
13 goals and 12 assists! It was revealed that Real Madrid is eyeing the strongest rising star in Serie A and is willing to give the No. 7 shirt with a starting price of 120 million

author:Super Brother Xiao Sports

Since Cristiano Ronaldo left Real Madrid, Hazard joined the Galaxy in 2019 to become the owner of the new No. 7, but the "London Za Ball King" joined this for nearly 4 years, full of injuries, only scored 7 goals for Real Madrid, and only 7 appearances this season, neither Zidane nor Carlo Ancelotti can save the Belgian superstar, if Ronaldo is the strongest No. 7 in Real Madrid's history, then the worst No. 7 must be Eden Hazard. Previously, according to Marca newspaper, Real Madrid will purge Hazard in the summer window and are even willing to purge him by terminating his contract.

13 goals and 12 assists! It was revealed that Real Madrid is eyeing the strongest rising star in Serie A and is willing to give the No. 7 shirt with a starting price of 120 million

With Eden Hazard gone, Real Madrid's No.7 will be vacant, and Real Madrid have two options at the moment, one is for Vinicius to take over the No. 7 shirt next season, and the other is to bring in another attacker. According to the transfer market, in addition to Mbappe, Real Madrid also intends to bring in Napoli's Kvarac Heria, and Romano also said that Real Madrid do have a strong interest in the Georgian winger.

13 goals and 12 assists! It was revealed that Real Madrid is eyeing the strongest rising star in Serie A and is willing to give the No. 7 shirt with a starting price of 120 million

Kvaratshria, known by fans as the "Alphabet Brother of Football" because of his lengthy name, as a figure of Georgian revival, Alphabet Brother only joined Napoli last summer for 11.5 million euros, because he had only played in the Russian League and the Georgian League, and at the beginning of Kvarachelia's arrival, even Napoli's own fans were not optimistic that he could succeed Insigne. However, coming to the Apennine Games, Alphabet Brother has ushered in a full-blown explosion, scoring 12 goals and 13 assists in 26 appearances so far this season, and the attacking line with Osmayne is invincible, advancing in Serie A and the Champions League, and now Napoli are 18 points ahead of Serie A and the Champions League is only one step away from the last eight.

13 goals and 12 assists! It was revealed that Real Madrid is eyeing the strongest rising star in Serie A and is willing to give the No. 7 shirt with a starting price of 120 million

Like most players, Kvarac Heria has a "dream of being a child", and he has already said in interviews that his favorite team is Real Madrid, the first player he knows is Guti, and his idol is Cristiano Ronaldo. It is foreseeable that once Kvarac Heria continues his brilliant performance, even if Napoli win this season's Serie A title, it will be difficult to retain the future star, not to mention that Napoli president De Yan is a famous owner who will sell players in the team at a high price.

13 goals and 12 assists! It was revealed that Real Madrid is eyeing the strongest rising star in Serie A and is willing to give the No. 7 shirt with a starting price of 120 million

It is reported that Kvarazhelia has attracted the attention of many European giants, in addition to Real Madrid, there are Manchester City Chelsea and other teams, Napoli has a price tag of more than 120 million euros, but with so many teams interested, I am afraid that this price will only increase. In recent years, Real Madrid has been introducing many young talents for upgrading, and the salary in the team is healthy, the Galaxy has plenty of funds to make big signings, even if Bellingham and Kvarats Helia join together in the summer window, it will not affect Real Madrid's salary space.