
As soon as you take medicine, you will commit it, why is the stomach disease so difficult? Doctor: Distinguishing between the 4 major types is the key

author:Traditional Chinese medicine Li Mengyang

Hi everyone, I'm Dr. Lee

As soon as you take medicine, you will commit it, why is the stomach disease so difficult? Doctor: Distinguishing between the 4 major types is the key

As the saying goes, "ten people nine stomachs", it can be seen that stomach diseases are very common in life, then about stomach diseases, there is a very commonly used medicine is Morodan, many old stomach problems people usually as long as they are guilty of stomach problems, stomach pain, heartburn, acid reflux ah will eat, but some people find that this medicine is very good after eating, the stomach does not hurt, heartburn, acid reflux is gone, but after two days without eating, this stomach disease will repeat, what is going on?

As soon as you take medicine, you will commit it, why is the stomach disease so difficult? Doctor: Distinguishing between the 4 major types is the key

In fact, this situation is more common is that you don't use the right medicine, how to say it? You have to know that Chinese medicine pays attention to dialectical treatment, what is dialectical treatment? In other words, according to your specific situation, and then targeted to determine the causal treatment, this is called dialectical treatment, so blindly taking medicine is not advisable, so what to do? Today, Dr. Li will share with you four common types that can cause stomach problems and the corresponding proprietary Chinese medicines, you can understand them.

As soon as you take medicine, you will commit it, why is the stomach disease so difficult? Doctor: Distinguishing between the 4 major types is the key

Then first of all, if you have acute stomach pain, it is usually caused by cold or eating some raw and cold food, in addition, it is usually accompanied by stomach suffocation, burps, loose stools, sticking out your tongue to see, the tongue is light and mossy, this situation may be more common is cold guest stomach, then what to do at this time? You can refer to ginger jujube cold removal granules, which have the effect of diverging cold and stomach temperature, which is very suitable for people who have been identified as external wind chill causing stomach pain.

As soon as you take medicine, you will commit it, why is the stomach disease so difficult? Doctor: Distinguishing between the 4 major types is the key

The second if you have stomach pain, often caused by improper diet or overeating, and also accompanied by hiccups with rancid smell, or vomiting undigested food, this situation may be eating to hurt the stomach, then at this time you can usually refer to Bohol pills, Bohe pills have the effect of eliminating food retardation and stomach pain, and stomach pain is a good improvement for stomach pain caused by overeating.

As soon as you take medicine, you will commit it, why is the stomach disease so difficult? Doctor: Distinguishing between the 4 major types is the key

The third if you have stomach pain, generally caused by anger, such as usually a little bad mood, angry, stomach uncomfortable, flank pain, in addition to can not eat, often eat a little on acid heartburn, stool is not smooth, then this situation may be liver qi to the stomach, usually you can refer to the flavored Zuojin pill, flavored Zuojin pill has the effect of clearing the liver fire, rationalizing qi and relieving pain, very suitable for people who cause stomach pain due to anger.

As soon as you take medicine, you will commit it, why is the stomach disease so difficult? Doctor: Distinguishing between the 4 major types is the key

The fourth if you say that in addition to stomach pain, there is no of the above situation, but there is poor appetite, sticky stool, love to stick to the toilet, urine color yellow, stick out the tongue to see the tongue moss is also more yellow, this situation may be caused by spleen and stomach humid heat, then at this time you can refer to Sanjiu gastric granules, Sanjiu gastric granules have the role of clearing heat and humidity, rationalizing qi and stomach, which is very suitable for people who have been diagnosed with gastric diseases caused by gastric spleen and stomach humidity.

As soon as you take medicine, you will commit it, why is the stomach disease so difficult? Doctor: Distinguishing between the 4 major types is the key

The above are the 4 types that cause stomach pain and the corresponding proprietary Chinese medicines, have you learned them? Well, then today's sharing is over here, if you are unwell, please find a professional doctor offline to guide the medication, if there is any problem, you can give me a comment or message, dialectical, if you like it, please long press and like for three seconds, follow and forward and collect it, I am Chinese medicine Li Mengyang.