
What do parents do when faced with adolescent children? Learn about ostriches sometimes!

author:Spring rain and flowers condense dew

#头条创作挑战赛 #

The ostrich's joy is a pile of sand, and the ostrich is in danger and is used to burying his head in the sand so that he feels safe.

What do parents do when faced with adolescent children? Learn about ostriches sometimes!

Parents sometimes need to bury their heads in the sand, pretend not to see, adolescence is afraid of needles to wheat,-for-tat, even if the reason is clear, you meet an unreasonable child, what to do? Pretend to be an ostrich! Avoid it, you are also a little better, do not argue, do not argue. We loved to reason at the earliest, and his father's reasoning to him was really comparable to an argumentative essay, and he touched himself, but in the eyes of the child, it was simply an old lady's shroud smelly and long.

What do parents do when faced with adolescent children? Learn about ostriches sometimes!

The child from the earliest return of the mouth, to jumping up and scolding to running away from home to pretending to jump off the building, your chatter and preaching, just give him the opportunity to slowly develop step by step to you out of control. Children who face adolescence must say less.

Today my son paid an internship salary, and in January he took a leave of absence from the new crown, only 1880 yuan salary, although he muttered that the teacher must have eaten kickbacks, otherwise it would be more. But still happy and said to give me the card to manage. I said that you keep it yourself, from today onwards, I will not give living expenses, you use your own, see how much money can be left in a month. He said no, he just wanted to send me money to spend. Excess put in WeChat coin wallet to manage money.

What do parents do when faced with adolescent children? Learn about ostriches sometimes!

Recently, he said that he said to the leader that he was willing to sleep in the subway station at night and pay 40 yuan for one night. If there is nothing to do at night, it is sleeping, and if there is something, such as the maintenance worker working or something, he needs help. I advised him not to earn this money and to sleep comfortably at home at night. He said he wasn't tired. This is equivalent to insisting on working in the station for 24 hours and only going back once. In one of our parent groups, parents quarreled and said that their children were arranged to go to work and were too tired to complain. I asked my son if he was tired and he said he wasn't.

To be honest, our family is not poor, and we don't need him to earn three melons and two dates, but it is already very good that he has this attitude, even if he really has nothing to show in the future, he has worked hard at the grassroots level all his life, as long as he is diligent, it is not good to eat and lazy to do, who said that the life will not be good. I'm content.

What do parents do when faced with adolescent children? Learn about ostriches sometimes!

A friend of my previous article wrote it particularly well in the comment area, and I quote it here:

The child has a job, the parents will be at ease, the original quarrel is also because of the uncertainty of the child's future, in order to make the child competitive, you have to let the child learn more, now everything has a fixed number, the child's future is not bad, parents can also let go, the child has filial piety and emotions, parents can also be at ease, the so-called: everything is the best arrangement.

I hope that friends who read my article will take caution and deal with the parent-child relationship. Get out of the haze of parent-child as soon as possible and rebuild the relationship with each other!

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