
Dream Song

author:Yamano Santo 1954

Dream Song


O deep night,

Please tell me,

Why are you so quiet, so peaceful?

When you send away the beautiful sunset,

The earth has since dimmed.

The gentle moon is obscured by thick clouds,

The crystal stars also lost their previous warm light.

In this vast night,

Although there was a sudden flash of light in front of my eyes from time to time,

But it is the light of sorrow, the light of sorrow.


O quiet maple grove,

Why are you so cold and desolate?

When I entered your arms yesterday,

Your lush leaves,

Red as fire.

Do you remember?

I have hugged her warmly at your instigation;

I was in the shade of your tree,

Enjoyed the sweet, wonderful time of love.


Although your branches are still so straight,

But your fiery red leaves are floating under my feet,

Rustling with infinite sorrow.



You likable singer!

Please tell me:

Why are you so discouraged and so depressed?

When I came here before,

You always use that clear singing voice,

Sing that euphemistic, beautiful serenade;

Though I have rebuked you,

But I've never seen you,

So sentimental now.



And you —and you—"

What a jumping stream!

Remember just yesterday,

When my sweet little angel came here,

You also use the clearest, clearest water,

Washed her beautiful, delicate face;

Although sometimes you have also mischievously teased her,

But I have never seen you flow so silently and silently.


O earth!

O all things!

I beg you not to do this.

Although the beautiful little angel flew away,

Although the enchanting stars are gone,

But I have never forgotten you,

I can't forget that you gave me such a dream place.


Nineteen Eighty-Three Ten

Dream Song

Image source network, invasion and deletion

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