
2022 Liu Genghong, 2023 Zhang Da

2022 Liu Genghong, 2023 Zhang Da

Netizens before February 2023: If you don't know, you will be dealt with according to Zhang Da.

Netizens after February 2023: Zhang Da is my only connection in the entertainment industry.

From the former passerby to the current entertainment industry "customer service", Zhang Da completed a gorgeous turn in a wonderful way.

Even, in his live broadcast room, someone shouted: You are the Heavenly Purple MSI in 2023!

Zhang Da waved his hand again and again in panic: No, no, no, I'm just a PI!

Good, that's big.

According to data, the number of real-time online microphone grabbers in the live broadcast room of Zhang Daji is more than 1.02 million, the cumulative number of viewers exceeds 17.81 million, the number of fans in 24 hours is 2 million+, the fans exceed 500w, and the number of exposures is as high as 220 million+.

Every night, countless people squat in Zhang Da's live broadcast room, hoping to join this entertainment carnival for the first time.

Some fans claim that Zhang Da is playing big names if he does not broadcast live! Others even followed Zhang's whereabouts to determine if he really couldn't live stream because he had a job.

2022 Liu Genghong, 2023 Zhang Da

Whether it is a purple microstar or a meteor, it is undeniable that Zhang Da has stood in the top position of the live broadcast Internet celebrity with a thunderous momentum.


"There is no most absurd, only more absurd"

A reality show where everyone can participate

Zhang Da's current grandeur already has the shadow of Liu Genghong in his heyday. It's just that in his live broadcast room, your fat will not be stuck off, but your cheeks, and it may be laughing bigger and bigger.

Many people sighed that they chased a big live broadcast every day, thus curing their bedtime emo.

Big data tells you that the keyword that everyone has been searching for recently is: How ridiculous is Zhang Da's live broadcast room? Did Zhang Da stab the kennel? Zhang Da live-streamed even Mai Liu Sledgehammer. Zhang Da's reaction after seeing the abs...

There will be a lot of dog blood here at any time, and the hood will catch you off guard.

2022 Liu Genghong, 2023 Zhang Da

Some people say that she hasn't been home for three years, so she shouted at Zhang Da's mother!

Someone has to compete in the dog barking in Zhang Da's live broadcast room, and he has to let him judge who barks well!

Someone tried to get the truth from him that Zhang Yi didn't go to the celebration banquet, and Zhang Da could only hesitate and replied: Maybe it's because the food is not delicious?

Someone questioned why he didn't remind Chen Feiyu that breathing in the mouth is not good for his body? He also asked him to tell Chen Feiyu immediately after he went on the air.

Does anyone care about who who is really pregnant? He was so frightened that he didn't dare to blink.

He was even asked how many celebrities had hemorrhoids? Oh, a question he didn't answer.

There are also people who want to have a kiss with him, some people who are bald and want to ask him for hair follicle hair transplants, some people who want to enjoy being scolded online, and even couples who want to spend the night at his house because they can't book a hotel...

2022 Liu Genghong, 2023 Zhang Da

Therefore, Zhang Da's most common expression when he appeared in the live broadcast room was shock, sluggishness and pupil earthquake, which is easy to understand.

It seems that overnight, people turned their enthusiasm for teasing ChatGPT to Zhang Da.

Seriously, how can AI have real people fun?

Zhang Da's live broadcast room is like a reality show that everyone can participate in.

Even if you're just an ordinary person with no name, you may have a chance to connect with him by liking him. And a crazy output across the screen, under the onlookers of hundreds of thousands of online viewers in the live broadcast room, finally achieved self-expression and completed emotional catharsis.

Celebrities are no longer the only protagonists, you can also grasp the right to speak in the live broadcast room in just a few minutes of connection, and may become the content created by countless people, with a big label, out of the sky.

The biggest reason why Zhang Da is so popular is that this live broadcast room is not the result of him alone, but the common achievement of countless netizens who participated in it. Since it is the result of collective creation, it will inevitably be cherished and loved, so the arrival of the ultimate reversal of Zhang Da's reputation has become so natural.

2022 Liu Genghong, 2023 Zhang Da

The current Zhang Da is no longer the original Zhang Da, and the construction of his anchor identity is precisely because of the co-creation of countless netizens that he has obtained an unprecedented powerful cornerstone.

It can be said that Zhang Da's popularity has given new inspiration to the next entertainment star anchor who wants to be popular - return to the masses and entertain to death!


"The end of the star is live streaming goods"

Can Zhang Da end this curse?

After Zhang Da's explosion, there must be doubts that followed.

2022 Liu Genghong, 2023 Zhang Da

In particular, the label of "Worry-free Media" behind him has made many people suspect that his live broadcast connection is behind the script and planning.

