
Breakfast oil salt cake, 60 seconds fast, less oil recipe is more delicious, fluffy and chewy, the more you eat, the more fragrant

author:Vegetarian dishes

Breakfast oil salt cake, 60 seconds fast, less oil recipe is more delicious, fluffy and chewy, the more you eat, the more fragrant. Many people will be based on pasta for breakfast, whether it is buns, steamed buns or cakes, are very popular, especially a variety of cakes, simple and fast, always loved by everyone, today we will share with you a homemade oil and salt cake method.

Breakfast oil salt cake, 60 seconds fast, less oil recipe is more delicious, fluffy and chewy, the more you eat, the more fragrant

Prepare the ingredients:

Ordinary flour, water, corn oil, salt, thirteen spices


Breakfast oil salt cake, 60 seconds fast, less oil recipe is more delicious, fluffy and chewy, the more you eat, the more fragrant

1. Pour 300g of flour, this noodle should be slightly softer, a pound of noodles 6 taels of water, stir while pouring, all stirred into a state of dough, we pour 10g of corn oil to moisturize, so that kneading will not stick to the hands, and the baked cake will also be very soft, finally, integrate a few more times, knead this soft and non-sticky smooth dough, cover and wake up for half an hour.

Breakfast oil salt cake, 60 seconds fast, less oil recipe is more delicious, fluffy and chewy, the more you eat, the more fragrant

2. The time is almost up, the dough will become softer after it is loose, this time you can directly knead into long strips.

Breakfast oil salt cake, 60 seconds fast, less oil recipe is more delicious, fluffy and chewy, the more you eat, the more fragrant

3. When handling small dough, it is still necessary to knead it well.

Breakfast oil salt cake, 60 seconds fast, less oil recipe is more delicious, fluffy and chewy, the more you eat, the more fragrant

4. Sprinkle some dry flour on the board, roll out the small dough into a crust, and after rolling out the crust, we apply a thin layer of oil on it, which is mainly used for layering.

Breakfast oil salt cake, 60 seconds fast, less oil recipe is more delicious, fluffy and chewy, the more you eat, the more fragrant

5. When seasoning, we sprinkle some salt, and then some thirteen spices, many friends do not like its taste, you can use pepper salt instead, cut a knife at the radius.

Breakfast oil salt cake, 60 seconds fast, less oil recipe is more delicious, fluffy and chewy, the more you eat, the more fragrant

6. Start rolling up along the place.

Breakfast oil salt cake, 60 seconds fast, less oil recipe is more delicious, fluffy and chewy, the more you eat, the more fragrant

7. Be sure to pinch these closures, and at the end we will press them vertically downwards like this.

Breakfast oil salt cake, 60 seconds fast, less oil recipe is more delicious, fluffy and chewy, the more you eat, the more fragrant

8. When rolling the crust, we must change the front and back sides, so that the layers are even enough.

Breakfast oil salt cake, 60 seconds fast, less oil recipe is more delicious, fluffy and chewy, the more you eat, the more fragrant

9. When the pancake is preheated by the electric cake bell on fire, there is no need to brush the oil, the aroma of the baked cake will be more sufficient, see the electric cake bell in the crazy steaming air, we are going to turn a side, again burnt until the steam, and the cake has been bubbling, it means that it is cooked.

Breakfast oil salt cake, 60 seconds fast, less oil recipe is more delicious, fluffy and chewy, the more you eat, the more fragrant

10. This cake contains particularly little oil, the overall taste is soft and gluten, the noodles are very fragrant, and it will not feel greasy to eat, but the more chewed it is, the more fragrant, friends who like it can try it at home.