
Putin toasted from each screen and wished the famous Russian director a happy birthday, who gave back a philosophical golden sentence

author:Russian-speaking world
Putin toasted from each screen and wished the famous Russian director a happy birthday, who gave back a philosophical golden sentence

October 21 is the 75th birthday of the famous Russian director Nikita Mikhalkov. Because of the new crown epidemic, Russian President Vladimir Putin did not come to the door to congratulate him, but sent him sincere wishes in the form of a video link.

Putin toasted from each screen and wished the famous Russian director a happy birthday, who gave back a philosophical golden sentence

Putin sits in the office of president's residence in a new Ogalyovo, while Mikhalkov sits at a small desk at home in a black leather jacket. On the side walls hang icons of the Orthodox Church and portraits of Soviet leaders, one of which is of Putin's in the lower right.

Putin toasted from each screen and wished the famous Russian director a happy birthday, who gave back a philosophical golden sentence

"You must be very busy today, and I won't delay you for long," Putin nodded and smiled at Mikhalkov on the screen, "but I have to wish you a happy birthday in person, even if it is a fashionable way of online at the moment." ”

Putin toasted from each screen and wished the famous Russian director a happy birthday, who gave back a philosophical golden sentence

Putin wishes Mikhalkov a long and healthy life and creates more and better works. The latter reciprocates the golden sentence as a common encouragement.

"I would like to send you an Oriental proverb which must be of great benefit to you," said Mikhalkov, "'Throw dirt at me, throw stones at me.'" I am the river. ’。 We should all be like that river. ”

This proverb is very philosophical and embodies the eclectic and eclectic wisdom of the East. A person with a broad mind must be able to withstand all kinds of criticism and blame, and like a river, wrapped around them and rush forward.

It is worth mentioning that Mikhalkov has always regarded this sentence as his motto. In the 2018 Russian presidential election, Putin won the election with a high vote, and the Western media questioned the election results. In an interview with a Russian TV host, When asked how he views the election results, Mikhalkov also used this proverb to support Putin. He said, "Some people have become hysterical. But we are rivers, so we are not afraid of those stones and dirty waters. ”

Putin toasted from each screen and wished the famous Russian director a happy birthday, who gave back a philosophical golden sentence

After a brief greeting, Putin took a glass of champagne that had been prepared and said: "Although the working day is not over, I want to symbolically touch your glass." ”

Putin toasted from each screen and wished the famous Russian director a happy birthday, who gave back a philosophical golden sentence

On the screen, Mikhalkov also holds up a goblet filled with champagne. The two touched glasses across the screen and each dried the wine in the glass.

In the morning, Putin had issued an order awarding Mikhalkov the Gold Star Medal for "Hero of Labor" and presenting him with a birthday gift.

Nikita Mikhalkov, known as The Russian Stephen Spielberg. His father, Sedimi Haikov, was a poet and writer, and the Soviet national anthem was written by him. Mikhalkov's representative films include "An Unfinished Mechanical Piano Song", "Mongolian Spirit", "Scorching Sun", "Twelve Angry Men", "Scorching Sun 2", "Escape", "Heat Stroke" and so on. Among them, "Scorching Sun" won the Best Foreign Language Film Award at the 67th Academy Awards. (Author: Liu Shengren)

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