
Hometown Danjiang water "sweet" new home migrant village "beauty" - Baofeng County solidly promote the machuan new village resettlement follow-up support work

author:Henan Daily

Henan Daily client reporter Zhang Jianxin Xue Yinghui Henan Newspaper all-media reporter Wang Bingke

"China's Top Ten Most Beautiful Villages", "Rich Villages" in Enclaves, "Longtou Villages" for Rural Revitalization... Looking at the many honors, who could have imagined that this was a new village of immigrants for only 12 years.

Draught does not forget the well digger. In recent years, Baofeng County has continued to do a good job in the follow-up support for the resettlement of migrants in the Danjiangkou Reservoir Area, and comprehensively promoted rural revitalization, not only allowing the migrants in Machuan New Village in Zhouzhuang Town to feel the warmth of their new homes, but also creating a new picture of a livable and workable rural area through the development of rare mushroom industries, ensuring that the relocated migrants can live, develop and get rich.

Hometown Danjiang water "sweet" new home migrant village "beauty" - Baofeng County solidly promote the machuan new village resettlement follow-up support work

Drink the water of the Danjiang River The environment is picturesque

November 16, 2019, is a memorable day for all the villagers of Machuan New Village.

"Finally ate the Danjiang water of my hometown, and my heart was particularly sweet." It's a beautiful place and easy access, it's like living in the city. Speaking of his current life, 74-year-old Li Jinhe is full of smiles.

The Danjiang water passing to the doorstep is just a microcosm of Baofeng County's promotion of resettlement in Machuan New Village. From the investigation of the main leaders of the county party committee, it was learned that the masses wanted to drink the water of their hometown, and the local government only took more than a month to let the masses smoothly drink the water of the Danjiang River in their hometown.

Machuan New Village is a pilot immigrant village in Danjiangkou Reservoir District of our province, only 1.5 kilometers away from Baofeng County, and was relocated from Cangtou Town in Huaichuan to Zhouzhuang Town in Baofeng on August 26, 2009.

Surprisingly, this is actually the seventh time that Machuan Village has immigrated because of the Danjiangkou Reservoir. Quan Shuangchao, secretary of the party branch of Machuan New Village, said that in the past, there were also partial relocations to Hubei and Dengzhou City, but most of them were near the reservoir area, and the inconvenience of transportation has always been an important problem that plagued villagers.

"Every time we go to the county seat, we have to take the ferry first, and then drive or take public transportation for at least two or three hours; if there are few people, the wind is strong, or at night, the ferry is not yet passable, and it is more difficult to get out." Quan Shuangchao said with deep feeling.

In order to let the immigrants move out and stay, Baofeng County actively carried out the construction of "Beautiful Immigrant Village" and carried out the overall planning of Machuan New Village.

Raised more than 4.2 million yuan to comprehensively improve the infrastructure and living environment of Machuan New Village, laying 19,916 square meters of asphalt roads and building 7,684 square meters of concrete scattered water; renovating 1 theater stage, laying 1,500 square meters of colored asphalt roads in sports squares; renovating 260 flower beds in front of the door, and planting more than 100 ornamental green plants...

Nowadays, walking in Machuan New Village, rows of small buildings are elegant and bright, pieces of green space are full of vitality, street lamps are energy-saving and environmentally friendly, asphalt roads are clean and tidy, high-standard cultural squares, people's stages, health rooms, schools, supermarkets, public toilets, etc. are neatly laid out, and colorful running tracks, basketball courts, table tennis tables and fitness equipment are readily available on sports squares.

Hometown Danjiang water "sweet" new home migrant village "beauty" - Baofeng County solidly promote the machuan new village resettlement follow-up support work

The village is the view, and the scenery is the village. The construction of Machuan New Village has not only greatly improved the living and living conditions of immigrants and allowed them to live in their new homes with peace of mind, but also rated as "China's Top Ten Most Beautiful Villages in 2020" at the 2020 Boao International Summit on Beautiful Villages.

It is precisely thanks to Baofeng County's solid promotion of the resettlement work that the immigrants in Machuan New Village have gone from being difficult to relocate from their homeland when they first left home, to now everyone has a sweet smile on their faces, directly praising the good policies of the party and the government.

Grow rare mushrooms and life has a head start

If it is said that the convenient transportation of Machuan New Village and the beautiful living environment allow the immigrant masses to "move out and stay stable"; then the immigrant support industrial park led by the "agricultural wisdom square cabin" built by the village allows the masses to "develop and get rich".

