
How can I tell if my child has ADHD? These 4 types, parents should pay attention

author:Pediatrics Meng Fanping

As the old saying goes, it's in the child's nature to love play. Every child is lively and active. Except for some children who are naturally non-verbal, most other children prefer to move around. There are even children who are very naughty and do not listen to their parents at all. Although it is natural for children to be mischievous in the eyes of parents, excessive naughtiness is caused by ADHD. #多动 #

How can I tell if my child has ADHD? These 4 types, parents should pay attention

How can I tell if my child has ADHD? These 4 types, parents should pay attention

Children's ADHD, also known as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, refers to children of the same age, these children have normal or basically normal intelligence, but learning, behavior and emotions are defective, but many parents are difficult to notice the signs of ADHD in children.

How can I tell if my child has ADHD? These 4 types, parents should pay attention

How can I tell if my child has ADHD? These 4 types, parents should pay attention

If it is found that the child has abnormal behavior or movements, parents can first assess whether the child has ADHD through the [ADHD Self-Test Form]!

Scan the QR code ☟ below to get a free ADHD self-measurement sheet for children!

How can I tell if my child has ADHD? These 4 types, parents should pay attention

What are the signs of ADHD in children?

1. Inability to focus

Inattention is typical of children with ADHD. Any small change in the surrounding environment can distract them. In addition, their attention span is short, and they often have to walk back and forth after sitting for less than three or five minutes, so it is always difficult for children with ADHD to complete a complete task.

How can I tell if my child has ADHD? These 4 types, parents should pay attention

How can I tell if my child has ADHD? These 4 types, parents should pay attention

2. Strong nature

People with ADHD are generally strong by nature, do not like to communicate with others, and like to do things that make others feel painful. For example, many children with ADHD often like to make other children cry for pleasure.

3. Grumpy

After children suffer from ADHD, it will make the children around them very troublesome, because children usually like to cry other children, so most children are not willing to play with ADHD children, generally for ADHD children are avoided, ADHD children are generally grumpy, so often do some incredible things, for example, if who does not play with ADHD children, ADHD children will take violent measures, which is very undesirable.

How can I tell if my child has ADHD? These 4 types, parents should pay attention

How can I tell if my child has ADHD? These 4 types, parents should pay attention

4. Keep your hands and feet

A normally active child may be more active in some ways, but when he does what he likes and interests him, he can concentrate and use a suitable word to describe it as "moving like a rabbit, still like a virgin". Therefore, when parents find that their children cannot be quiet at any time, on any occasion, or in any activity, they need to pay enough attention to it.

How can I tell if my child has ADHD? These 4 types, parents should pay attention

How can I tell if my child has ADHD? These 4 types, parents should pay attention

In general, the average child has a much better temper than a child with ADHD. And children with ADHD look very abnormal compared to other children. Because of physical reasons, children with ADHD feel very lonely and very miserable.