
"Tutor" Introduction (Last Issue) Peng Gelie Tenth Generation 01: Introduction 02: Introduction to Combat Methods 03: Approximate Plot Introduction 04: Xiaobian's summary of the above

author:Wild said anime

[Pay attention to the editor, take you to understand the anime] Below we directly enter the main topic

<h1>01: Introduction</h1>

"Tutor" tells the story of the struggle between the Pengelle family and other families, which is one of the earlier anime, the main characters are the leaders and guardians of the tenth generation of Pengelley.

(1): Introduction of Pengele's tenth generation of characters

Pengele's 10th Generation Leader: Tsunayoshi Sawata Ōkō Ring User, Fire Attribute Daikō.

Guardian of the 10th Generation Cloud of Pengele: Cloud Sparrow Gongmi Cloud Ring User, Fire Attribute Cloud.

Pengele 10th Generation Rain Guardian: Yamamoto Takeshi Ring User, Fire Attribute Rain.

Guardian of Pengele's 10th Generation Qing: The user of the Pingqing Ring, the fire attribute Qing.

Guardian of Pengele's 10th Generation Thunder: Blue Wave Thunder Ring User, Fire Attribute Ray.

Guardian of pengelier's tenth generation of Arashi: HellShira ring user, Fire Attribute Arashi.

Guardian of pengele's tenth generation of fog: The user of the six skeleton fog rings, the fire attribute fog.

The main protagonists have these characters, each with their own personality characteristics, why does the editor say that the fire attribute, what is the fire? Let's take a look at the introduction

"Tutor" Introduction (Last Issue) Peng Gelie Tenth Generation 01: Introduction 02: Introduction to Combat Methods 03: Approximate Plot Introduction 04: Xiaobian's summary of the above

<h1>02: Introduction to combat methods</h1>

Pengelle is italy's "mafia organization" Ten years later, the way of fighting is mainly to use fire and box weapons as the main means of combat.

(1): Ring fire

Fire is one of the main ways of combat after ten years, the ability caused by the ring, fire can easily melt the steel bar, if there is no fire and fire in the battle only "defeat" fire is a very common thing in the later stage, almost everyone has fire, as long as the ring itself has enough consciousness can cause fire, thus to achieve the means of combat, fire has is one of the most important factors in opening the box weapon Below we talk about the box weapon.

"Tutor" Introduction (Last Issue) Peng Gelie Tenth Generation 01: Introduction 02: Introduction to Combat Methods 03: Approximate Plot Introduction 04: Xiaobian's summary of the above

(2): Box weapons

Box weapons small editor does not know much, because in the "Tutor" in the future chapter of the box weapons just like out of thin air, but also one of the main combat methods after that, the box weapons contain animals are mainly used to assist in combat, by the ring of fire for the box weapons "activation key" can open the box weapons to release the animals with strong fire ability, everyone's box weapons inside the animals are different, such as the above picture of the Lark Gongmi box weapon is a hedgehog, each different attribute of the box weapon has different characteristics

The box weapon with the large air attribute has the characteristic of reconciliation

The rain attribute of the box weapon has the characteristic of stationary

The box weapon of the clear attribute has the characteristic of activity

Cloud-attribute box weapons have the characteristic of reproduction

The Arashi attribute's box weapon has the characteristic of decomposition

The thunder attribute of the box weapon has the characteristic of hardening

The box weapon with the fog attribute has the characteristic of construction

The following picture is the animal summoned by the box weapon, which represents different attributes.

"Tutor" Introduction (Last Issue) Peng Gelie Tenth Generation 01: Introduction 02: Introduction to Combat Methods 03: Approximate Plot Introduction 04: Xiaobian's summary of the above

<h1>03: Rough synopsis</h1>

Pengele is a long-standing "Italian mafia family" has a generation to the present ten generations of heirs, of which the main combat force is by the tenth generation of Pengele, that is, Sawata and his guardians, or the ninth generation of direct assassination troops Wallian for the main combat force, in the anime mainly with the Mirufio family led by BaiLan ten years later, which is divided into "Daily Chapter, Ring Battle, Future Chapter" The future chapter is divided into "Mirufio Division, 73 Scramble, and Armageddon", From the cowardly Sawata to the responsible tenth generation leader of Pengeli.

Xiaobian popularization: Here by the way, the advance combat is mainly based on physical skills, and the later stage is to rely on fire and box weapons

The story of Sawata and the Guardians from ordinary high school students to qualified Pengele Pengele heirs is mainly because the people grew up step by step under the teaching of Bao En in the Rainbow.

"Tutor" Introduction (Last Issue) Peng Gelie Tenth Generation 01: Introduction 02: Introduction to Combat Methods 03: Approximate Plot Introduction 04: Xiaobian's summary of the above

<h1>04: Xiaobian summarized the above</h1>

After reading so many analyses, do you have a general understanding of the tenth generation of the Pengele family, as well as the combat methods and plots?

This anime is probably the whole plot and even the situation is like this, the following small series summarizes a few small points to let everyone have a clearer understanding of all the above

Character introduction

Introduction to the way of fighting


The whole article of the small editor is probably to introduce these three points, the fight scenes and physical skills in the play are more interesting mainly reflected in the later battles, and sawata Tsunayoshi's personality change called "Waste Wood Class" and the story of leading everyone to fight with the Mirufio family in order to protect what they want to protect after growing up.

The above is the introduction of this issue of Xiaobian, the next issue of Xiaobian will introduce pengele's biggest enemy Mirufio family, Xiaobian here will continue to output about ten "Tutor" articles also hope that everyone will support Xiaobian more.

Welcome to comment out your thoughts in the comment area below, we will see you in the next issue.

"Tutor" Introduction (Last Issue) Peng Gelie Tenth Generation 01: Introduction 02: Introduction to Combat Methods 03: Approximate Plot Introduction 04: Xiaobian's summary of the above

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