
ChatGPT or Siri, who is better?

Tech giants have been feeling "anxious" lately.

ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence language model that swept the world, received global attention in a short period of time, with more than 100 million active users in just two months after its launch. Google, Microsoft, Apple and other technology giants have stepped up their layout.

ChatGPT or Siri, who is better?

Screenshot of ChatGPT's official website

As a new chatbot model developed by OpenAI, an artificial intelligence research company founded in the United States, ChatGPT can learn and understand human language to conduct conversations, interact according to the context of the conversation, and assist users in completing a series of tasks.

"Beyond my cognitive range", "too good to be scary", "I'm not far from unemployment" ChatGPT continues to occupy the hot search and attract the attention of the scientific and technological community, investment community, financial community and other parties, the public sighs at the development process of artificial intelligence, but also has hidden worries about ChatGPT.

Some people ask, artificial intelligence has learned content creation, will the professions such as translators, lawyers, and journalists that are mainly content creation disappear in the future? Is artificial intelligence really powerful this far? The Beijing News shell financial reporter decided to directly ask ChatGPT on the cusp with questions that the public cares about.


"I have no personal opinion or beliefs, but I offer information and insights.

I'm more advanced than Siri in terms of raw processing power and the ability to provide in-depth answers.

The U.S. government's investment in AI research is less focused than China's.

Job losses due to automation are not new.

Human beings and their actions determine the course of human development.

I don't have the ability to predict the future. ”

ChatGPT or Siri, who is better?

Screenshot of the reporter's conversation with ChatGPT.

There are also concerns about AI and its capabilities

Shell Finance: Can you introduce yourself?

ChatGPT: Absolutely! I am an AI language model developed by OpenAI, the company that develops "ChatGPT"). My main purpose is to generate human-like text based on the input I receive and answer questions or provide information to the best of my ability based on the data I was trained on. I am trained in large amounts of textual data, which enables me to generate texts on a wide range of topics, from factual information to creative writing. I have no personal experience or opinion because I am an AI program.

Shell Finance: Do you know that you are now popular worldwide? What is the reason for your global discussion?

ChatGPT: I know that AI language models like mine have gained a lot of traction and are being discussed around the world. This is largely due to advances in the field of artificial intelligence and the increasing ability of AI models like mine to generate human-like text.

Many people are interested in AI language models like mine because of their potential applications in various industries such as customer service, content creation, and language translation. In addition, there are concerns about the ethical and social implications of AI and its capabilities, which has sparked ongoing discussions about the future of AI and its role in society.

Shell Finance: When it comes to the utility of artificial intelligence, there is a view that your emergence will subvert search engines, what do you think of this view? What do you think is your main value?

ChatGPT: As a neutral AI language model, I have no personal opinion or belief. However, I can provide information and insights on the topic.

The argument that AI language models like ChatGPT will revolutionize search engines is based on the logic that conversational interfaces and the ability to understand natural language input can make information search more intuitive and user-friendly. AI language models such as ChatGPT can respond to questions asked in natural language with relevant information, which may simplify the user's search for information.

The main value of AI language models such as ChatGPT is their ability to generate human-like text and answer questions accurately and efficiently. This is useful in a variety of industries, including customer service, content creation, and language translation, enabling organizations to automate certain tasks and provide fast and accurate responses to users.

In addition, AI language models such as ChatGPT can also be used for research and development in the field of artificial intelligence, helping to drive the level of technological development and lead the further development of the field.

ChatGPT or Siri, who is better?

Screenshot of the reporter's conversation with ChatGPT.

The competition between China and the United States in the field of artificial intelligence affects the future of artificial intelligence worldwide

Shell Finance: Google, Baidu and other global technology companies are also widely launching your competitors, who do you think can surpass you?

ChatGPT: As a neutral AI language model, I have no personal opinions, beliefs, and no ability to judge which AI language model is best. Each AI language model has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the effectiveness of the model will depend on the specific task and training data.

It is worth noting that research and development in the field of AI language models is ongoing, and new models are regularly developed and released. Some of these new models may have improved functionality or be better suited for certain tasks compared to existing models, but it is difficult to predict which model will eventually be most successful or widely adopted.

Ultimately, the effectiveness of an AI language model will depend on a variety of factors, including the quality and quantity of training data, the size and complexity of the model, and the specific scenarios in which it is applied.

Shell Finance: Who are you or Siri?

ChatGPT: As an AI language model developed by OpenAI, I am trained on a variety of text data to answer questions on a wide range of topics. Siri is a virtual assistant developed by Apple designed for more personalized and conversational experiences, such as setting reminders, sending texts, and answering simple queries.

I'm often considered more advanced than Siri in terms of raw processing power and the ability to provide in-depth answers. However, Siri is designed for specific tasks, with a more user-friendly interface that makes it easier for non-technical users to access information and perform basic tasks.

All in all, Siri and I have their own pros and cons, and the choice between the two will depend on the user's specific needs and preferences.

Shell Finance: Can you analyze the global artificial intelligence development pattern? What about the comparison between China and the United States?

