
Barley tea is not tea, but it is better than tea, and it is still a good drink to cool off in summer

author:There is a way to tea

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Barley tea is a traditional refreshing drink widely spread among mainland people, before eating, only need to brew with hot water for 2~3 minutes to leach the rich tea aroma. Processing barley tea is also very simple, the barley is stir-fried and then boiled, smells a strong wheat aroma, drinking it can not only be appetizing, but also help digestion, and other benefits. So barley tea has begun to be favored in recent years, and the strong tea aroma and good taste make many people like to drink. Mai tea, to be precise, is not a tea in the traditional sense, but a drink made by roasting, stir-frying, and then grinding into powder crops such as barley and wheat.

Barley tea is not tea, but it is better than tea, and it is still a good drink to cool off in summer

Barley tea is not only popular among Chinese people, but also widely spread in Japan, South Korea and other Asian countries is a traditional cool and rich fragrant tea, also known as wheat tea, wheat soup, is a drink made by roasting barley and then grinding it into powder. It retains some of the original nutrients in barley during the production process, such as carbohydrates, plant proteins, B vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids, etc., which has the effect of relieving heat and heat, quenching thirst, aiding digestion, losing weight and strengthening blood veins. It is a new type of beverage with a unique taste and health benefits.

According to Li Shizhen's "Compendium of Materia Medica", "Barley tastes sweet, has the ability to treat swelling, eliminate accumulation of food, calm the stomach and quench thirst, relieve heat and heat, invigorate qi and regulate the atmosphere, widen the chest and atmosphere, replenish weakness, strengthen blood veins, benefit color, solid five internal organs, and transform grain food." Treatment of painful urination; Cure the wheat mang; Treat the elderly with irritability, irregular drinking, and dry tongue; treatment of water vapor disease; Summers are hot and hot; Treatment of acute laryngitis, tonsillitis, throat abscess. Barley flour can be edible, barley can also be made into beer, help digestion, relieve liver and qi, help adjust gastrointestinal function.

Professor Hideo Eto of the Department of Agronomy of Shizuoka University in Japan recently announced that research has found that wheat tea contains specific substances that inhibit cancer, which has a certain preventive effect on cancer. The specific anti-cancer substances contained in barley tea are P-coumaric acid, which is found in legumes, and quercetin, which is widely used in medicines. Quercetin is mainly used as a blood pressure drug. Scientists believe that some bad lifestyle habits, such as smoking, overeating, overwork, etc., may increase reactive oxygen species in the body and cause diseases including cancer. Reactive oxygen species exist in the human body, and one of its molecules is in a discretely unstable state. "Restless" reactive oxygen species can rob electrons such as fatty acids present in cell membranes, causing a series of rapid chain reactions that cause a variety of diseases. The antioxidant effect of wheat tea can eliminate excess active oxygen. In the past, people drank wheat tea, mainly hoping to prevent cancer, stroke, myocardial infarction, diabetes, etc. However, it has not been found which substance in wheat tea can eliminate reactive oxygen species.

Barley tea is not tea, but it is better than tea, and it is still a good drink to cool off in summer

Before understanding barley tea, we may wish to briefly talk about the main raw material for making barley tea: barley.

Barley (scientific name: Hordeum vulgare L.) is an annual herbaceous plant in the family Poaceae, the genus Hordeum. The stalks are stout, smooth and glabrous, erect and up to 100 cm tall. leaf sheath loose and stem-hugging, mostly glabrous or pubescent at base; Two lanceolate leaf ears on both sides; The leaf tongue is membranous and the leaf blade is flattened. Inflorescences with dense spikelets, spikelets all sessile, linear-lanceolate, covered with short pubescent hairs on the outside, and the inner and outer spikelets are several equal in length. When ripe, the fruit sticks to the bark and does not come out.

It is cultivated all over the north and south of China. Barley grows in a wide range of environments and has spring and winter growth habits. Barley is one of the oldest cultivated crops in the world and has a variety of uses such as edible, feed, brewing, medicinal and so on. Flour is its finished product.

