
Will people with "insufficient cerebral blood supply" have a manifestation on their faces? I hope you can take it to heart

author:Cheng said science talk

Cerebral infarction, which is what we usually call cerebral infarction, is a brain blood circulation disorder disease, in recent years, the incidence of cerebral infarction is getting higher and higher, which also poses a great threat to people's lives.

Blood vessels are all over the body, and with age, blood vessels will also age, for example, blood vessels are easy to harden and thin, so the elderly are more likely to have cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

If the elderly have the problem of cerebral blood insufficiency, it will cause brain diseases, and it is irreversible, causing brain cells to be prone to ischemia and hypoxia, but in the early stage of cerebral blood insufficiency, there will be some manifestations on the face.

Will people with "insufficient cerebral blood supply" have a manifestation on their faces? I hope you can take it to heart


These causes will cause insufficient blood supply to the brain, and increase vigilance

Cervical spondylosis

The blood vessels of the cervical spine can supply blood to the brain, if cervical spondylosis occurs, it will compress the blood vessels of the cervical spine, resulting in slower blood flow, which in turn will cause insufficient blood supply to the brain, so the existence of cervical spondylosis should be adjusted in time to avoid causing insufficient blood supply.


There is also a close relationship between hypertension and cerebral insufficiency, if the blood pressure is significantly increased, it will affect the body's blood flow, resulting in the brain can not obtain sufficient blood supply, and then it is easy to induce cerebral insufficiency.

Cardiovascular disease

The heart can power the flow of blood and transport the body's blood to all parts of the body, but if there is a cardiovascular problem, it will affect the blood circulation throughout the body, causing the brain to have insufficient blood supply to the brain.

Will people with "insufficient cerebral blood supply" have a manifestation on their faces? I hope you can take it to heart


Will people with "insufficient cerebral blood supply" have a manifestation on their faces? I hope you can take it to heart

Yawn often

Although some people sleep particularly well at night, they often yawn on the second day and seem to have no energy, while some people are busy for several hours during the day and feel particularly sleepy, and they will also feel headache and dizziness, which may be related to insufficient blood supply to the brain.

Tired face

The problem of insufficient cerebral blood supply to the brain will cause the lack of oxygen to the brain, which is easy to reduce people's mental state, especially the changes in the face are particularly obvious, because the lack of cerebral blood supply will cause nutrients to be unable to be transmitted, resulting in mental atrophy or physical fatigue, and patients will have a tired face and dull skin.

Facial numbness

If there is insufficient cerebral blood supply, ischemia, lack of oxygen will cause adverse symptoms, so some people's facial muscles can not move normally, facial numbness, mouth crooked eyes, at this time should also be vigilant to avoid cerebral infarction.

Will people with "insufficient cerebral blood supply" have a manifestation on their faces? I hope you can take it to heart

Muscle twitching

Some middle-aged and elderly people have cerebral blood supply insufficiency, will cause facial muscles easy to twitch, and even some people will have facial paralysis, in some expressions, the facial muscles often twitch, which is also called muscle spasm, mainly due to insufficient blood supply to the brain, affecting neuromodulation.

Easy drooling

Cerebral insufficiency will affect brain nerve function, and some people will have central facial paralysis, affecting the patient's facial expression, and even drooling problems, especially when sleeping, this situation is more serious, and vigilance should also be raised at this time.


How to improve the symptoms of insufficient blood supply to the brain?

Keep a good mindset

Usually, we should learn to release bad emotions, maintain an optimistic attitude, improve endocrine balance, but also pay attention to the combination of work and rest, know how to relax ourselves, and do not be too anxious and nervous when encountering problems.

Get enough sleep

If there is insufficient blood supply to the brain, usually to ensure sufficient sleep time, through sleep can also improve the disease, in general, in the usual can take the right sleeping position or flat sleeping position, can provide enough nutrients for the brain, shorten the time to fall asleep, improve the quality of sleep of patients.

Eat wisely

Diet also plays a very important role in health, if there is a problem of insufficient blood supply to the brain, usually should pay more attention to their diet, eat more vegetables or fruits, supplement dietary fiber, vitamins, trace elements, etc., but also to stay away from high sugar, high fat, high greasy food, quit smoking and limit alcohol, to avoid increasing the burden of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.