
The Right Way to Open Life: 4 Annoying Female Characters, Who Impresses You the Most?

The life drama "The Right Way to Open Life" starring Huang Bo and Mei Ting has ended.

In this drama, the characters of female characters are not very likable.

In addition to Dongxiao played by Zhu Zhu, the other female characters are simply more annoying than the other.

Even Dongxiao is a little speechless in the first few episodes.

So, who are the first of the 4 annoying female characters in this show?

The Right Way to Open Life: 4 Annoying Female Characters, Who Impresses You the Most?

The first place: Fu Xintong

Fu Xintong, played by Mei Ting, is the heroine of the entire drama.

is also the wife of the male protagonist Bian Liang played by Huang Bo.

But in the first half of this drama, Fu Xintong's sense of existence is very weak.

Contrary to Zhu Zhu's brilliance, Mei Ting has her own bitter appearance, plus she plays a housewife, she looks particularly haggard.

The appearance is not outstanding, and there are not many highlights in the personality.

At least in the first half, that's it.

The Right Way to Open Life: 4 Annoying Female Characters, Who Impresses You the Most?

As soon as it appears, it is the positioning of a free nanny for the whole family.

Her son and husband hadn't gotten up yet, and her breakfast had already been prepared.

Not only do I have to drag my son who can't wake up to brush his teeth and wash his face, but also serve a glass of squeezed juice to my husband who just got up.

I hurriedly sent my son to an interview abroad, and I wanted to let the old car send me, but I was dismissed by my husband with a word, and I didn't have a temper.

Finding that her husband and beautiful female colleagues have a delicate relationship, she can only feel uncomfortable in her heart, and she doesn't even dare to ask her husband.

The Right Way to Open Life: 4 Annoying Female Characters, Who Impresses You the Most?

When I found that my son did not want to go abroad, my first reaction was how to talk to the old bus.

Everything shows that Fu Xintong has no status at all.

I can even feel that she still has a bit of an inferiority complex.

So, is it because her ability is too poor and she can only rely on her husband to feed?

But her mother said she was paid a good salary before she quit and gave up her job for the sake of her family.

Is it her husband who is too strong to make her so humble?

The Right Way to Open Life: 4 Annoying Female Characters, Who Impresses You the Most?

But she lost 1 million yuan to her family because of her mistakes, and her husband didn't blame her at all, and even complained by her in turn.

And this is where Fu Xintong is annoying.

It stands to reason that Fu Xintong can get a high salary before marriage, at least the emotional intelligence will not be too low.

Even if the workplace and family are two completely different battlefields, it is impossible for a person to instantly lose his intelligence just because he changes the battlefield.

But you see that Fu Xintong has been a full-time housewife for more than ten years, but she has not done anything.

The Right Way to Open Life: 4 Annoying Female Characters, Who Impresses You the Most?

She works as a full-time housewife mainly to bring her son, but his son has to take the high school entrance examination and can play games all night.

In educating her children, she either compromised or trampled on her son's dignity.

In terms of marriage management, she either obeys her husband's words or suddenly goes crazy and does not recognize her six relatives.

In terms of caring for his mother, he knew that his mother was not doing well, but he was unwilling to take a little time to see her.

Her mother committed suicide, and she complained that she didn't care enough about her mother.

The Right Way to Open Life: 4 Annoying Female Characters, Who Impresses You the Most?

In short, the role of Fu Xintong, after his mother's suicide, is really very unpleasant.

It belongs to the kind that gets angrier the more you look at it.

Although the screenwriter wrote this to pave the way for her to start her own business later.

But everyone also saw later that she opened a flower shop, and still relied on her husband and father-in-law to help.

The funny thing is that after she got the property earned back by her husband, she divorced him and left him almost completely out of the house.

The Right Way to Open Life: 4 Annoying Female Characters, Who Impresses You the Most?

The second place: mother-in-law

If Fu Xintong's disgust only stays in some details, then Fu Xintong's mother's disgust is Wang Fried.

Because of her existence, it is to block the audience.

From appearance to retreat, everything she does is speechless.

The first is the problem of treating the son-in-law Bian Liang.

After Fu Xintong caused the small family to lose 1 million, Bian Liang not only did not blame her, but also said that the standard of senior care in her mother-in-law's nursing home could not be reduced.