Barley tea is not tea, but it is better than tea, and it is still a good drink to cool off in summer

According to archaeological findings, barley cultivation began around 8000 BC and even dates back to around the end of the last ice age. According to archaeological and paleobotanical studies, the Near East is considered the origin of barley cultivation (west of Turkey, Israel, Syria, Iraq and Iran)

The absolute age of Chinese barley and wheat is concentrated after 2000 BC, barley appeared in the Central Plains after 900 BC, and wheat appeared in this region at least 500 years or even more than 1000 years earlier. In other words, wheat entered the Central Plains during the Bronze Age, while barley was introduced during the Iron Age.

Barley is grown in Europe, North America, Asia, Oceania, etc. in the world, and is grown almost all over the world. Mainland barley production areas are distributed in the north, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Huanghuai region, etc. Barley is very adaptable, drought-tolerant, cold-tolerant, and heat-tolerant, which is a major reason for its wide distribution. Barley contains natural nutrients, its growth period is short, it can be harvested in the same year of planting, and the yield of barley is relatively high in areas with good regional conditions, so the value of this crop is higher.

Barley tea is not tea, but it is better than tea, and it is still a good drink to cool off in summer

Stir-fried barley

1. Northern barley producing area

The northern part of the mainland is large and bountiful, with a large area of arable land, and the climatic conditions are relatively mild, suitable for growing barley, and the northern barley production area is in the Inner Mongolia Plateau, Ningxia, all of Xinjiang, Shanxi, Hebei, northern Shaanxi, Gansu-Jingtai and Hexi corridor. Northern barley is an annual spring barley area, as well as high-quality malting barley.

2. Barley producing area on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

Barley is also grown in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and the relevant production areas are all of Qinghai and Tibet, Sichuan-Ganzi and Aba Tibetan Autonomous Prefectures, Gansu-Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan-Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, etc. The area has a high altitude, large temperature difference between day and night, short frost-free period, and mainly cultivates multi-edged naked barley.

3. Barley producing areas south of Huang and Huai

The Huanghuai region is the main barley producing area in mainland China, including Shandong, Longdong and Longnan in Gansu, Jin, Hebei, southern Shaanxi and their southern provinces, Sichuan Basin, Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau and other places. The barley planting area in the Yangtze River Basin and Sichuan Basin accounts for half of the country, and the local barley produced is of excellent quality and wide processing.

Wheat tea is not a rare thing in China, especially in the northwest and north, the northwest and north of the mainland are rich in barley, and wheat tea is more born from local materials. In Shaanxi, Gansu, eastern Qinghai agricultural areas, etc., barley is the main crop in the field, so local farmers take local materials, use fried barley grains to crush into wheat ballast and boil into wheat tea, the tea soup is black-brown, smelling like coffee tea. Buckwheat tea in other regions, barley tea is also estimated to be derived from this processing and brewing method. This alternative tea has always been popular among the people of northwest and northeast China, and then slowly introduced to the south. Barley tea, as a very popular tea drink, is mostly limited to homemade self-drinking and a small number of market sales, and its popularity is naturally lower than the popularity of authentic tea and tea culture.

Barley tea is not tea, but it is better than tea, and it is still a good drink to cool off in summer

The soup color of barley tea

Barley tea is very popular in Japan and South Korea, Korean families mostly use barley tea instead of drinking water, Japanese restaurants after eating sashimi, to drink barley tea, clear the odor in the mouth, and then eat sushi. Japanese restaurants and Korean barbecue restaurants have also brought the taste of barley tea to China. Barley tea has the effect of aiding digestion, degreasy, nourishing the stomach, warming the stomach and strengthening the stomach. Barley tea is made of barley as raw material, with pot and coffee aroma, milky yellow appearance, help digestive function, especially suitable for the elderly, patients, children. These functional drinks are close to medicinal tea, but they are all brewed drinks, so the name "tea" is only taken from its form, they are the same as foreign popular herbal tea, fruit tea, etc., are not strictly Chinese tea.

