
He has the darkness of the flower of evil in his heart, but he also longs for the light of redemption- "Doctor Jianghu"

author:Free-spirited lemon

The film unfolds in dark tones, opening with the protagonist Jan Mikoraszek treating the president to show us his identity as a doctor. Jan Mikolasek is a middle-aged and elderly man. His head was covered with white hair, but his appearance was resolute, his eyes were cold but godly, and he did not look like an old dragon clock. He set up a private nursing home to see a large number of patients every day. What is surprising is the way he sees a doctor — by looking at the urine to judge the patient's illness and prescribing herbs. His medical skills were brilliant and he had saved countless people, but through his male assistant and lover František, we learned that he himself was also ill, but he never healed. This has to make people wonder, why? Why didn't he take care of his body and not heal the disease? ...... At night, František woke up the sleeping Jan Mikolasek and told him that someone was looking for him. It turned out to be a patient named Muražek whom he had cured, who advised him to leave the Czech Republic quickly, mentioning that his situation was not optimistic, and that the state security department was investigating him and asking for trouble for him. Koyan Mikrasek refused his help, believing that his patients needed him and that he would never leave. Murazek tried his best, but to no avail, he had no choice but to leave. Then there are Mikolasek's memories... Against the background of the war, when Mikorasek and his comrades were discussing the issue of herbs they had given to others, the officers suddenly called them over from a distance, and they had to immediately straighten up and walk through the narrow tunnel. They were asked to shoot the teammates who made mistakes, the teammates cried and shouted for help, and under the repeated orders of the commander, one of them was killed because he could not bear to shoot, and under the helpless force, Mikora Sekra moved the bolt of the gun and shot the teammate, leaving only trance and fear... The picture returns to reality, Mikorasek is silent, and Frantishek says "I'm sorry" "But you've told me a hundred times" and then he says we have patients in Chicago, so let's go there. Mikolasek remained silent. Then the picture turned, the young Mikorasek in the memory of a sad face trembled and took off his shoes, put the gun at the throat, touched the shooting place with his toes, fortunately, the teammates saw the screaming name in time, and the nearby explosion suddenly attacked, Mikorasek shot to his right shoulder, and also fell ill.

He has the darkness of the flower of evil in his heart, but he also longs for the light of redemption- "Doctor Jianghu"

He also recalled his treatment of his niece Johanna. At that time, Johanna's right leg was seriously ill, the doctor said that he needed sawing legs, and Mikorasek went to the yard at night to pick herbs and indifferently put on Johanna's leg... Back in reality, Mikorasek is recounting his illness to the patient, and his assistant František still wants him to leave the place, but Mikorasek disagrees. František complained, "So what should I do?" Mikolasek replied coldly, "Pack up your things and go." František took off his white coat and left. Mikorasek then recalls that Johanna resisted on the day of the saw leg surgery, but still could not escape. When the doctor cut open the leg wrapped in the white veil and said, "It looks very serious, but there is no need to saw the leg, at most saw one or two toes", the whole family was happy. Johanna, too, looked happily at Mikorasek standing outside the window. Mikolasek also looked at his own hand, realizing that his hand had saved the man, as if seeing hope. Back in reality, Mikorasek and Frantishek were unfortunately arrested and placed on trumped-up charges. In unpleasant conversations with officials in prison, he recalled finding a widow who specialized in showing urine to treat diseases and begging her to teach herself. The widow asked him to see a patient, and he could not see it, saying only by his own intuition that the patient would die next Tuesday. The widow was angry and drove him away. The picture shows Mikorasek pruning flowers and grass in the yard, and the widow comes to him and says he's right, that the patient is indeed dead, and asks him to study at home. Mikolasek thanked her happily. As the widow taught Mikolasek the techniques of seeing urine while treating patients, Mikorasek finally became more familiar with the views and techniques of urine. However, his father did not allow him to go to the widow's house again, for fear of ruining the reputation of the family by gossip, and locked Mikorasek in the house, Mikorasek angrily took an axe and split the door, and ran down the stairs with an axe to impulsively split his father, fortunately, the family's persuasion did not lead to tragedy. Mikolasek moved to the widow's house to study medicine. One day, the widow asked Mikorasek to put a few kittens that she had just laid down into a bag and throw them into the lake, hoping to give them a hard time, but Mikolasek threw the kittens alive on the stone, just when the widow saw it, which caused a gap. The recollection was thought by his defense lawyer when he asked why he had been with the widow for two years and why the widow had left him nothing on her deathbed. At this point he had his own defence counsel in prison, who asked him questions in the hope of finding a justification for mitigating the crime. Defense attorneys then asked him if he had an intimate relationship with František and stressed that homosexuality is illegal. Mikolasek turned back in firm denial and said, "You don't understand me at all!" He then recalled that František had come to apply for the position of assistant, and František was a strong young man who was in his youth. He was not prepared to hire František, but when František assured him that he could give him unreserved sincerity, he was shaken and eventually hired František.

