
Drink more soup in spring, nutritious and healthy, recommend eight soups suitable for spring drinking, refreshing and low-calorie delicious

author:Sister Xiang said food

Hello everyone, here is Sister Xiang said food, sharing delicious home-cooked food every day. Spring nourishes the liver, summer nourishes the heart, autumn nourishes the lungs, winter nourishes the kidneys, nourishes the spleen and stomach all year round, spring comes, the temperature is constantly rising, and the functions of our human body will change with the seasons. Spring is a season suitable for nourishing the liver, it is not recommended to eat too much greasy food, greasy and spicy food will cause a burden on our internal organs and affect our health. After entering the spring, it is recommended to drink more soup, nutritious and healthy nourishing nutrition, today I recommend eight refreshing soups suitable for spring drinking, light and low calorie and delicious, supplement nutrition while not afraid of long meat, drink soup and eat vegetables The body will be more and more good! Which eight soups are specific, let's take a look together.

1. Lotus root snow pear rib soup

Drink more soup in spring, nutritious and healthy, recommend eight soups suitable for spring drinking, refreshing and low-calorie delicious

Ingredients: pork ribs, lotus root, pear, red dates, ginger slices.

Practical steps:

1. Clean and chop the ribs into pieces, blanch them in a pot under cold water, add ginger slices and cooking wine to remove the fishy, skim off the foam after boiling, and then scoop up the ribs and drain the water for later use.

2. Peel the lotus root and cut it into pieces, cut the snow pear into pieces after peeling, and pit the red dates and wash them.

3. Put the ribs, lotus root, pear, red dates and ginger slices into a soup pot, add enough water, cover and simmer for an hour.

4. After simmering, add salt to taste, stir well to taste, and then eat out of the pot.

2. Apple and carrot rib soup

Drink more soup in spring, nutritious and healthy, recommend eight soups suitable for spring drinking, refreshing and low-calorie delicious

Ingredients: ribs, carrots, apples, dates, ginger slices, goji berries.

Practical steps:

1. Clean and chop the ribs into pieces, blanch them in a pot under cold water, add ginger slices, green onion knots and cooking wine to remove the fishy, skim off the foam after boiling, and then scoop up the ribs and drain the water for later use.

2. After peeling the carrot, cut it into thicker slices, the apple does not need to be peeled, the skin is very nutritious, directly scrub the surface with salt, and then cut into pieces.

3. Put the ribs, carrots and ginger slices into a soup pot, add enough water, cover and simmer for 40 minutes.

4: Add the apples and continue to simmer for 20 minutes. Finally, add salt to taste, sprinkle with goji berries and serve.

3. Cabbage, eggs, and tofu soup

Drink more soup in spring, nutritious and healthy, recommend eight soups suitable for spring drinking, refreshing and low-calorie delicious

Ingredients: baby vegetables, eggs, water tofu, goji berries, chopped green onion.

Practical steps:

1. Clean and cut the baby dish into small pieces, and cut the water tofu into small pieces.

2. Boiling oil, after the oil is hot, beat the egg and fry it, then cut it into pieces, add enough water, turn on high heat and boil.

3. After boiling the water, add water tofu and cook for two minutes, cook until the soup turns white, then put in the baby dish and cook for one minute.

4. After cooking, add salt and pepper to taste, sprinkle with goji berries and eat.

4. Yam lotus seed rib soup

Drink more soup in spring, nutritious and healthy, recommend eight soups suitable for spring drinking, refreshing and low-calorie delicious

Ingredients: ribs, yams, lotus seeds, mung beans.

Practical steps:

1. Clean and chop the ribs into pieces, blanch them in a pot under cold water, add ginger slices and green onion knots to remove fishy, skim off the foam after boiling, and then pick up the ribs and drain the water for later use.

2. Peel off the skin with a paring knife, clean it and cut it into pieces. Wash the lotus seeds and mung beans, and soak the mung beans for more than half a day in advance.