The Right Way to Open Life: 4 Annoying Female Characters, Who Impresses You the Most?

However, how did this mother-in-law, who had to pay for all the expenses, treat him?

As long as she meets her daughter, she will always find fault with her son-in-law.

In front of his son-in-law, he did not hide his disdain for him.

Even in front of her grandson, she never relented.

Treat Bian Liang's father and tear it up anytime and anywhere.

He spent his son-in-law's hard-earned money to live in a high-end suite in a high-end nursing home, but he thought that his father-in-law casually joked that living in an old people's home would waste money.

The Right Way to Open Life: 4 Annoying Female Characters, Who Impresses You the Most?

The most speechless thing is that she has Alzheimer's disease, and her son-in-law does her best, but she calculates her son-in-law in every way.

In front of the whole family, he forced his son-in-law to transfer all the property to his daughter.

After confirming that her daughter had all the property, she ran to commit suicide under the guise of not dragging her daughter.

Regardless of whether his death will make his daughter blame herself and make her daughter and son-in-law conflict.

This kind of self-touching so-called maternal love is really disgusting.

The Right Way to Open Life: 4 Annoying Female Characters, Who Impresses You the Most?

Third place: Wencao

Since Lin Youyou is famous, a bunch of mistresses with overlapping names have poured out of various modern dramas.

Although Wen Cao Cao is not strictly a junior, she is more annoying than the real junior.

The real mistress is good on the bright side, and Wen Cao Cao is like a toad lying on the surface of his feet, and he can't shake it off.

Knowing that your boss is married, but you have to confess to your boss, and then say, I like you but it has nothing to do with you.

They all said that they had nothing to do with it, but they still took various opportunities to entangle and even harass their superiors.

The Right Way to Open Life: 4 Annoying Female Characters, Who Impresses You the Most?

And he didn't hide it in front of his colleagues, not caring whether he would cause trouble for his boss.

Then, when asked, he justifiably said that he had not done anything wrong.

Not only entangled with the boss, but also forcibly interfered with his personal privacy.

Knowing that his boss and mother-in-law had Alzheimer's disease, he used his work hours to check the information and help him find a way.

In the absence of an official announcement from his boss, he heard the news of his boss's divorce and insisted that he help him.

This behavior is more annoying than the mistress directly prying the corner.

The Right Way to Open Life: 4 Annoying Female Characters, Who Impresses You the Most?

Fourth place: Li Man

Li Man's character when he appeared was still very good.

Stick a knife in the ribs of a friend, and although he has no status in his in-laws' family, he also knows how to make money by himself.

I thought she should be an independent and neat character, who would have thought that she was just a straw bale.

At first, I thought that she was guarded by her in-laws and husband, and she didn't want to give her any property, which was too pitiful.

Her husband also did not pay attention to her, her mother-in-law directly looked at her, and her stepdaughter went against her in various ways.

Isn't this a proper bitter cabbage?

The Right Way to Open Life: 4 Annoying Female Characters, Who Impresses You the Most?

When I saw the back, I found that my mother-in-law and husband were so kind to her, and there was really nothing wrong with her.

She only has money in her eyes, and others can naturally only guard against her.

When her husband makes money, she is only responsible for eating, drinking, and having fun, and she has to drag her feet.

I didn't dare to ask about my husband's company, but I ran to my husband's partner to set a talk, and after the other party clearly told me that I couldn't disclose it, I had to harass people five times.

Her husband's business failed, and she was not only uneasy, but also added fuel to the fire.

The Right Way to Open Life: 4 Annoying Female Characters, Who Impresses You the Most?

Throughout the show, she does not reflect any personal value.

In addition to calculating her husband's money, she is blocking her husband.

To be honest, this is that in the TV series, she can still have a complete husband.

In reality, this kind of unclear, young grandmother has either been swept out by her in-laws' family a long time ago, or her husband has long been a bunch of juniors outside.

The Right Way to Open Life: 4 Annoying Female Characters, Who Impresses You the Most?

These are the 4 most annoying female characters in "The Right Way to Open Life", which character impressed you the most?

If there were a vote, who do you think you would least want to meet?

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