He has the darkness of the flower of evil in his heart, but he also longs for the light of redemption- "Doctor Jianghu"

At the beginning of the work, František struggled to learn everything, but there was no contradiction in this. One night, when Mikolaszek came back from work and saw the sleeping František, his hands still holding his herbal scriptures, he walked gently toward Frantishek, his head slowly lowered, and at the last moment, František suddenly woke up, looking at each other. Mikorasek was still doing what he had just done, but František refused him and physically clashed with him, knocking him to the ground and slapping him. Then when he woke up, Frantishek regretted it and took the initiative to kiss Mikolasek... They were together. But always have to be sneaky. Because František was married, and the society at that time did not accept homosexuality. But they don't care. Mikorasek and Frantishek often went on outings together to relax.

He has the darkness of the flower of evil in his heart, but he also longs for the light of redemption- "Doctor Jianghu"

František took him to his house as a guest, and it was raining, and when he was sheltering from the rain, his mother saw them hugging each other... Mikorasek then bought a car to keep František by his side and asked him to go to see patients on weekends with him instead of going home to reunite with his wife. When Mikorasek learned that František's wife was pregnant, he feared that František would leave him, and gave Frantishek the herb for the abortion, asking František to hand it over to his wife in the name of love. František was reluctant, but it coincided with the arrival of government members at the Mikorasek Clinic, who was interrogated alone and beaten. František was heartbroken and finally agreed to his request. In the end, Mikorasek and Frantishek were tried by a judge, and Mikorasek blamed Frantishek on the false but incriminating crime to Frantishek, who silently accepted and confessed to the crime alone. Unfortunately, his mother was hysterical, saying that her son was controlled by Mikoraszek, and he had always been afraid of this person, but it only caused a sigh... The two of them were taken out of the courtroom, and in a prison, František's handcuffed hands silently went to Ramikorašek's somewhat old and thin hands, two eyes, all in silence... The whole drama is basically over at this point, followed by Mikorasek's summary of his feelings about treating patients, and nothing else.

He has the darkness of the flower of evil in his heart, but he also longs for the light of redemption- "Doctor Jianghu"

This drama is really rich in connotation and profound in meaning. Mikorasek is a cold man, he killed his teammates, the newborn kittens were thrown to death, cold to the extreme; he is also a person who does not know how to express his feelings, picking herbs at night to apply medicine to his niece's legs, although he healed her legs, he was not very sure, and he was cold to his niece; he was a poor man; after he killed his teammates, he also hoped to end his life to get salvation. He was always looking for the light of redemption, he often knelt on a stone and covered his knees with blood to pray to Jesus for redemption and washing away his sins; he fell to death a kitten longing to wash away his sins with the blood of cats; he saved his niece and widows to study medicine to wash away sins; he did not cure his illness and let it destroy his body in order to wash away his sins; he even had the idea of strangling František to wash away his sins...

He has the darkness of the flower of evil in his heart, but he also longs for the light of redemption- "Doctor Jianghu"

These thoughts, one thought becomes a demon, the other becomes a Buddha, the human heart is so complicated, sometimes we have the idea of hurting others to pray for our own comfort and salvation, and sometimes we also do really praise good deeds, acts that society praises. But this is not an act of the heart, and it is impossible to get real happiness and redemption. But what is the human heart? It's a long way, and we're still going to think...

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