
Good thing, today I finally got my driver's license

author:Users' morning sunshine

After the second and first of the Shenzhen Driver's License Department this year, the third section examination went all the way to twists and turns.

The first time, about the 6-26 exam, the result is close to the exam, the itinerary code was cancelled due to the risk of checking to dongguan

The second time, received the appointment success SMS message, the exam time is set in 7-4 Sunday exam, the result just simulated in the morning full of confidence to prepare for the exam, the auxiliary city pass examination room was not opened by the car management of the appointment of the text message to play, so the complaint, on the occasion of a bad word, is our appointment system error caused, harm I lost 600 oceans in vain

The third time, so waited for more than a month, 8-4 to make an appointment to take the exam, the front all the way smooth, I thought that today a pass to get a certificate should be no problem, the result in the penultimate bus stop there is an accident car blocking the road, half a day does not go, resulting in hanging section, at that time the mood was very depressed

The fourth time, and waited again for more than 2 months 10-16 to make an appointment to the exam, and it was the 1st line of the exam, the same recipe, and the big truck turned right at the intersection to block the intersection, this time I calmed down, did not move randomly, waited for the traffic police to come and drive the truck away before moving, and finally all the way downwind section tried one over, successively took the exam four one, and took the certificate on the same day.

Fortunately, this time to withstand the pressure of the exam, now Shenzhen has cancelled several examination rooms, the examiners are piled up, and then the appointment will be more than 4 months.

Summing up this subject three exam is really a twist and turn, good things and more grinding ah

Good thing, today I finally got my driver's license
Good thing, today I finally got my driver's license

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