On June 1, the machuan new village rare edible mushroom industrial park, standardized production greenhouses rolled out, newly picked mushrooms directly into the small truck, queued up to transport to the province and beyond. In the exhibition hall of the visitor center next to it, there are a variety of rare products such as slippery mushrooms, morel mushrooms, white jade mushrooms, and chanterelles, and tourists come to buy them from time to time.

Hometown Danjiang water "sweet" new home migrant village "beauty" - Baofeng County solidly promote the machuan new village resettlement follow-up support work

"On the one hand, we encourage the masses to farm and go out to work, on the other hand, we lead the masses to develop the cultivation of rare mushrooms, continuously open channels for increasing income, and promote the rural revitalization of immigrant villages." Guo Feng, director of the Baofeng County Resettlement Service Center, said.

Walking into the smart square cabin door of the industrial park, the display screen dynamically updates the indicators such as temperature, humidity and light. Rare mushroom cultivation pays more attention to technology and environment, to this end, since 2020, the county has invested 7.3 million yuan in Machuan New Village to build an immigration back-to-earth industrial park dominated by "agricultural wisdom cabin" (intelligent edible mushroom mushroom room), and jointly built 14 smart square cabins with 28 groups, 52 high-standard solar greenhouses and supporting facilities; it has also introduced 4 modern leading enterprises such as Hongya Mushroom Industry to "empower" rare mushroom planting with digital technology.

Hometown Danjiang water "sweet" new home migrant village "beauty" - Baofeng County solidly promote the machuan new village resettlement follow-up support work

According to the person in charge of Hongya Mushroom Industry, the "Agricultural Wisdom Cabin" has a total of 7 layers, adopts a laminated planting mode, maximizes the planting space, and uses modern biotechnology and information technology for intelligent regulation, leading the cultivation of rare bacteria to intelligent, efficient and circular direction. Due to the lack of external environmental influences, mushrooms can be planted more than 10 times a year in the square cabin, and the output value is 10 times that of traditional greenhouses.

The rare edible mushroom industrial park has become a new highlight of modern circular agriculture in Baofeng County, coupled with the silk carpet factory and edible mushroom seed production plant built before, which not only solves the problem of poverty alleviation for all poor households in Machuan New Village, but also realizes the annual income of the village collective of more than 400,000 yuan. Quan Shuangchao said that the industrial park has also provided more than 100 jobs for the immigrants, each with an annual income of more than 30,000 yuan, which truly enables immigrants to realize the good wish of "putting down the hoe and entering the factory and working at the doorstep".

Before leaving, a paragraph on the sign of the greenhouse attracted people's attention, in addition to Machuan New Village, there were also migrant villages in Yangzhuang Town, Such as Mashangen New Village, Zhouzhuang Town, Liu Wan and other villages.

"This is the 'enclave property purchase' economic development model we explored and created, giving full play to the advantages of immigration, poverty alleviation and financial funds, and building greenhouses for 39 villages such as many immigrant villages and poor villages in the county, effectively breaking the geographical space restrictions and achieving a balanced and shared development of 'first getting rich and then getting rich'." Guo Feng said. At present, Baofeng County has accumulated 14 late-stage support projects for the construction of machuan new villages, and the industrial construction funds alone have reached 19.5666 million yuan.

Hometown Danjiang water "sweet" new home migrant village "beauty" - Baofeng County solidly promote the machuan new village resettlement follow-up support work

In addition, through multi-party demonstration, Baofeng County plans to invest 450 million yuan to build a modern agricultural industrial base of rare bacteria with Machuan immigrant new village as the core. At present, the base rare mushroom theme restaurant, ecological parking lot, visitor center, exhibition center, greenhouse mushroom shed, etc. have been put into use, becoming a modern edible mushroom base that integrates ecological agriculture, modern processing industry, rural tourism and farmers' continuous income increase, and gradually become a demonstration leader driving the revitalization of Baofeng County.

Building a "beautiful immigrant village" and exploring the development model of the immigrant industry, Baofeng County's immigration support work has not only been affirmed by the Ministry of Water Resources and provincial, municipal and county leaders, but also attracted Hubei, Shandong, Luoyang, Zhoukou and other cities in the province to study and investigate.

Industrial prosperity, ecological excellence, rural beauty, good governance, rich life, now Machuan New Village has become a demonstration observation point for rural human settlements in Baofeng County, a planting base for edible mushrooms, and has become a new business card for local sightseeing tourism, fruit and vegetable picking, and science popularization demonstration.

Hometown Danjiang water "sweet" new home migrant village "beauty" - Baofeng County solidly promote the machuan new village resettlement follow-up support work
Hometown Danjiang water "sweet" new home migrant village "beauty" - Baofeng County solidly promote the machuan new village resettlement follow-up support work

Edit: Wang Chaoyue

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