A former employee who claims to be Worry-free Media once broke the news in Zhihu, saying that Worry-Free Media plans live broadcast as a variety show.

As a well-deserved giant in the MCN industry, the official data released last year showed that Worry-Free Media's bloggers involved in more than ten fields such as beauty, food, fitness, and funny, with 14 influencers with more than 10 million fans, 50 with 5 million + fans, 330 with 1 million + fans, more than 1,500 with 100,000+ fans, and nearly 80,000 with less than 100,000+ fans.

Among Zhang Da's classmates, there are Liu Genghong, Yu and Mao Maojie, Liu Siyao and other well-known Internet celebrities.

2022 Liu Genghong, 2023 Zhang Da

It is precisely based on this that many people believe that Zhang's explosion is indispensable for worry-free support and packaging.

But obviously, the fans who reveled in Zhangda's live broadcast room did not seem to care too much about these issues.

Some netizens left a message on Zhang Da's Douyin: "Zhang Da's live broadcast room has a script possibility: 40%; The possibility of connecting netizens to prepare their own script: 100% "There are 91,000 likes."

It doesn't matter if it has a script or not, just be funny!

Zhang Da personally explained that only if people can set up, fans can stay.

Whether it is "internal entertainment customer service" or "Wang Ba in the wishing pool", Zhang Da's "Grab the Horse" live broadcast room has undoubtedly drawn a clear line with a group of passionate entertainment stars.

2022 Liu Genghong, 2023 Zhang Da

Before him, the most successful work of Carefree Media, which is keen on "building people", is undoubtedly Liu Genghong.

And Liu Genghong's explosion, a large part of the success, should be attributed to the general environment of the epidemic at that time. But it is undeniable that the tips of "Jay Chou's old friend" and the memes of dancing "Compendium of Materia Medica" have become the east wind that Liu Genghong borrowed.

Relatively speaking, Zhang Da, who previously had the "black and red" label, exploded in this way of fan connection, which may be said to be an unexpected surprise.

Of course, if the script is really not prepared in advance, but it is completely free play by netizens, the popularity of Zhang Da's live broadcast room may not guarantee a stable output all the time.

And how to use Zhang Da's current popularity and traffic to achieve performance may also be an urgent problem to be solved in front of Worry-free Media.

From Liu Genghong's body, it can be seen that Carefree Media does not seem to be so eager to achieve quick results, and did not simply and rudely let him take the route of bringing goods, but tried to maintain the image of "Liu Genghong" as a personal IP through endorsements, the establishment of its own brand, etc.

2022 Liu Genghong, 2023 Zhang Da

"Content first, monetization concession", how to make good use of "limited" Internet celebrities, the practice of worry-free media may be worth the reference of various MCN companies.

As for Zhang Da, Lei Binyi, founder of Worry-free Media, once said: "We signed the contract with Lao Fan and Zhang Da next door to do the new media sector. In the future, we may also sign some people who mainly do variety shows and filming. ”

Perhaps, with the wish power of "Wang Ba of the Wishing Pool", Zhang Da may really be able to walk from the live broadcast room to the real big screen.

Whether he can end the curse of "the end of the star is to bring goods" is worth waiting to see.

2022 Liu Genghong, 2023 Zhang Da

It is said that "ironclad platform, flowing Internet celebrity", today's traffic may become someone else's data tomorrow.

Even the "redundant and Mao Mao sister" with tens of millions of fans will be moved to tears because of the re-increase in fans after the downturn.

Liu Genghong, who was once popular in the sky, is followed by more and more people, but the number of online people in the live broadcast room is difficult to create brilliance.

Even the Oriental Selection with Dong Yuhui was troubled by the problem of "no successor".

According to monitoring data from the Department of Commerce of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou currently has 32 comprehensive and vertical head live broadcast platforms with nearly 50,000 anchors. It is equivalent to one in every 244 people in Hangzhou being an anchor; One in every 12 people is in a livestream-related industry.

And that's just Hangzhou.

Among such a large number of anchors, there may be few to fight to the extent of Zhang Da.

2022 Liu Genghong, 2023 Zhang Da

In the live broadcast industry, which is full of uncertainty and full of a lot of accidents, only by mastering the current "traffic password" can a new top stream like Zhang Da be born.

Zhang Da turned over a reality show in the entertainment industry in a live broadcast room, giving us the ultimate inspiration, but it is just the "traffic password" that everyone knows, but it is difficult to do - emotional link.

After all, this is a strong foundation that can only be built between real people.

No matter how crazy and ridiculous this cornerstone is, if there are so many crazy participants in Zhang Da's live broadcast room, then his road to popularity should not go downhill so easily.

2022 Liu Genghong, 2023 Zhang Da

The author of this article: Dong Dong

Typography design: while ripple

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