Barley tea in China: China is the homeland of tea, most of the areas produce tea, rich in resources, Chinese folk tea drinks are mainly tea and traditional Chinese medicine tea drinks, early Yangtze River basin south of rice, not barley. However, in Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai and other places, tea is scarce and the price is high, and poor people have no money to buy tea to drink, but adopt the method of replacing tea with wheat. Fry the wheat until it is half charred, mash it, put it in a tea pot, add salt and boil in water, and drink. This tea is called "wheat tea" and the soup is clear in color; It does smell like tea, but it has a special wheat aroma.

Barley Tea in Japan: It is said that in the Momoyama culture era in Japan in 1587, Toyotomi Hideyoshi completed the national unification, and also completed the Japanese tea ceremony, and founded the historically famous Kitano Daichakai. At that time, most of the participants offered tea, and some used roasted rice and wheat instead, so wheat tea, genmai tea and other teas fried with grain were born.

Barley tea in Korea: The Korean Peninsula historically belonged to an agrarian civilization and was mountainous. Geographically, due to the climate and terroir suitable for the development of agriculture, the cultivation of mixed grains began as early as the Neolithic period, and then the cultivation of rice was popularized. Since then, grains have become the center of Korean food culture and have gradually developed. It is precisely because of the geographical location and climate of South Korea that its diet has very distinctive characteristics, although the cooking is mainly barbecue, but the taste is very popular with Koreans. In order to achieve the purpose of appetizing and degreasy, barley tea with a wide range of ingredients and unique flavor occupies the beverage position on the Korean table.

Barley tea is not tea, but it is better than tea, and it is still a good drink to cool off in summer

How to make barley tea:

Barley tea is a beverage made by roasting barley and grinding it into powder. Here are two recommended ways to make a barley tea? The first type requires the addition of tea powder, spices and beef bone meal, which is a relatively industrialized production. The second is a small number of family production methods, which can be used as a reference to learn to make according to personal preferences.

1. Cleaning and removing stones: It is best to wash the barley first, remove the debris, stones and sand particles, etc. before drying or drying it.

2. Roasting: The factory is roasted with a roasting machine, and the family can be stir-fried in a clean pot with a simmer until the skin is browned. When roasting, it must be uniform and use appropriate force, so that the water in the barley grain evaporates evenly and gradually, and can be crushed.

3. Crushing: The crushing referred to here includes the crushing of barley grains and tea. That is to say, barley grains and tea leaves are gradually pressed into powder by stone mortar or other methods, respectively.

4. Sifting: use coarse sieving to screen out the skin in barley flour.

5. Mixing: Mix barley flour and tea powder in proportion.

6. Ingredients: Generally, natural spices and beef bone meal are added to the mixed powder of wheat and tea. The beef bones should be crushed with a hammer (factory hammer mill) and screened into 300~500 mesh powder before they can be mixed.

7. Sifting again: It is best to use a fine sieve again to ensure the quality when drinking.

8. Packaging: packaging after sieving is a finished product.

Barley tea family simple method: 1. It is best to wash the barley first, remove the debris, stones and sand grains in it, and then dry or dry it; 2. Roasting, stir-fry in a clean pan over a simmer at home until the skin is browned. When roasting, it must be uniform and use appropriate force, so that the water in the barley grain evaporates evenly and gradually, and can be crushed; 3. Before use, only need to brew with hot water for 2~3 minutes to leach the rich fragrant tea. Features: no addition, pure wheat aroma, clean and hygienic, high quality and low price, pure materials.

Barley tea is not tea, but it is better than tea, and it is still a good drink to cool off in summer

Commercialized barley tea

How to brew barley tea

1. Directly soaked in the supermarket with hot water, we can see some finished packaged barley tea, these tea cups are made into small packets, very simple when drinking, just need to put the tea bags into the cup, and then pour boiled water. Let it sit for a few minutes, and after the water temperature has cooled down, it is ready to drink.

2. Boiling barley tea in hot water will buy barley tea, take an appropriate amount and put it in a bowl, then pour the water into a small pot, after the water boils, pour barley tea into the pot, and then simmer for a few minutes before turning off the heat and taking it. On hot summer days, in order to make barley tea better to cool off, you can put the boiled barley tea in the refrigerator and drink it. To enhance the taste, rock sugar can also be added.

