
"Man Jiang Hong" was suspected of plagiarizing "Dragon Gate Dart Bureau", the film side issued an article to refute it, and Ning Caishen also spoke

During the Spring Festival, seven movies were released together, after a week of dark competition, only "Manjiang Red" and "The Wandering Earth 2" two movies became the focus, first "The Wandering Earth 2" lived up to expectations and ranked first, but the first position was not hot, it was pulled down by "Manjiang Hong" and ranked second.

However, the sudden counterattack of "Manjiang Hong" did not gain the favor of the audience, and it was greeted by one question after another, even Zhang Yimou and the actors in the film became the target of everyone's attack, and Yi Yangqianxi was even attacked by the artillery fire of netizens, why?

Because Yi Yangqianxi's previous participation in "Young You" and "Send You a Little Red Flower" were both exposed to plagiarism (not fully confirmed), and now "Manjiang Hong" is once again suspected of plagiarizing the TV series "Dragon Gate Dart Bureau" many years ago.

Why Yi Yangqianxi always starred in movies that were questioned of plagiarism is really difficult to figure out, but the culprit will naturally not be the actors, the director and the original author are the root.

At that time, director Zhang Yimou claimed that the film had been polished for four years, but he did not expect that the plot after four years was almost the same as a certain plot in "Dragon Gate Dart Bureau", and some netizens even ridiculed that it was not plagiarism, it was cloning!

In "Dragon Gate Dart Bureau", Ning Caishen predicted the routine of "Manjiang Hong", in which Boss Jiao said that Yingluo's script is not enough to have sensationalism and family and country feelings, but also to consider market reaction, after all, commercial films must have a plan.

He proposed to have comedy elements, crosstalk, but also Boss Xue, happy head and sad tail, and finally add a chorus to sing "Manjiang Red", compared with the movie, isn't this all created according to "Dragon Gate Dart Bureau"?

The difference is that "Dragon Gate Dart" at that time was satirizing commercial movies and satirizing the plot of bad movies, but did not admit that the satirized commercial movies ten years ago became the screen champion ten years later.

Could it be that for more than a decade, the model of Chinese films can only be like this? Is this model a script that has been painstakingly polished for four years? Kind of foolish, right?

Master Zhang Yimou once said in an interview that movies should be inherited, is this the meaning of inheritance?

Plagiarism aside, "Manjiang Hong" can have such a poor reputation and has been exposed to "stealing the box office, buying water army, ghost field" and other behaviors, it is not yet possible to confirm whether there is a behind-the-scenes mastermind, but the doubts of "Manjiang Hong" are rising one after another.

The crew of "Manjiang Hong" also responded to this as soon as possible, saying that the film's fabrication of "stealing the box office, buying a water army, and ghost fields" is pure nonsense, and the producers are also collecting evidence, and have protected the legitimate rights and interests of the film through litigation and other means in accordance with the law.

Whether a movie can be successful depends not only on the director's ability, the actor's acting skills, but more importantly, on the publicity ability and the competition between capital, each film can not be said to be completely clean, but falling into the plagiarism storm, it will indeed affect the reputation of the movie.

Regarding capital operation, let's first take a look at a set of data:

It is reported that "The Wandering Earth 2" took three years, with an investment of up to 600 million, 14 studios, a studio area of nearly 60,000 square meters, 102 sci-fi main scenes to build, many scenes are also manually built, group performances up to 20,000 people, so time-consuming and laborious shooting, I believe "The Wandering Earth 2" will not be bad.

Look at "Manjiang Hong", although the cost is as high as 500 million, but it only took three months to shoot the entire film, and the box office of a movie that took three years is not comparable to "Manjiang Hong" that was filmed in three months?

In terms of ratings (as of press time), "Manjiang Red" 7.8, "The Wandering Earth 2" 8.2, there are still some gaps in word of mouth.

So, the question of netizens is, why is the box office of "Manjiang Hong" higher than "The Wandering Earth 2", and even the number of films is 5% higher than that of "The Wandering Earth", why is the final Douban score of "Manjiang Hong" so high not as good as "The Wandering Earth"?