3. Add enough water to the ribs, lotus seeds, yam and ginger slices, cover and simmer for two hours.

4. After simmering, add salt to taste, stir well to taste, and then eat out of the pot.

5. Pumpkin yam cashew soup

Drink more soup in spring, nutritious and healthy, recommend eight soups suitable for spring drinking, refreshing and low-calorie delicious

Ingredients: Babe pumpkin, iron stick yam, cashew nuts, lotus seeds, carrots, red dates.

Practical steps:

1: Peel the bebe pumpkin, wash it, and then cut it into small pieces. Iron stick yam peeled, washed and also cut into pieces. Peel the carrots and cut into hob pieces.

2. Clean the lotus seeds, remove the lotus seed core, and soak for half an hour. Wash the dates and remove the pits.

3. Put pumpkin, yams, lotus seeds, carrots, red dates and cashew nuts into a saucepan, add enough water, first turn on high heat and boil, then turn to low heat and simmer slowly for an hour.

4. After cooking, simply seasoning according to personal taste, you can add salt or not, this soup itself is with a little seasoning.

6. Hibiscus fresh vegetable soup

Drink more soup in spring, nutritious and healthy, recommend eight soups suitable for spring drinking, refreshing and low-calorie delicious

Ingredients: spinach, shiitake mushrooms, carrots, eggs.

Practical steps:

1. Clean and cut the spinach into segments, open the water in the pot to salt and cooking oil, then put the spinach in blanched water for half a minute, then scoop it up and drain the water for later use.

2. Clean and cut the fresh shiitake mushrooms into slices, peel and wash the carrots and cut them into cubes, beat the eggs into a bowl and stir them for later use.

3. Boiling oil, after the oil is hot, pour in the egg liquid and fry until both sides are set, you can stir-fry and put it for later.

4. Heat the oil in another pot, add shiitake mushrooms and carrots and stir-fry for a while after the oil is hot, stir-fry until it changes color, put in enough water, turn on high heat and boil, and then continue to cook for one minute.

5. Add eggs and spinach, add a little soy sauce and salt to taste, stir well to taste, and then eat out of the pan.

7. Broccoli shrimp tofu soup

Drink more soup in spring, nutritious and healthy, recommend eight soups suitable for spring drinking, refreshing and low-calorie delicious

Ingredients: broccoli, baby vegetables, shrimp, tofu, shredded ginger, chopped green onion.

Practical steps:

1. Cut the broccoli into small flowers with scissors, put them in clean water, add salt and stir well and soak for ten minutes, then wash them.

2. Bring water to a boil in a pot, add salt and cooking oil, then blanch broccoli for half a minute, then scoop up and drain for later use.

3. Remove the head and shell of the fresh shrimp, remove the shrimp line, clean it and drain the water, and then wipe the water with kitchen paper. Cut the tofu into small pieces, wash the baby vegetables, and cut one baby dish into small portions.

4. Boil oil, add egg liquid and fry after the oil is hot, fry until set, stir-fry and put it out for later use.

5. Heat the oil, add shredded ginger and green onion to fry until fragrant, then add shrimp and stir-fry a few times until it changes color, then add enough hot water, turn on high heat and boil.

6. After boiling the water, add baby vegetables, broccoli, water tofu and eggs, cook for about three minutes, you can add salt, stir well and taste to eat out of the pot.

8. Chayote yam bone soup

Drink more soup in spring, nutritious and healthy, recommend eight soups suitable for spring drinking, refreshing and low-calorie delicious

Ingredients: chayote, yam, bones, lotus seeds, figs.

Practical steps:

1. Clean and cut chayote into pieces, peel and wash the yam and cut it into small pieces, remove the lotus seed core, wash the fig and set aside.

2. Clean the pork bones, blanch the water in a pot under cold water, add ginger slices, green onion knots and cooking wine to remove the fishy, skim off the foam after boiling, and then scoop up and drain.

3. Put all the ingredients in a soup pot, add enough water, cover and simmer for an hour.

4. After simmering, add an appropriate amount of salt to taste, stir well to taste, and then eat out of the pot.

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