
Why did the Mongol cavalry, which crisscrossed Europe, lose to the Egyptians? Egyptian weapons made them suffer greatly

author:Sister Cui said history

East Asia is a peculiar land, topographically surrounded by unfathomable oceans, cold plains in the north, mountains and mountains in the south, and countless desert Gobi in the west. As a result of such terrain, East Asian peoples lost contact with the world and gave birth to their own unique civilizations.

During the Han Dynasty, the Han army was fierce in combat, there was a saying of "one Han as five hu", slowly later, it was difficult for us to stop the attack of the grassland peoples, a large reason is that a large number of smelting technology was introduced into the grassland so that the Central Plains peoples lost their equipment advantages, so a demon was released.

Starting from the East Asian steppe, they marched south to destroy the peoples of the Central Plains, and then marched west, causing the entire Eurasian continent to tremble under the iron heel of Mongolia. It was such a powerful Mongol cavalry, but suffered a big loss in Egypt and suffered its first defeat since the Western Expedition.

Why did the Mongol cavalry, which crisscrossed Europe, lose to the Egyptians? Egyptian weapons made them suffer greatly

Expedition to the West

Since the time of Genghis Khan's lifetime, the Mongol Empire has set a plan to destroy the Central Plains in the south and conquer Asia and Europe in the west. After that, the Mongolian children and grandchildren began their vast journey to the west like an endless swarm of locusts.

After the death of Genghis Khan, the position of Mongol Great Khan was inherited by Wokotai, followed by Mengge. After Meng Ge completely assumed the position of the Great Khan, he divided the Central Plains and Western affairs, with his brother Kublai Khan managing the military and government of the Central Plains, and his brother Xu Lieqiu in charge of the Western Expedition.

In 1252, Xu Lieqiu began his western expedition with the cowardly Buhua as the vanguard. The eagle of the steppe brought the edict of the Mongol Great Khan: "The land from the banks of the Amu Darya River to the end of Egypt must follow the customs and decrees of Genghis Khan." Grant favor to those who obey your commands, and humiliate those who resist."

Why did the Mongol cavalry, which crisscrossed Europe, lose to the Egyptians? Egyptian weapons made them suffer greatly

Set out in 1252, by 1258, the Empire was conquered by Baghdad, the Arab Empire was history, and the Mongols and their slaves became the new masters of the land.

Two years later, in March, the city of Damascus was breached, the Ayyubid dynasty collapsed, and Sultan Nasr Yusuf became a prisoner of the Mongols. The entire Islamic world was at stake, and the Mamluks in Egypt became the last pillar of Islam.

Islamists are secretly praying, hoping that the Mamluks will resist the iron feet of the Mongols, otherwise Islam will be swept into the pile of old papers, and then slowly stinks and forgets.

Why did the Mongol cavalry, which crisscrossed Europe, lose to the Egyptians? Egyptian weapons made them suffer greatly


The news of victory was like a spring breeze mixed with rain, soothing desperate people in the Islamic world, while the Mongols were angry and overwhelmed, and this was the first major defeat they had encountered in the history of the world, the Western Expedition was stopped, and the term Mamluk, which originally belonged to slaves, shone brightly in the world.

Why? The Mongols did not understand, the Islamists did not care, and the Han were surprised. Standing on the shore of history, we can find many problems, and the reasons are just a few.

Why did the Mongol cavalry, which crisscrossed Europe, lose to the Egyptians? Egyptian weapons made them suffer greatly


Chairman Mao once said very well: "Friends do more, enemies do less," and to put it clearly, it is the united front. This is the wisdom that we have developed for thousands of years, which the Mongols clearly do not understand.

Due to Meng Ge's death, Xu Lie Wudong returned to seize the position of Great Khan, and the Western Expedition was presided over by the cowardly Buhua. The cowardly Buhua is a famous general, and successive wars have proved this, but he also died on the merits of his famous generals.

The cowardly Buhua allied with the Franks who remained in Palestine after the Crusades to form the Frankish-Mongol Alliance. But the haughty and cowardly attempt to bring the Franks to submission completely angered them.

Why did the Mongol cavalry, which crisscrossed Europe, lose to the Egyptians? Egyptian weapons made them suffer greatly

So the Franks-led Knights Templar attacked and killed the nephew of the cowardly Buhua, who in turn crushed the Knights Templar, and the two sides broke off completely.

With only 20,000 men left, the Mongol Iron Horsemen found it difficult to maintain local security, and the flawed defensive line gave the Mamluks an opportunity, and they decided to start a war. The Mongols, without the support of the Franks, were in a tight position, so the scales of victory were tilted slightly.

Secondly, there is the Mamluk military group. It was a corps trained by slaves, originally founded by the caliphate, mostly nomads from the Caucasus and near the Black Sea, who were later sold as slaves.

Why did the Mongol cavalry, which crisscrossed Europe, lose to the Egyptians? Egyptian weapons made them suffer greatly

As for the specific race, you can refer to the Chechens. This is a class of all-professional lifelong training, and the main event of their life is training and fighting. Long-term training makes them physically strong and extremely capable of individual combat. And these people are fully armored and belong to heavy cavalry.

Contrary to stereotypes, fully armored Mamluk cavalry were not slow, mainly because they rode tall Arabian horses, which were different from the short Mongolian horses, they had great endurance and speed, and the main disadvantage was that they were far less adaptable than Mongolian horses.

The Mamluk cavalry were not the kind of troops that were good at being the first to fight, they were good at defending and counterattacking. The enemy's attack will be attacked by their arrow rain first, and when the enemy approaches, they will be greeted by a steel demon that cannot be killed.

Why did the Mongol cavalry, which crisscrossed Europe, lose to the Egyptians? Egyptian weapons made them suffer greatly

The Mamluks roamed the enemy groups with their hard armor and were invincible. Interestingly, the smelting technology of the Central Plains put the Mongols in the armor of steel, and the Mamluks they encountered this time were a wall of steel.

Finally, there are weapons. When the timid Buhua saw the machete, he was stunned by its beauty. The cold knife body flowed with magnificent patterns, waiting for the blood of the enemy to soak them red.

The winding blade seems to be an extension of the arm, and the force generated by the muscles flows out of the palm of the hand and enters the enemy's body along the blade, where they rely on steel and tear at unknown muscles fiercely.

Why did the Mongol cavalry, which crisscrossed Europe, lose to the Egyptians? Egyptian weapons made them suffer greatly

This time, the one who sacrificed this knife was the cowardly one who was a famous general in the world. This is a weapon called the Damascus knife, and they were the first weapons in the world for a long time, until the advent of gunpowder.

When the Mongol iron horse and the Mamluk cavalry met each other, the weapons in the hands of the Mongols began to pay tribute to the king of weapons by crushing themselves on the king. The unarmed Mongols could only be killed.

A demonic conquest of the world was thus stopped by the Damascus Scimitar, and the Damascus Scimitar and their master, the Mamluk Cavalry, were crowned kings in the Islamic world.

Why did the Mongol cavalry, which crisscrossed Europe, lose to the Egyptians? Egyptian weapons made them suffer greatly

Brief summary:

Whether it is "one Han as five hus" or Damascus swords to block the Mongols' western expedition proves one thing, technology has greatly affected the situation of world development, and whoever has a real weapon in his hands may be the winner. Therefore, the ancients said, "Son of Heaven, those who are strong and strong are for it!" This sentence makes it clear that only when you are strong will others truly listen to you.

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