
Can secondary heating of rice cause cancer? Doctor: What really can't be heated are these 4 things, don't ask for your own pain

author:Dr. Peng Yu popular science

The mainland has always advocated saving food and eliminating extravagance and waste, so many families will choose to put the meals they make in the refrigerator without finishing them and wait until the second day to eat.

Therefore, many families often eat leftovers, but now more and more people propose that they cannot eat leftovers, and there is even a saying that rice will cause cancer when heated overnight, and many people have doubts in their hearts.

Some elderly people may say that they have eaten leftovers for a lifetime, and there is no problem with their body, but some people think that fresh food should be eaten, fresh meals are healthier, and leftovers should be thrown away as soon as possible.

Can secondary heating of rice cause cancer? Doctor: What really can't be heated are these 4 things, don't ask for your own pain

So what's going on? Does secondary heating of rice really cause cancer? Let's take a look at what the doctor has to say.


Can secondary heating of rice cause cancer? Doctor: What really can't be heated are these 4 things, don't ask for your own pain

Many people have heard that rice will breed a lot of bacteria and viruses after secondary heating, and if eaten regularly, it will cause diarrhea and abdominal pain, and even cause digestive tract cancer, is this statement correct?

In fact, rice left in a high temperature environment for too long may breed some bacteria, but these bacteria do not cause cancer, at most diarrhea.

Can secondary heating of rice cause cancer? Doctor: What really can't be heated are these 4 things, don't ask for your own pain

If the leftover rice can be stored properly, such as packing it in a crisper box, putting it in the refrigerator for refrigeration, and eating it within a day, it will not pose a threat to the body.

Although it is said that the second heating of rice will not cause cancer, the following foods should not be heated:

  • Overnight eggs

If the egg is not completely cooked, which is what we call sugar heart egg, the yolk of sugar heart egg is in a liquid state, it is best not to heat it overnight, because it is easy to breed bacteria.

  • Overnight soup

Most of the containers for soup belong to aluminum pots or iron pots, and if they are reheated overnight, it is easy to precipitate harmful substances to the human body, so do not drink overnight soup.

Can secondary heating of rice cause cancer? Doctor: What really can't be heated are these 4 things, don't ask for your own pain
  • Overnight marinade

Many people in life like to eat brine, the brine itself is a certain food safety hazard, even if it is frozen in the refrigerator, it is easy to breed mold and cryophilic bacteria.

  • Overnight vegetables

There are more nitrates in green leafy vegetables, after overnight, under the decomposition of bacteria, nitrates will be reduced to nitrite, which is harmful to the human body, so do not eat overnight green leafy vegetables.


What should we pay attention to when faced with overnight food?

Do not heat repeatedly

For overnight meals, it is best to eat them as soon as possible, such as the overnight dishes of the previous day, it is best to eat them on the 2nd day, and do not have more than a month apart.

Can secondary heating of rice cause cancer? Doctor: What really can't be heated are these 4 things, don't ask for your own pain

Because overnight food is placed for a long time, as well as repeated heating, it will lead to a significant increase in nitrite content, which will cause certain damage to the body after eating, so it is recommended that everyone's meals only be overnight at most, if you can't finish eating, just throw it away.

Heat thoroughly and serve

After removing the overnight food from the refrigerator, be sure to heat it thoroughly and heat it for more than three minutes before eating.

This is because eating too cold food can cause digestive discomfort, and food in the refrigerator can not inhibit the growth of bacteria, so food will contain some bacteria, thorough heating can kill the bacteria.

Can secondary heating of rice cause cancer? Doctor: What really can't be heated are these 4 things, don't ask for your own pain

When storing, it should be cooled thoroughly and then put in the refrigerator

Freshly cooked meals, if not cooled into the refrigerator, will find a large amount of water vapor into the refrigerator, which is likely to cause the environment in the refrigerator to deteriorate, germs and fungi appear.

At the same time, it may also cause contamination of other foods stored in the refrigerator, so if you want to store meals in the refrigerator, be sure to let them cool and then overnight, and also wrap them in plastic wrap.
