
The real story behind children's depression is worth pondering for every parent

author:Sister Ying talks about marriage

49-year-old woman with help with Mai problems:

1. The mother is 82 years old, the whole body has joint pain, pneumonia, itchy throat, coughing and peeing pants, daughter-in-law is not filial, and has a great resentment all her life,

2 The son is 20 years old, was beaten by himself at the age of six with nosebleeds, and then got allergic rhinitis, loved to play games, masturbated, sexually inflatable dolls, often quarreled with his father, resented his parents very much, and said bad things,

3. The daughter is 18 years old, hyperthyroidism in 2021, moderate depression, does not sleep at night, cannot get up during the day, and refuses to go to school. Sleep all day and often say that I am bored

4. I began to urinate a lot since I was 13 years old, went to the toilet more than 30 times a day, and did not check the results.

5. The husband is resentful, loves to manage the children, hopes for the children to become a dragon, and always complains that he married the wrong daughter-in-law.

6. Attending classes and not going to work to accompany the eldest daughter, worried that her husband will not earn enough living expenses, and cannot calm down. She is willing to use her story to awaken the world, how can she do her duty?

The real story behind children's depression is worth pondering for every parent

Her father grew up without a mother, then without a father, and still does not know her birthday. Later, walking with my mother, my father was especially able to drink, often quarreled with my mother when I drank, and beat my mother, I didn't like my father, and my father didn't like him. Once she took 2 cents from her father, and her father scolded her for half an hour, not wanting her father to come home. When he was 13 years old, his father got drunk, fell from a height of 2 meters, lay in a ditch for the night, and suffered a stroke half a month after returning home. Dad can't make money, she is not afraid that her father will beat her, and the family is getting poorer and poorer.

When she went to junior high school, she was still funded by an uncle, and then she stopped going to school, went to chop wood, and after chopping for a while, she felt embarrassed that she was 18 years old at that time, and the neighbor introduced her to the restaurant to wash dishes, and also killed rabbits, and learned to stir-fry, at that time she felt that she did a lot of her own work, and the boss also raised her salary, and then she stole things from the store and stopped working. I went to print and earn money and gave it to my mother, and I found a job of four hundred a month and thought it was very good, but I found that the boss always moved his hands and feet, and my father also left at this time. The work is not smooth outside, the first business failed, and I worked in a restaurant to get a chef's certificate, I want to have a good craft, I can fire the boss squid, and the work time often touches the boss to touch his chest, and stop working.

The real story behind children's depression is worth pondering for every parent

Later, I met my husband, went to my husband's house, and was particularly poor, but the family did not agree, so I went to buy vegetables by myself, got invitations, and went to my father's grave with my husband to cry for a long time. It was also a banquet that she made with her husband, and her mother-in-law had a bad relationship with her uncle and sister-in-law, so they did not come to participate, but also participated. After marriage, I felt that my mother-in-law's house was not good, so I wanted to go out to work, but when I found out that I was pregnant, I stayed at my mother-in-law's house, and the relationship with my husband was not good at that time, and I got married for the sake of marriage.

When his son was six months old, he took the child with his husband and never returned home for the New Year. Later, the family contacted his sister to have postpartum depression and went back for a while. Her husband was at home with the children and went to work to earn money by himself, but her husband was less than a piece with him, so she went back to her mother's house, and later her husband came back to find her. Then he became pregnant again, he opened a pig killing shop, the husband saw it and felt that this woman was too terrible, others saw that they would kill pigs also felt terrible, did not want this child, and went to the hospital several times, because they were afraid that they did not have an abortion.

At this time, she opened a shop selling adult products, and the business was good and she could make money, so she worked for a long time. After giving birth to a daughter, she had to let her do everything, and the son also said that he was partial and said that he should not have a sister. Until school, the child's grades are also very good, and the child is like a wild wild grower. Later, she did business, made some money was also stolen by the villagers, her temper became more and more bad, her husband also said that he wanted to divorce, he just did not agree, and later she had an affair with a customer who often came to the store, and she was greedy for small bargains. At this time, the child was in junior high school, and found that his son had the habit of masturbating, the son asked to live alone, the child's temper became more and more bad, and the husband also said that he would not let himself do it, she did not listen, and as a result, the house fire burned down the store. Later, she still did it again, and found that the children had mental problems and did not do it. At this time, I met two sisters who did health care products, and also invested hundreds of thousands of health care products, and later some people found themselves to buy aphrodisiacs and sold them for 20 yuan, and soon they were results, and now they believe that there is a law of cause and effect, and want to ask Teacher Yushan to help her sort out, where should she go next?