Therefore, many netizens believe that the biggest possibility is that someone is "stealing the box office", and the capital is operating in the dark.

The author believes that this is a biased and unscientific inference, who stipulates that a movie with more investment is a good movie? Who stipulates that a good movie takes a long time? "Crazy Stone" in 2006 is a classic case with small broad.

With an investment of 3.5 million yuan, the film finally won a box office of 23.5 million yuan, and the production cycle was only 40 days.

You finish your homework in two hours, and you don't allow others to write it in half an hour and write it right and well? Is it not allowed to submit papers in advance? It's not scientific!

The reason why "Manjiang Hong" was questioned about stealing the box office was because some netizens reported that their theater "The Wandering Earth 2" has very few films, and the movie schedules of "Manjiang Hong" are all day and night, full of schedules, and even ghost fields, without careful analysis, you can know how "favoritism" each theater has for "Manjiang Red".

What's more, there was feedback from the audience that I originally bought "The Wandering Earth 2", but in the end I was refunded because of the so-called equipment failure, but strangely, not long after the refund, I found that the movie "Manjiang Hong" was about to be released in the same theater at the same time.

The so-called faulty equipment was repaired in less than ten minutes, ten minutes is not much, and it could have continued to screen "The Wandering Earth 2", but the theater changed it to "Manjiang Hong".

The staff of the theater explained that only two movies, "The Wandering Earth 2" and "Manjiang Red", sold relatively well in the New Year, and "The Wandering Earth 2" could not be screened normally, so it was replaced with "Manjiang Hong", which caused more controversy.

In addition, there are netizens who find that when buying two movie tickets such as "Nameless" and "Exchange Life", they will encounter one of the tickets that cannot be taken out, and then they will be replaced with handwritten tickets to enter, at that time the audience thought it was a problem of equipment failure, but as the situation fermented, more and more people exposed their handwritten tickets, and netizens realized that their tickets must have been "stolen"! In this way, the box office of other films will naturally decrease.

What is even more speechless is that in the movie "Nameless", when all the audience is present, the theater also forced the audience to refund the tickets, and after the refunds, the screening of "Manjiang Hong" began.

Originally, the audience was in a good mood, eating a meal and watching a movie, but I didn't expect that in the end, the good mood was interrupted! Therefore, netizens complain about when the power of capital is so strong as to restrict personal freedom and personal choice, what is the difference between this and hegemonism?

In addition to the above behaviors, "Manjiang Red" was also burst into a large number of buying water army brush comments, brush comments, and all the positive reviews will be suppressed by the few bad reviews.

Nowadays, affected by various negative news, the wind reviews of "Manjiang Red" have declined rapidly, and the box office has also fallen to a certain extent, which can be described as a heavy loss.

For these complaints from netizens, it has already had an impact on "Manjiang Hong", and the film party responded as soon as possible, saying that "this round is organized and is preparing to issue a letter (rights protection). ”

Moreover, Ning Caishen, the screenwriter of "Dragon Gate Dart Bureau", also responded suspiciously in the circle of friends, speaking out for "Manjiang Hong":

"Where is this, why is it suspected of plagiarism?" The plot can't be beaten by eight poles at all, and even the hero can't post what he sees, don't fry it blindly. ”

Ning Caishen praised "Manjiang Red" is very good-looking, the plot is neat, the narrative is progressive, and the logic is meticulous, which is the most Spring Festival atmosphere movie in this schedule.

Zhang Yimou is a very talented director, even if he does not play small tricks, he can also get a lot of dividends by relying on Zhang Yimou's ability, coupled with the popularity of Shen Teng, Yue Yunpeng, Yi Yangqianxi and others, it may not be comparable to "The Wandering Earth 2".

But why there is "Manjiang Red" plagiarism and stealing the box office, I believe that people who are well versed in traffic operations must be like Mingjing in their hearts, of course, the box office is a place where soldiers must fight, as for whether the means will use mutual black, it is difficult to say.

As audiences, we sincerely hope that Chinese films can develop healthily, and filmmakers can unite and help each other, instead of hacking each other for their own selfish interests.

Do you think "Manjiang Hong" was wronged?

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