3, make tea with goji berries to drink barley tea In addition to the above two drinking methods, you can also make tea with goji berries to drink, the number of goji berries should not be put too much, the combination of the two can play a very good role in our body's immune function.

4. Brewing tea with chrysanthemums Drinking chrysanthemums has the effect of clearing fire and dispelling toxins, and when drinking barley tea, you can put two to three chrysanthemums to make tea together. The combination of the two not only tastes great, but also has more efficacy.

The best time to eat barley tea, except for the following four periods to drink barley tea need to be cautious, other times are suitable for drinking barley tea.

1. On an empty stomach

Barley tea cannot be drunk in the fasting stage, which will cause some people to produce hyperactive symptoms, such as palpitation, dizziness, weakness of hands and feet, trance, etc. People who do not drink tea often, especially early in the morning on an empty stomach, are more likely to experience the above symptoms.

2. When drunk

Barley tea has the effect of stimulating the nerve center, and drinking strong tea after drunkenness will increase the burden on the heart.

3. Before going to bed

The substances in barley tea, after being absorbed by the human body, have obvious excitatory effects on the central nervous system, and drinking tea will make the spirit excited, affect sleep, and even lead to insomnia.

4. Medication period

Some elderly people with chronic diseases need to take long-term medication, and many drugs should not drink tea during the period.

Barley tea is not tea, but it is better than tea, and it is still a good drink to cool off in summer

Contraindications to barley tea

1. Abdominal distension caused by humid heat or food accumulation should not be used. Patients with habitual constipation, liver and kidney disease, hypertension and heart disease are contraindicated.

2, people with bad stomach are best not to drink barley tea, because if this type of people drink barley tea will lead to gastrointestinal discomfort, if the problem is more serious, there may be diarrhea, which is very detrimental to health.

3. Pregnant women should be cautious when taking barley tea, Xiaobian recommends that women during pregnancy should not drink barley tea, because this is likely to lead to the body's return to milk, and it is not conducive to the health of the fetus.

4. It is best not to drink barley tea when fasting, which is also easy to cause gastrointestinal discomfort. Drinking barley tea on an empty stomach can lead to mental trance, dizziness, palpitation, and weakness of hands and feet.

5. Overnight tea cannot be drunk. In addition, barley tea is best brewed and drunk freshly, and barley tea should not be drunk overnight or for several days, especially for children's health.

Barley tea storage tips

Barley tea is mainly based on barley, with some flavoring agents, carefully stir-fried, with a strong taste, many of which are very fond of drinking. Barley tea is easy to spoil if it is not stored properly. Barley is easy to get wet at home, so it is best to be closed when choosing a container, and it can also play a role in preventing the invasion of pests and diseases.

1. It is best to use a sealed ceramic jar to preserve barley tea, moisture-proof, insect-proof, anti-odor, and protected from light. The jar must not have an odor. Transparent sealed jars are best placed in storage cabinets.

2. Different kinds of barley tea should not be mixed and stored, otherwise it is easy to string flavors, especially varieties with heavy aroma, such as lavender, and should not be stored with barley tea.

3. Do not store barley tea of the same type and at different times, otherwise it will accelerate the loss of aroma.

4. The shelf life of barley tea is generally 1~2 years, the longer the storage time, the worse the color and aroma.

Tip: Barley tea is stored in a simple way, and many teas can be used in the same way. Spoiled barley tea can no longer be eaten to prevent adverse effects on the human body.

Conclusion: The previous editor led everyone to do some understanding about barley tea, I don't know if you understand? Barley tea is mainly barley-based substitute tea, commercial tea will add some flavoring, after careful stir-frying, the taste is fragrant, many friends love to drink. Barley tea is a good health tea, drinking more barley tea has many benefits. But drinking tea should be drunk at the right time, whether the body is suitable to drink, do not greed for cups! From a health point of view, barley tea cannot completely replace plain water.

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