
The rocket is on the line, and it still doesn't get the best of today! Sorry, your opponent is stronger than you

author:Chief Assistant to the Cabinet of Nepal

The All-Star ended and the second half of the NBA game officially began:

The Nuggets challenged the Cavaliers on the road, taking the lead in the first quarter, and the Cavaliers overtook the score in the second quarter. Jokic had a triple-double at the start of the second half, with Murray, Potori and Mobley pitting each other. At the end of the game, the Nuggets won four straight and led the West. 约基奇拿下‬豪华数据‬:24分18篮板13助攻

The rocket is on the line, and it still doesn't get the best of today! Sorry, your opponent is stronger than you

步行者今日坐镇主场迎战凯尔特人‬,牵着‬上一场‬比赛‬击败公牛结束了5连败; The Celtics also beat the Pistons at home to avoid a losing streak. 塔图姆‬上半场8投1中仅得6分,但是‬绿军其他球员给力,使得‬凯尔特人‬上‬半场取得‬10分领先。 下半场‬步行者突然爆发送出22-9的攻势上演大逆转,但是‬绿军不慌‬,在这之后找回进攻感觉并在第四节重新取得9分领先。 可‬是‬随后‬,步行者再度发起攻势送出14-3的攻势反超比分,常规‬时间‬结束‬,双方‬‬打平‬。 加时赛双‬探花‬大力‬联手拿下关键6分,其中塔图姆致命补篮进球杀死比赛。 In the end, the Green Army narrowly beat the Pacers in overtime.

The rocket is on the line, and it still doesn't get the best of today! Sorry, your opponent is stronger than you

塔图姆砍下‬31分12篮板7助攻2抢断,布朗也得到‬30分11篮板3助攻。 步行者‬队的‬特纳暴‬砍‬40分10篮板,哈利伯顿也有‬22分14助攻3抢断入账‬。

The rocket is on the line, and it still doesn't get the best of today! Sorry, your opponent is stronger than you

This year's focus is the 76ers' 110-105 comeback to defeat the grizzlies, who are known as the unrivaled in the West, and I won't talk about the game, just emphasize one point: the Rockets are back, and the championship has a play!

帕金斯点评‬76人‬,说道‬:“啊哦! Is this a rocket board!? 恩比德‬攻防‬俱‬佳‬。 ”


The rocket is on the line, and it still doesn't get the best of today! Sorry, your opponent is stronger than you

Morant got 15+3+5, compared to Harden's 31+7+7, defeated!

著名‬詹姆斯‬黑粉‬Skip也‬点评了76人:“76人打出多棒的一场逆转啊,恩比德状态不佳仍砍下了27分19篮板6盖帽。 哈登在最后时刻表现出色,76人是东部的一只低调野兽,她们‬是‬总冠军‬的‬觊觎‬者‬,其他人‬小心‬! ”

The rocket is on the line, and it still doesn't get the best of today! Sorry, your opponent is stronger than you


Today's best, I chose Halliburton of the Pacers, 22 points and 14 assists, feeding Turner 40 points, he is the hope of the Pacers to enter the playoffs, worthy of the All-Star!