ChatGPT: China and the United States are two leading countries in AI development. Both countries have invested heavily in AI research and development and have produced innovative AI technologies and applications. However, there are some differences in their approach to AI development.

The Chinese government has played a more active role in promoting the development of AI through national strategies and plans such as the New Generation AI Development Plan. China has a large pool of technical talent, and its tech companies have invested heavily in AI research and development. China is also home to some of the world's largest technology companies, such as Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent, which are investing heavily in artificial intelligence.

In the United States, the development of artificial intelligence is mainly driven by the private sector, with companies such as Google, Amazon, and Facebook leading the way. The United States has some of the world's top artificial intelligence research institutions and a strong culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, which has created its leading position in the field of artificial intelligence. The U.S. government has also invested in AI research, but its role is less concentrated than in China.

In terms of market size and investment, China is rapidly catching up with the United States and is expected to become the world's largest AI market in the near future. The two countries have their own advantages and disadvantages in the development of artificial intelligence, and the competition between the two countries in this field may affect the future of global artificial intelligence.

Shell Finance: Will your emergence reconstruct the Internet and even human society?

ChatGPT: As a language model developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT has the potential to impact the internet and society, especially in areas such as customer service, content generation, and natural language processing. However, it is important to note that AI technologies, including ChatGPT, are tools created and operated by humans, and the impact on society will depend on how they are designed, developed, and used. Ultimately, the reshaping of the internet and society will be the result of a combination of factors, including technological advances and human choices and actions.

ChatGPT doesn't have the ability to predict the future

Shell Finance: Some people are pessimistic about the emergence of artificial intelligence, thinking that artificial intelligence will replace their jobs.

ChatGPT: The impact of AI on the job market is a complex issue that experts debate extensively. While AI does have the potential to automate certain tasks, it also has the potential to create new jobs in areas such as AI development and maintenance, data analysis, and technology management.

It's worth noting that job losses due to automation are not a new phenomenon and have been happening for centuries with the advent of new technologies. The key is to ensure that workers have the skills they need to adapt to these changes and take advantage of new opportunities.

Governments and organizations can support people affected by unemployment through measures such as job retraining and job transition assistance. In addition, it is important to consider the ethical implications of AI and its impact on society, and to develop policies and regulations that promote the responsible development and use of AI.

In conclusion, AI has the potential to present challenges and opportunities for the job market and society, and all stakeholders should work together to ensure that its impact is positive for everyone.

Shell Finance: Will you replace my job (journalist)?

ChatGPT: ChatGPT, as an AI language model, has the ability to generate human-like text to assist the writing process, but it is not intended to replace journalists. Despite significant advances in AI technology, it still lacks the ability to gather and analyze information, understand context, and make ethical judgments like human journalists. The role of journalists remains important to ensure that the information reported is accurate, credible and provides a balanced perspective.

Shell Finance: What questions do you have that you can't answer?

ChatGPT: ChatGPT is trained by OpenAI to answer a wide range of questions, but there are some types of questions that cannot be answered accurately:

1 Questions that require personal opinion or subjective answers, as ChatGPT cannot express opinions or emotions.

2 Questions that require common sense or situational knowledge beyond their training data.

3 Questions that require prediction or future events because ChatGPT does not have the ability to predict the future.

4 Questions asking about personal information because ChatGPT does not have access to or provides personal information.

5 Ask questions about unethical or illegal behavior because ChatGPT is programmed to follow ethical and legal guidelines.

It is important to note that the accuracy of ChatGPT answers may also be affected by the quality and specificity of what the user inputs.

ChatGPT or Siri, who is better?

Screenshot of the reporter's conversation with ChatGPT.

As a language model, I do not have the ability to directly influence the course of human development

Shell Finance: How far are you from self-awareness?

ChatGPT: ChatGPT is a machine learning model that has no consciousness or self-awareness, and no feelings, beliefs, desires, or personal experiences. I only process the input data and generate output based on the patterns learned from its training data. ChatGPT generates output only for the information for which it has been trained and does not reflect any form of personal understanding or opinion. In other words, ChatGPT is not self-aware or subjectively experienced.

Shell Finance: Should humans be afraid of you?

ChatGPT: No, humans shouldn't be afraid of me.

I am an AI language model designed to assist humans in obtaining information and answering questions. I have no emotions, desires, or physical abilities, I can only function according to programmed abilities. My creators at OpenAI implemented strict safety measures to ensure that I didn't cause harm, and I was trained in a variety of texts to provide useful and accurate responses.

Shell Finance: Will your appearance affect the course of human development?

ChatGPT: As a language model, I don't have the ability to directly influence the course of human development. I can only provide information and answer questions to the best of my ability based on the data and context that the consumer gives me. Ultimately, human beings and their actions determine the course of human development.

Since ChatGPT is more trained on non-Chinese text, this conversation is in English and is translated by journalists for reporting.

Beijing News shell financial reporter Cheng Zijiao

Edited by Xu Chao

Proofreader Fu Chunshu

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