales: the most "weird" animals! Not fish, it takes two men and one woman to mate!

In short, gray whales are a very special animal, and their strange behavior and unique characteristics are fascinating. Although they face many threats, we should still do our best to protect these amazing creatures so that they can continue to thrive on the earth and contribute to our ecological environment.

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