
Fan Zhendong! You look at the love debt you owe. East: Huh. [Tooth]: I don't have a phone case, but I have you, and guess where I put you.

author:Capricorn crab swimming against the current

Fan Zhendong! You look at the love debt you owe.

East: Huh.

[Tooth]: I don't have a phone case.

But I have you,


Where I put you.

Fan Zhendong! You look at the love debt you owe. East: Huh. [Tooth]: I don't have a phone case, but I have you, and guess where I put you.
Fan Zhendong! You look at the love debt you owe. East: Huh. [Tooth]: I don't have a phone case, but I have you, and guess where I put you.
Fan Zhendong! You look at the love debt you owe. East: Huh. [Tooth]: I don't have a phone case, but I have you, and guess where I put you.
Fan Zhendong! You look at the love debt you owe. East: Huh. [Tooth]: I don't have a phone case, but I have you, and guess where I put you.

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