
The Lakers 123-117 Thunder, the inexplicable is not the win, but James's post-game statement

author:A big history of basketball

北京‬时间‬3月2日‬nba常规赛‬迎来‬一场‬焦点大战‬,雷霆主场迎战湖人,这是‬一场‬西部‬季后赛‬附加赛区‬的‬卡位战‬。 湖人上一场不敌灰熊,3连胜被终结‬,有点‬不甘心‬,这场‬势必‬要‬拿下‬雷霆,后者‬已经‬遭遇‬4连败了‬。 伤员‬方面‬,詹姆斯‬、浓眉‬不打‬,布朗‬和‬班‬巴‬首发‬,雷霆‬队‬的‬亚历山大‬也‬休战‬。

The Lakers 123-117 Thunder, the inexplicable is not the win, but James's post-game statement

首节开始‬,湖人‬先发‬制人‬‬,一波‬7-0的攻势占得‬先机,随后‬雷霆反扑‬,在后半节回敬15-5的攻势迅速追上比分; 次节双方延续对攻态势,施罗德‬三分‬,上篮‬,突破‬应有‬尽有‬,但‬雷霆‬则‬全员‬开花‬,分差一直没拉开‬,反而‬在末段抓住了湖人短暂的得分‬停滞‬机会,送出7-0的攻势,半场60-57,领先‬3分。 上半场,湖人全队三分20投10中,命中率高‬达50%,两分球方面,24投9中,命中率只有37.5%. In addition, the Lakers had seven turnovers in the first half.

The Lakers 123-117 Thunder, the inexplicable is not the win, but James's post-game statement

第三节‬开始‬,湖人队‬里弗斯‬、布朗‬接连‬发炮‬,八村垒‬翻身‬跳投得手‬,而‬雷霆‬没能‬给出回应‬,湖人连续送出12-2的攻势占据上风; 末节湖人不给‬任何机会‬,再送9-0的攻势将分差扩大至两位数,爱德华‬锁定‬胜局。 最终,湖人123-117击败雷霆,排名‬锁定‬西部‬第‬‬11,再‬进‬一步‬。

数据‬统计‬方面‬,此役之后‬,湖人30胜‬33负‬。 Schroeder sprained his ankle in the first quarter and shot just 1 of seven in the first half. But he bounced back in the second half and made consecutive kills in key moments and refused to come back. 全场比赛投篮‬18投8中,三分6中3,砍下了‬全队最高的26分外加2板6助2断,并‬在最后时刻6犯离场。 Hachimura 9 points, 9 boards, 2 assists and 3 caps. Gabriel 5 points 10 boards. Troy Brown produced efficiently, playing 33 minutes on 7-of-10 shooting, 4-of-7 from three-point range, 1-of-1 from the free throw line, contributing 19 points, 1 rebound, 4 assists, 1 steal and 2 blocks, +5. Vanderbilt 7 points and 4 boards, Bamba 12 points, 7 boards and 2 assists, Beasley 11 points, 6 boards and 2 assists, Walker 13 points and 2 boards. 白‬里夫斯表现不俗,他全场出战24分38秒5投5中,三分1中1、罚球9中8,拿下19分4助攻1抢断。 Rivers is really steady, well-used and good, and because of his thin body, he plays smartly and falls when touched, like Ginobili.

The Lakers 123-117 Thunder, the inexplicable is not the win, but James's post-game statement

雷霆这边‬,基本‬彻底‬放弃‬季后赛了‬。 基迪表现‬全面‬,22分9板11助。 杰伦-威廉姆斯17中‬9,砍下‬24分4板7助2断。 替补‬球员‬乔15分2板3助。 多特16中‬7,拿到‬19分2板2助。 杰林-威廉姆斯手感‬冰凉‬,7中‬1,只得‬4分12板2助。

The Lakers 123-117 Thunder, the inexplicable is not the win, but James's post-game statement

In this game, the Lakers did not play with the two top paid players, James and Davis, and the Lakers, who had millions of players, poured everything they had.

赛后詹姆斯在‬社交媒体‬上‬称赞球队表现,他写道:“赢得漂亮伙计们!! #LakeShow”看来‬,老詹‬对‬这批‬队友‬还是‬很满意的‬,向‬着‬总冠军‬冲击‬!

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