The real story behind children's depression is worth pondering for every parent

After listening to her sharing, Teacher Yushan summarized several cores:

One. Looking at whether the child makes trouble, you can understand that the cause and effect of parents are not important. The family admires her husband! I listened to it for only two hours, and I was going crazy. A person who does good deeds has good results, some women are very expensive, exuding a feeling that people dare not have evil thoughts, really parents are different children! Your sister-in-law may not be filial, or your mother will not live so long, but your magnetic field is not good, and your sister-in-law will behave like that. Your son's behavior puts those things at home, better than you, you put them on the street, you sell those things, adults are embarrassed to walk by, when will these things, CDs, and books destroy the results to end! How normal it is for you, if a man marries a daughter-in-law like you, ruins the man's life, ruins the family's life, can there still be offspring? You're worried that your husband won't earn enough, but you're not getting better! Your husband is here to save you, see if a child makes trouble, you know that the mother is not heavy in cause and effect, just this mother gave birth to eight hundred children are the same, do everything that lacks morality, the things she sells, are our taboos, and said that there is never a shortage of people in the store, so what are you talking about?

The real story behind children's depression is worth pondering for every parent

Two. You are not filial to your in-laws, disrespectful to your husband, and unloving to your children. How ruthless you are, at the age of 6, you will beat the child's nose to bleed, and you will have allergic rhinitis. Your unfilial in-laws have never returned home for the New Year, disrespectful to your husband, and her husband's words are deaf ears, obstinately acting, unloving your children, competing for fame and profit, fighting for greed and disturbance, ignoring the truth of your own opinions, polluting other people's sexual spirits to earn murderous wealth. As big as your demonic nature is, how big your husband's Buddha-nature is. Heaven has a way and you don't go, hell has no door and you go in, your son hates you, that is, you hate your father. You woman is too strong, marrying a man does not dislike this man is poor, this man's virtue ordinary people can not catch up! The cause and effect of parents can be seen from the child. The children cultivated by mothers who love to give are all kind and charitable, the mothers who are calculating are stingy children, the strong mothers cultivate timid children, and the children cultivated by mothers with bad marriages will not have good marriages.

The real story behind children's depression is worth pondering for every parent

Three. Contented people are the richest. Whoever covets a woman like you must bear the fruits of evil. Being poor is not terrible, God rewards hard work, and real wealth does not come from how much money you make, but from your contentment. What you earn by greed is debt, and if you have 10 yuan in your pocket and don't spend it, you are rich, and virtue should not judge his level by having money or not having money. Virtuous people are never short of money, do not add excuses to their actions, greed is greed. How can we not help a sage husband if we are also women? Can't help a bunch of filial piety and virtuous grandchildren? In order to make some money dare to say anything, dare to do anything, you should compromise with your husband, if you dislike your husband for earning less, you can study well in the morning, and pick up garbage in the afternoon to make money, I think the cleanest money is to pick up garbage. You used to do so disgusting, now you do the cleanest, usually eat more to consider what your husband and children are willing to eat?

You made money and were stolen, burned, and invested indiscriminately, how much money did you lose? Rich lives don't have to be fought for, do you have to fight for your lives? It's too good to leave the surplus, that is, leave it to the children, some people are planning to make money, can the next generation still make money? People who are suffering from money must learn to be content, not satisfied 8 million is not enough, contentment 800 is also very good, the family is happy. Sin is greater than desire, woe is greater than not being content, those who have desire cannot get the way, women must learn to help their husbands, as long as women are not greedy, greed stops, men are all sages. You listen to what a man says, do your best, your husband says that he married the wrong person, won't you still reflect?

The real story behind children's depression is worth pondering for every parent

There are people who cannot be transformed by the Tao, there are no things that cannot be done with virtue, learn to let go of you and you will not be confused, and let go and be happy. You have to try to catch up with your husband's realm, you have no blessings at all, you do something bad and it will result, and if you do bad things, you will have to take your life, you were originally married, you should have filial piety and virtuous grandchildren, but what happened? Your heart does not change, you are making money, you are creating karma, you have to learn to abandon evil and promote good, if your husband makes you make money, you will pick up garbage! Which is dirtier than the things you've sold in the past? The heart is not stolen and the garbage has no taste, as long as you do it really will definitely have results.

Through the sharing of this family, the family must take it as a warning, parents do good children to make good connections, parents do evil children to form evil relationships. Therefore, parents should not think that as long as they can make money, they will do any work, and eventually bear fruit from your own children, women filial piety at home, filial piety to in-laws after marriage, respect husbands, loving children is the duty, the duty is not done well to earn more money will not be happy, and can not bear because of no virtue. Learning and growing is too important, many people are busy with their whole lives to get a bamboo basket and water, the purpose of living is to live one day to grow one day, pay one day, pay off this life. Finally, I am grateful to Teacher Yushan for selflessly sharing the way of family happiness and harmony, grateful to Lian Mai's family for using their real experience to awaken the family, and grateful for all encounters [prayer]

The real story behind children's depression is worth pondering for every parent

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