
What is the most popular man for women? Men who play table tennis well have many advantages

Interactions between men and women are sometimes complicated and sometimes simple. When complex, women are very demanding, gentle and considerate, enterprising, handsome, and able to take care of people are all necessary conditions. When it's simple, as long as you can "drive a Lamborghini with one hand". Putting aside the temptation of money and material enjoyment, what should be the man most favored by women? Then men who play table tennis well show their advantages, they have many advantages and are the best partner for women. The specific reasons are as follows:

What is the most popular man for women? Men who play table tennis well have many advantages

1. Men who play table tennis well have strong endurance

Men who play table tennis well must have strong endurance in both ordinary training and competition. Play dozens of rounds in a row without stopping or dropping the ball, so that you can accumulate a sense of hand in ordinary training, grit your teeth and persevere in the anxious moments of the game, and score one more board than your opponent. It's an ability, it's a quality.

Such a man is not only true in table tennis, but also in other aspects of life and work. Perseverance in the plain, never weak when it is critical, perseverance and perseverance, and reach the other side of victory.

What is the most popular man for women? Men who play table tennis well have many advantages

2. Men who play table tennis well know more skills

People who can play table tennis well are smart people, and men who play table tennis well must know more skills. The technical system of table tennis is the most complex, attacking, pulling, rubbing the ball, near platform, middle platform, far platform, upspin, downspin, side rotation, reverse glue, long rubber, raw sex each item must understand the principle, proficient use in order to make your technology no loopholes shortcomings, in order to always respond reasonably according to the opponent's actions in the game to win more initiative.

In life, such men are good at observing and learning, and will enrich and improve their skills according to the needs of women, and please their sweethearts. If a woman loves good food, then a man can become a special chef and make delicious dishes; If a woman needs a sense of security, then a man can become a bodyguard of Zhongnanhai and protect you; If a woman wants to solve a problem in life, then a man can become a universal repairman, and all kinds of small problems in water and electricity can be eliminated.

What is the most popular man for women? Men who play table tennis well have many advantages

3. Men who play table tennis well can control the rhythm of strength

Table tennis is not a 100-meter race the faster the better, nor is the lifting force the better. It pays attention to grasping the strength, controlling the rhythm, should be fast and slow, the force is small, and it is necessary to give severe blows to the opponent's weaknesses and shortcomings in order to win the game.

As the saying goes: "When the good flowers are half-blooming, the wine is drunk until slightly drunk." Such a man in life is rigid and soft, Zhang Chi has a degree and is free. Women who associate with such men do not have to worry about the problem of distance control between the two parties. He always creates a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, and when women need to pour out their hearts, he is the best listener; When a woman is lonely and confused, he is the best solution.

Things are clustered together, and people are grouped. Men who play table tennis well have obvious advantages that are worth cherishing and grasping by smart women. If women can learn table tennis and have a common hobby with such men, they will get along better. Men will also cherish such women more.

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