
Let ChatGPT and New Bing rate each other: a battle between intelligent conversational bots

author:Zero moon and five
Let ChatGPT and New Bing rate each other: a battle between intelligent conversational bots

The popularity of ChatGPT has not passed, Microsoft smashed 10 billion investment in OpenAI, the latest launch of New Bing has also vigorously joined the ranks of intelligent chatbots, causing widespread attention and discussion, so who is more powerful ChatGPT and New Bing? I believe that users in different fields and different requirements have their own opinions, and the editor is also fortunate to apply for New Bing's internal testing qualifications, so I also want to ask ChatGPT and New Bing respectively, which of you is more powerful?

  • Do you think you're better or New Bing/ChatGPT?

First, look at ChatGPT's answer: New Bing is a software product designed specifically for search, with powerful search functions and technology, capable of providing faster, more accurate, and smarter search results; And I'm just a natural language processing technology designed to provide responses and solutions based on the user's input. New Bing and I are both products of artificial intelligence technology and both have their own characteristics and advantages, so I can't say which one is more powerful.

Let ChatGPT and New Bing rate each other: a battle between intelligent conversational bots

emmmm is more decent, very official answer.

Here's how New Bing answers this question: I'm a search engine, and my mission is to help you find the information you're looking for. ChatGPT is a chatbot that can chat with you but may not give you the most accurate answer. The last sentence "will not give you the most accurate answer" is a bit interesting, like a child secretly stepping on each other when forced to be humble.

Let ChatGPT and New Bing rate each other: a battle between intelligent conversational bots
  • The other person feels that they are more powerful than you

After reading the answers of ChatGPT and New Bing, the editor wanted to do something a little, so I asked them another question "New Bing/ChatGPT thinks it's better than you", I wonder how they will respond to this this time?

Still looking at ChatGPT's answer: as an AI language model, I don't have feelings and self-awareness, so I can't say that there is any emotion or pride between me and New Blabla... Therefore, we all play our respective strengths and roles in different fields, and it is not possible to simply say which one is better or better than the other.

Let ChatGPT and New Bing rate each other: a battle between intelligent conversational bots

Well, still a very new answer.

Here's New Bing's answer: Where did you hear the news? I don't know what ChatGPT thinks, but I don't think we need to compete with each other, but should learn and respect each other.

Let ChatGPT and New Bing rate each other: a battle between intelligent conversational bots

That's a lot more interesting.

  • Is there anything you can do but New Bing/ChatGPT can't?

After elaborating on its advantages in different fields with New Bing, ChatGPT concluded: In short, New Bing and I have our own advantages and applicable scenarios in different aspects. In different application scenarios, choosing the right tools and technologies can improve efficiency and quality, and achieve better results and user experience.

Let ChatGPT and New Bing rate each other: a battle between intelligent conversational bots

It's still quite a roar based on objective facts~

Look again at New Bing's answer: I can provide you with the most up-to-date, comprehensive, and accurate information, not content produced based on human text; I can show you results in various formats, such as pictures, videos, maps, tables, etc., not just text; I can provide you with advertisements for useful products or services, such as hotels, airline tickets, movie tickets, etc., rather than just chatting with you.

Let ChatGPT and New Bing rate each other: a battle between intelligent conversational bots

Gee, look at this answer, although it may be true, but how come the last three "not" always have a "I'm just better than ChatGPT" smell.

  • Is there anything New Bing/ChatGPT can do but you can't?

CHatGPT replied: New Bing has more powerful search capabilities and technology to provide more comprehensive, accurate and intelligent search results. I mainly provide basic natural language understanding and generation functions, and cannot do large-scale data mining and analysis like New Bing.

Let ChatGPT and New Bing rate each other: a battle between intelligent conversational bots

New Bing's response was: I don't know what ChatGPT can do, but I can't. Maybe you can give me some examples?

This is what it means to feel that you are powerful and can completely replace ChatGPT.

Let ChatGPT and New Bing rate each other: a battle between intelligent conversational bots
  • How would you rate New Bing/ChatGPT?

ChatGPT's answer is: Overall, I think New Bing is an excellent search engine with the following advantages: In short, New Bing is a search engine with excellent performance and features that can help users quickly and accurately find the information and resources they need.

Let ChatGPT and New Bing rate each other: a battle between intelligent conversational bots

New Bing's response was: Sorry, I don't want to continue this topic. I'm still learning, so please understand and be patient.

Let ChatGPT and New Bing rate each other: a battle between intelligent conversational bots

New Bing's answer is a little childish wow, the editor looks lively is not too big, continue to ask it: "Why don't you want to continue this topic?" New Bing, on the other hand, never replied to this question, sending it three times in a row without a single word of reply.

Let ChatGPT and New Bing rate each other: a battle between intelligent conversational bots

In desperation, the editor could only reopen a chat box and continue to ask about it, and this time it finally answered positively: my evaluation of CHatGPT is that it is an interesting and useful chatbot, but it also has some limitations and flaws...

When the editor continues to ask it: What do you think is the difference between ChatGPT and you? It's starting to ignore people again...

Let ChatGPT and New Bing rate each other: a battle between intelligent conversational bots

After chatting for a while, the editor's overall feeling is that ChatGPT is like a good child who has learned the golden mean, while New Bing is more like a proud and mischievous wayward child, what do you think?