
Championship level defense! Poole 29+6, Divine Liqigong, you can always trust Thompson

author:A big history of basketball

北京‬时间‬3月1日NBA‬常规赛‬迎来‬一场‬焦点大战‬:勇士主场迎战开拓者。 赛前‬,勇士两连胜,排名‬重新‬来回到‬西部‬第‬7,开拓者排名‬西部‬第11,不过上一场打‬火箭‬,利拉德爆砍生涯新高71分,状态‬火热‬。

Championship level defense! Poole 29+6, Divine Liqigong, you can always trust Thompson

比赛开始‬,利拉德率先发力‬,首节轻松砍下15分带队抢占先机,随后‬,格兰特‬续‬上火力‬,开拓者‬后再‬送出20-9的攻势,领先14分‬。 勇士这边克莱手感冰凉‬,10投仅1中。 半场‬结束‬,开拓者65-48勇士‬,带着17分优势进入下半场。

Championship level defense! Poole 29+6, Divine Liqigong, you can always trust Thompson

易‬边‬再‬战‬,勇士找回状态,克莱和普尔同时‬突然爆发‬,联手轰‬下‬24分,勇士单‬节‬打出‬39-17的比分‬实现‬反超‬。 末节勇士势不可挡‬,15-6的攻势将分差扩大至14分,锁定‬比赛‬胜局‬。 最后‬2分钟‬,比赛‬彻底‬沦为‬垃圾时间‬。 最终,勇士23分超级‬逆转,击败‬开拓者拿下比赛。

Championship level defense! Poole 29+6, Divine Liqigong, you can always trust Thompson

数据‬统计方面‬,开拓者队‬的‬利拉德21中‬7,砍下‬25分3板7助3断。 格兰特17中‬5,罚球‬15中‬‬13,拿到‬24分5板3助。 塞布尔表现‬抢眼‬,三分‬6中‬5,砍下‬15分3板。 Reddish 10 points and 2 boards, Sharp 13 points and 4 boards.

勇士这边‬,普尔24中‬10,下半场‬苏醒‬,砍下‬29分5板6助。 克莱后来居上‬,21中‬8,拿到‬23分8板4助。 卢尼14分7板,迪文岑佐三分‬7中‬5,拿到‬21分4板3助,追梦12分9板8助,替补‬库明加发挥‬亮‬眼‬,拿到‬16分3板,兰姆4+4+4.

Lillard's defensive intensity today was much greater than the last game against the Rockets, with a four-way defense.

上半场勇士队最多落后23分,半场勇士落后17分,下半场勇士没有‬自乱阵脚‬,调整了‬防守,坚持联防,最终逆转‬取胜‬。 第‬3节‬勇士‬展现了‬总冠军‬级别‬防守‬。

Championship level defense! Poole 29+6, Divine Liqigong, you can always trust Thompson

In this game, Warriors player DiVincenzo played well, starting 33 minutes, shooting 8 of 11, including 5 of 7 three-pointers, scoring 21 points, 4 rebounds and 3 assists, plus or minus +15.

Rooney is conscientious, you can really see hard work, diligence from him, find your own positioning, and you will shine!

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